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How do I create a data management plan?

Research Data Footprints

Research Data Footprints is an online tool that will guide you step-by-step through the process of creating a data management plan and describe your data collections for archiving, discovery, and reuse or possible publication.

Follow the steps in Footprints to produce a formatted PDF plan that can be used in grant applications, or as part of a project plan.

Information on how to use Research Data Footprints can be found in the Research Data Footprints Guide or in the help found within the tool.

Data Management Checklist

The Data Management Checklist is designed as a preliminary guide to walk you through the most important steps of the data management cycle and provide you easy access to key resources and tips.

You can use this checklist to:

  • Start thinking about your data management plan,
  • Describe and organise your data for reuse and discovery,
  • Store and protect your data for long-term preservation,
  • Collaboratively create and use data with other researchers,
  • Share and publish your data,
  • Access key data management resources and tools (national and institutional),
  • Initiate a conversation on your data management needs with your supervisor(s).

Research data management requirements may change as your research progresses; policies, legislation, personnel and technologies all evolve, and refinements to research methodologies are common. Refer to your checklist regularly and update it as required.

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