Collection values, principles and criteria
Collection values
The Library’s collections are underpinned by the below values.
We build physical and electronic collections that engage, inspire, equip, and support our Deakin communities to achieve impactful, high quality educational and research outcomes.
We provide resources to our Deakin communities that deliver personalised, immersive, and user-friendly experiences that encourage lifelong learning.
Open based on FAIR and CARE principles
We promote open practices and work towards a more sustainable scholarly publishing, information, and collections model that prioritises transparency and access based on the FAIR principles – findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable – and support the CARE principles for Indigenous Data Governance.
We respect and protect the right of self-determination and interests of First Nations peoples in how indigenous resources and data are collected, accessed and used.
We make our resources easily and broadly discoverable and accessible for Deakin communities.
We balance access and appropriate reuse of sensitive resources and First Nations materials, therefore limiting access to some of our collections where necessary.
We recognise and embrace, both in our collections and the services we provide, the needs of Deakin’s diverse communities, and encourage and include the involvement of unique and underrepresented voices and perspectives in the development of our Library’s collections including appropriate modes of description and access.
The Library acquires materials that represent a wide variety of opinions and different viewpoints and upholds the principles of intellectual freedom and access to information. Material is not censored in any way but is selected according to its relevance to Deakin University’s teaching, learning and research programs. The inclusion of content does not imply the endorsement of the content by Deakin University.
We recognise First Nations voices and the perspectives that they bring to the development of our Library’s collections.
We acquire a broad range of resources that amplify diverse voices, perspectives, and ways of knowing.
We address systemic biases and exclusionary practices in our Library collections by consulting and collaborating with Deakin’s diverse communities and taking appropriate action.
We continue to explore and develop collaborative national and international networks with institutions and industry partners to provide access to a wide range of resources to Deakin’s communities and facilitate the Library’s and Deakin’s strategic priorities.
Collection principles
Our collection principles guide the Library’s decision-making regarding acquisition, development and maintenance of collections underpinned by the collection values. The principles are evaluated through various collection performance criteria in form of the collection evaluation rubric and in the context of the Deakin 2030: Ideas to Impact strategy and the Deakin Library Plan 2022-2025, and are regularly reviewed to adapt to the rapidly changing scholarly communication landscape.
The collection principles are as follows.
Providing relevant and current resources
- We select resources that are relevant to Deakin’s teaching, learning, and research activities
- Alignment with Deakin Strategy, Vision and Values
- Disciplinary Field
Ensuring fit for purpose resources
- Electronic format is preferred where reasonable access to technology and licensing conditions can be provided to support the Deakin Design Principles and Practices (staff only), in particular of learning experiences being digital by design, except in the following circumstances where:
- print is the only format available
- print is the preferred format in relation to specific content, discipline, or purpose
- content is part of a special or archival collection
- technical infrastructure does not enable sustainable or robust access
- licensing terms and conditions are prohibitive or leverage significant additional cost
- We provide resources that are user-friendly and suitable for the intended purpose.
- We deliver adaptive and flexible systems for discovery and access to our collections.
- We reduce duplication of content where possible. Limited copies will be purchased for unit readings.
- Alignment with Deakin Strategy, Vision and Values
- Disciplinary Field
- Usability and Accessibility
- Licensing and Compliance
- Administration
Enabling user-friendly access and availability
- We make access to our collections – print and electronic – as convenient as possible to Deakin’s communities, regardless of the user’s geographic location.
- Where access is impeded, we work with our network of libraries, consortia, vendors and publishers, both national and international, to provide alternative access routes to required resources.
- Usability and Accessibility
- Metadata and Discovery
- Licensing and Compliance
Enabling discovery and accessibility
- Our collections, both print and electronic, are easily discoverable and accessible through appropriate platforms and technologies.
- We aim for AA compliance as set out by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.2).
- Metadata and Discovery
- Usability and Accessibility
Protecting user privacy
- We adhere to the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic), the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) and Deakin’s Privacy Policy.
- We support the CAUL Procurement Guidance Statement to Vendors on Privacy and Unauthorised Access Processes.
- Metadata and Discovery
- Licensing and Compliance
Ensuring financial sustainability
- We ensure financial sustainability and equity of access by requiring our suppliers to adhere to principles of fairness and transparency and reflect this in their agreement terms, business models and their assessment of the cost of provision of resources to our communities in line with the CAUL Principles & Framework for Pricing Digital Content.
- Cost and Usage
- Licensing and Compliance
- Administration
Conducting evidence-based and informed collection reviews
- We evaluate electronic resources based on publisher and COUNTER-compliant data to inform acquisition or deselection of resources.
- We regularly and systematically review of our print and electronic resources to ensure the Library’s collections continue to meet the principles encapsulated in this framework.
- Cost and Usage
Upholding intellectual freedom and limiting censorship
- We acquire resources that represent a wide variety of opinions and different viewpoints and uphold the principles of intellectual freedom and access to information as outlined in Deakin’s Code For Upholding Freedom Of Speech And Academic Freedom. The Library’s Intellectual Freedom and Censorship statement provides additional context.
- Alignment with Deakin Strategy, Vision and Values
- Disciplinary Field
Advancing Deakin strategy
- The Library collects the scholarly record of Deakin research output and actively acquires publications by Deakin affiliated authors that reflect the University’s strategic priorities.
- We aim to reflect Deakin’s publishing priorities and support publication in our collections through the inclusion of Deakin authored content.
- Alignment with Deakin Strategy, Vision and Values
- Disciplinary Field
Staying accountable and compliant
- We operate responsibly, stay accountable and remain informed and up to date with relevant industry standards and practices.
- The development and management of our collections is informed by national policies and guidelines that address cultural and social sensitivities, including but not limited to Deakin University’s policies, Public Record Office Victoria Standards, Policies and Guides, and the CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance.
- Alignment with Deakin Strategy, Vision and Values
- Licensing and Compliance