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Film, TV and sound

Deakin has several licences that allow the use of film, TV and sound for teaching.

You  must always use a legal copy of any resource. Content streamed from YouTube and other online video platforms must have been uploaded with permission from the content owner. Most freely available full-length movies online are not legitimate. If you are unsure about whether you can use a resource, please contact the Copyright Team.

Staff must respect the moral rights of creators by attributing all content that is copied. This means that as a minimum, the title of the content and creator are provided to students. We recommend that staff provide students with full citations to role model the practice expected of them . The minimum requirements of attribution are:

  • Films – title and director
  • TV – title and production studio
  • Music – title and artists/composers
  • Broadcasts – as for Films and TV, and the broadcast date and broadcast channel

Teaching staff should consult the relevant section below that matches their methods of teaching because the coverage of the licences varies.


Students can learn how they can use video, audio and other resources in their coursework by completing Module 3: Copyright for your studies.

Classrooms and lectures (not recorded)

When teaching in a classroom, teaching staff are allowed to show film, TV and sound to students if the class is not recorded. These rules apply to livestreamed digital classrooms. If your class is not recorded, you can:

  • Screen DVDs that you own or borrowed
  • Screen YouTube, streaming services and other legally uploaded online videos
  • Screen free to air TV and personal recordings of TV broadcasts
  • Screen content from library digital resources
  • Provide students with links to legally uploaded online videos
  • Play radio broadcasts, music, and podcasts to your students

Classrooms and lectures (recorded)

When teaching a class which is recorded, teaching staff have less flexibility to show film, TV and sound to students. These rules apply to recorded and pre-recorded lectures. The recordings of lectures must be restricted to students and have a section 113P warning notice displayed or inserted by the video platform. If your class is being recorded, you can:

  • Screen a fair portion of a film, TV show or other audio or video which is a fair dealing for the purpose of criticism or review. This is when a lecturer is genuinely analysing, evaluating and making a judgement on the content, or underlying concepts as part of the lecture. The purpose is not to provide material for students to evaluate. The portion used should be fair, such as a scene or 10% of the resource.
  • Screen video that has come from a free-to-air broadcast. You can play video from catch-up TV services like SBS OnDemand, provided the video had aired on free-to-air TV. You cannot play non-broadcast streaming services like Netflix and Stan.
  • Screen video from our Library databases from Library video resources.
  • Play legally purchased sound recordings of music.
  • Play sound recording that has come from a radio broadcast, or a radio podcast.  You cannot play non-broadcast podcast services like iTunes and SoundCloud podcasts.
  • Provide links to legally uploaded videos and audio.

Unit sites

When adding content to a unit site, the use of material often relies on where the material is hosted. Video content is usually not uploaded directly to the LMS, but rather one of the video platforms provided for teaching purposes. When adding content to a unit site, you can:

  • Use Deakin created video.
  • Link to legally uploaded online video. Do not direct students to video that has been uploaded in breach of copyright. If you are unsure about whether you can use a resource, please contact the Copyright Team.
  • Embed video from an online video platform where it is supported by the platform. If a website provides embed code (Library video platforms) or is integrated with D2L (like YouTube) then you can embed that content in the unit site. Ensure the video has not been uploaded in breach of copyright.
  • Copy and upload broadcast TV and radio. Explore our specific guidance and requirements below.
  • Upload sound recordings of music from the OneMusic repertoire to unit sites for download or stream.

Copying broadcasts, catch-up TV and radio podcasts

Deakin has a blanket license to copy and use radio and television broadcasts. This content can be used flexibly because it is one of the few options that can be used in any classroom environment. A broadcast copy requires additional attribution and a Section 113P warning notice. Faculty Support can provide guidance about video platforms and inserting the warning notice. To get access to a broadcast content, you can:

  • Submit a request for a recording of an upcoming TV broadcast to take place for inclusion in the Library’s broadcast video services. Send the details of what you want recorded to
  • Make your own recording of a free-to-air broadcast.
  • Make a copy from another broadcast copy. For example, borrow a broadcast copy from another library and make a digital copy. Please contact the Copyright Team for assistance with identifying broadcast copies held by other libraries.
  • Use copies made from catch-up TV services like SBS OnDemand if the content was originally aired as a free-to-air broadcast.

Get in touch

The Copyright Team provides copyright help to everyone within Deakin. We manage Deakin University copyright and external requests to use University works.