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About collection governance


Deakin Library facilitates access to information by acquiring, curating, and managing resources that meet the diverse needs of Deakin’s communities to enable excellence and innovation in education and research. Our collections constantly transform and evolve to adapt to the rapidly changing scholarly communications landscape and continually explore innovative approaches to provide the most relevant and fit for purpose information to our users.

The Library is the trusted custodian for Deakin’s unique and valuable University Archives and Special Collections which collect and maintain records relating to the history of Deakin University and contain resources which need special care and/or consideration and are of significant, rare, or fragile nature.

The Library aims to make these collections discoverable and accessible and ensures their preservation. These collections are showcased by physical or digital exhibitions.

Our vision

The Library provides a depth of resources in a variety of formats that reflect the research interests, experiences and perspectives of Deakin University to nurture a vibrant scholarly community. Our collections inspire users to learn, explore, research, and discover new ideas, while fostering a culture of curiosity, experimentation, exploration, and a sense of community and belonging.

Deakin Library aims to innovate and evolve our collections and service delivery to meet the needs of our diverse communities and is directly aligned with Deakin 2030: Ideas to Impact and the Deakin Library Plan 2022-2025. Therefore, Deakin Library’s collections are constantly transforming and adapting to stay current and fit for purpose.


Deakin Library’s Collection Governance Framework outlines the values, principles and criteria that guide the development, management, and maintenance of all of Deakin Library’s collections, including electronic and physical resources, digital collections, Special Collections and University Archives and ensures they meet the diverse needs of Deakin’s communities.

The Library acquires resources in compliance with the Library Policy, Library Donations Procedure, University Procurement Policy and the University Contracts Policy in line with the values, principles and collection evaluation rubric set out in this framework.

To ensure equitable service and access to our collections and best value for our communities, Deakin Library does not usually purchase the following types of resources:

  • Personal copies for individual use that do not become part of the Library collections (i.e. access restricted to a single or limited number of nominated users, e.g. for individually licensed standards).
  • Resources restricted to a specific cohort of user – this includes resources where access is restricted to single or limited number of users or units, faculties, or departments.
  • Resources which are predominantly commercial in nature or intended for commercial use.

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