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About Deakin Research Online (DRO)

Deakin Research Online (DRO) is Deakin University's research repository. It describes and preserves all research outputs produced by our researchers, staff and higher degree research students, including published outputs, datasets and theses.

All research outputs available in the repository are discoverable by the world’s major search engines including Google Scholar, and harvested by websites including Trove and other scholarly databases.  Whenever possible, DRO provides full and open access to these outputs

Deakin’s researchers benefit from sharing their work in DRO in multiple ways, including: increased impact and recognition of research

  • raised research profiles
  • increased citation of work acknowledging researcher's contribution
  • connecting and identifying researchers within the broader research community
  • transparency, thus supporting research integrity
  • supporting the responsible communication of research results
  • reuse by researchers in other fields for different purposes

What does DRO collect?

DRO includes the following groups of materials:

  • Research from Deakin’s researchers, including traditional research outputs such as journal articles and book chapters, and non traditional outputs including performances and creative writing.
  • A selection of research datasets generated during the research process
  • Theses (Doctoral and Masters research theses)
  • Special and Cultural collections from the University’s Special Collections, including digitised books, pamphlets, manuscripts and other materials

Reporting obligations

DRO delivers the data for the University's research reporting obligations for Excellence in Research Australia (ERA), and funding body requirements for:

  • Australian Research Council (ARC),
  • National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

These records form a major component of the DRO research collection.

Get in touch

Contact your librarian for assistance.