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Submitting to a research repository

Legal deposit is a requirement under the Copyright Act 1968. It ensures a comprehensive collection of published material relating to Australia and its people is preserved for future generations.

A copy of works published in Victoria must be deposited with State Library Victoria under section 49 of the Libraries Act 1988 (Vic) and the National Library of Australia.

Not all materials are required to be deposited. Please refer to the State Library of Victoria and the National Library of Australia for further information.

National edeposit (NED)

You can deposit electronic publications through a single online service – National edeposit (NED).

National edeposit simplifies your deposit obligations. You can deposit books, serials, maps and music scores. The details of your publications are discoverable on Trove, and on national, state and territory library catalogues.

Adding copies of your work to repositories

If you can make a copy of your work available in a repository like DRO,, ResearchGate or other sites will depend on:

  • who owns the copyright in your work
  • what you agreed to in your publishing contract
  • what you agreed to in your research/funding contract
  • if your work contains third party material (i.e. maps, graphs, diagrams, images, tables etc) you didn't create

Read the terms and conditions of the repository you intend to upload your work into. Make sure they don't request you assign or transfer your copyright or intellectual property to them, and check if they sub-licence content to other users.

It is easiest to upload your work into a single repository, and link to it from other locations, if you can.

Deposit in DRO

All research outputs by Deakin University staff and HDR students must deposited in DRO. Find more information on making your research accessible through DRO.

Get in touch

The Copyright Team provides copyright help to everyone within Deakin. We manage Deakin University copyright and external requests to use University works.