Textbooks and readings
There are lots of things to consider when selecting your unit texts. Check out the information below or talk to your librarian for support.
Prescribed and recommended textbooks
If a resource is essential for your students to succeed in the unit, it should be a prescribed text.
Recommended textbooks are additional resources that help students build foundational knowledge.
The library is unable to guarantee textbook access for every student. We recommend students buy their own copy.
Choosing a prescribed textbook
If you’ve decided to prescribe a textbook, consider the following:
- Is it the current version?
- Is it available as an e-book? This is essential for online units.
- How much will the book cost students?
- Can you use open education resources to provide free online access for all your students?
- Is there an alternative textbook available with similar content that is more up to date, easier to access and cheaper for students?
- Is the whole book necessary, or just certain sections? If it is only certain sections, the library can digitise 10% or one chapter.
- Will it be useful to students in future units or after graduation?
Alternatives to a prescribed textbook
Here are some different strategies you can also consider:
- Provide a curated list of weekly or topic readings available online. This could include journal articles, videos, book chapters, news, reports, etc.
- Use a range of chapters from different textbooks.
Some advantages of this approach include:
- reduced financial outlay for the student
- students engage with a variety of information sources and formats
- multiple perspectives from different authors are represented
- reduced access issues associated with limited library copies
- flexibility to select online resources or digitised portions of books.
Tip: Early discussion of your ideas with your librarian will allow time for a range of options to be explored that suit your specific needs.
Confirming your textbook selection
Textbook selections must be confirmed before each teaching period begins. You can do this by responding to our confirmation request email or by providing the details directly to the Course Resources and Access team.
Unit readings
Unit readings are a list of weekly or module-based resources that students should read as part of the unit. We recommend using our Reading List management system.
Assigning prescribed, recommended or further readings
The importance you assign to a reading can have implications for students and the university. There are three levels of importance at Deakin:
- Prescribed: Students must read this material. Reading it is essential for them to understand the unit content and achieve a successful result
- Recommended: Students will benefit greatly from accessing recommended reading. It is not compulsory reading, but it provides additional information that reinforces the core content and deepens their understanding.
- Further reading: This is optional content that the academic has deemed could be useful for students who are seeking additional information or context about a topic or unit.
Tip: You can assign levels of importance in a reading list. For assistance with this, check the reading list instructions for academics.
The library will order an e-book as the preference where available. If only available in print, limited copies will be purchased. Contact the Course Resources and Access team to discuss digitisation options for print only resources. If significant portions of a book are set as prescribed readings, consider setting the book as a prescribed text for the unit.