Where to search for theses depends on where the thesis was submitted and published.
- DRO - Deakin Doctoral and Masters theses are curated and preserved in DRO . Use 'Advanced Search' and for 'Document Type' select 'Thesis'.
- Trove - Australian content from libraries, museums, archives and other research organisations. Use ‘Advanced Search’, and limit by the format ‘thesis’.
- Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global - more than 2.7 million entries with over 1.2 million records in full text
- OATD - Access theses from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions.
- Google Scholar - Search scholarly literature online. Include the keyword ‘thesis’.
- Visit the NDLTD country or region list for more global resources.
Find a thesis:
- contact your Librarian
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