Library conditions of use
- Authority and delegation
- Conditions of entry to the Library
- Conduct within the Library
- Use of Library materials
- Electronic Library materials
- Equipment
- Client identification
- Borrowing conditions
- Renewals
- Sanctions
- Breach of conditions of use
- Governing legislation
Authority and delegation
- The University Librarian is responsible for administering the Library conditions of use and may delegate authority to administer them. View the Library Policy.
Conditions of entry to the Library
The University's libraries are open to the public. Library clients are defined as current students and staff of the University, registered borrowers, Deakin Alumni, the community, visitors and any other stakeholders.
By using Deakin's Library services you agree to the Conditions of Use.
- It is a condition of entry into the Library that Library staff and Campus Support Officers may inspect all bags capable of containing Library materials or equipment.
- If a person refuses such inspection of their bags or other receptacles, they may be refused entry or asked to leave the Library.
Conduct within the Library
- Library clients are expected to treat Library staff and other visitors to the library with dignity and respect at all times. Any abusive, threatening, violent or disruptive behaviour towards staff and other visitors to the Library will not be tolerated. Library staff and Campus Support Officers have the right to eject anyone who engages in such behaviour, and may deny access to Library facilities, services and other resources on a temporary or permanent basis.
- Library spaces support quiet study, group work and student interaction. Quiet study areas are designated by signage, indicating that others should not be disrupted. Library clients who disturb quiet use of the Library may be asked to move to another area of the Library, or to leave.
- Children in the Library. Children, under the age of 12 years should be supervised by a responsible adult at all times while in the Library. Parents/care providers who leave a child unattended in the Library are exposing them to potential harm and the Library has a legal and moral responsibility to protect the child from potential harm or injury. If a child is found unattended in the Library and the parent/care provider cannot be located within the Library, Library staff will contact Campus Support Officers, appropriate authorities and welfare services.
- Library and Campus Support Officers may request that a person using the Library comply with these conditions or leave the Library.
- Only notices approved by the Library, including from other Divisions and Faculties of the University, may be displayed in the Library. Notices displayed without approval from Library management will be removed.
- Eating in the Library is allowed except for the Reset Rooms and areas designated as food-free spaces. In consideration of Library users, strong smelling food is also not allowed. Drink containers must have lids.
- Sleeping in the Library is not allowed, with the exception of a short power nap.
- All commercial and internal filming and photography within the Library must be approved by Library management.
- Library clients are responsible for their personal property at all times, and should never leave personal belongings unattended. The University is not responsible for loss or damage to personal belongings. Where items are left unattended for 30 minutes or longer, for equity of use, safety and security reasons, they may be moved by Library staff. When demand for space is high, Library clients may be asked to move to another area of the Library to facilitate equitable access to facilities.
Use of Library materials
- Damage or defacement of Library materials is strictly forbidden and may incur a replacement charge.
- Library clients must observe special use restrictions which apply to any materials, including the Special Collection and items borrowed via Interlibrary Loan.
- Library clients must comply with copyright requirements and must not copy, print, scan, download or record Library material in any manner which infringes the Copyright Act 1968 (Commonwealth).
Electronic Library materials
- Many electronic Library resources subscribed to by the Library are only available to Deakin University staff and students. In some instances the Library has negotiated access for other Library clients e.g. Deakin College, Alumni.
- Library clients are required to comply with the terms of use for electronic Library materials and be authorised users, as detailed in 'Licensing Resource Information' available on the Library webpage for each individual electronic resource.
- All use of Deakin University Library electronic resources must be for educational, research or personal purposes. Information must not be used for commercial purposes or re-sold in any way. Copyright for electronic resources resides with the original author or publisher.
- Systematic downloading of electronic Library material is not permitted.
- A breach of the licensing terms of use for an electronic information resource may result in penalties as described under Breach of conditions of use within these Conditions of Use.
- Equipment available for loan may only be borrowed in person by Deakin University staff and students for educational purposes.
Client identification
- When borrowing Library materials, a current Deakin Card is required. Deakin University Library community membership details are provided by email to facilitate borrowing via the Deakin Borrow app or with staff assistance.
- For confidentiality or privacy reasons, Library clients may be asked to confirm their identity by providing information such as a student or staff number, address or other personal information.
- The University will treat personal information in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. The University's privacy policy is available on the Deakin Policy Library.
- The loss of a borrower's card must be reported to the Library immediately. The cardholder may be responsible for any items borrowed up until the time the Library has been notified of the card loss.
Borrowing conditions
Most Library print material is available for loan. Materials in the following collections are an exception and may only be used within the Library:
- Print Journal Collection
- Items marked 'not for loan'
- Special Collection
- In special circumstances, items in these collections may be borrowed by arrangement with Library staff.
- External borrowers may be restricted in the range of items that they may borrow, as some collections are only available for use by Deakin University staff and students.
- Material available for loan can only be removed from the Library once the loan has been recorded.
- The number of items that may be borrowed, renewal periods, and the location to which they may be returned varies for different categories of Library clients and type of Library materials.
- It is the responsibility of the borrower to return all items in good condition and on time.
- Items requested by another Library client may be recalled. There is a minimum loan period if an item is requested by another client.
- The Library sends notices by email.
- Special borrowing privileges may be available in certain circumstances, for example for students or staff with a disability. Contact Library staff to discuss specific needs.
- Most items can be renewed if not requested by another Library client.
- The number of renewals and the renewal period allowed is displayed on the Library website.
- Please contact us if you are having difficulty renewing items.
- Please contact us if you are having difficulty returning items by the due date, if you have damaged or lost an item, or if due to circumstances beyond your control, you will be unduly disadvantaged by any of the conditions outlined in this document.
- A suspension from borrowing items may occur if items are not returned by the due date.
- An encumbrance may be placed on a student’s record, or other sanction may occur, if a student repeatedly disregards and abuses these conditions of borrowing.
Breach of conditions of use
Where a Library client has committed a breach of these Conditions of Use, Library staff may impose one or more of the following actions:
- immediate expulsion from the Library
- the denial of access to the Library or any of its material or other facilities through the use of sanctions or other means
- Where an alleged breach of this procedure is viewed as a potential student or staff misconduct issue, it will be escalated by the University Librarian as per Deakin's Codes of Conduct and associated procedures.
- The management of personal information collected by the Library complies with Deakin University policies and procedures that relate to information privacy. More information can be found at: Information Privacy for Students.
Governing legislation
The legislation governing the Library at Deakin University includes the following:
Statutes and Regulations of the University
- Statute 6.1 University Property, Facilities, Fees and Charges
- Regulation 4.1 (1) General Misconduct
- Regulation 6.1 (2) University Property
- Regulation 6.1 (3) The Library
Policy and Procedure
Approved by the University Librarian: 2 March, 2017