Our people

Learn more about Deakin Law School staff and the prominent professors and lecturers who could be teaching you. Find staff member profiles and read about their most recent publications.

Meet the Deakin Law School Dean

Professor McMahon is a law academic and a psychologist. Her teaching and research spans criminal law, criminal procedure, and evidence, with a focus on laws relating to domestic and family violence. She is a co-convenor of the Deakin Network Against Gendered Violence. Professor McMahon has consulted for various governments on criminal justice issues. She is a member of the Forensic Leave Panel and the Disciplinary Appeals Board and from 2022 to 2024 was Chair of Victoria’s Sentencing Advisory Council.

We encourage our students to engage thoughtfully and critically with legal and social issues, and provide them with a stimulating and challenging learning environment. They graduate equipped to assume professional responsibilities and make a positive contribution.

Professor Marilyn McMahon

Dean, Deakin Law School

School executive

Dean of Law
Professor Marilyn McMahon

Deputy Dean of Law
Professor Patrick Emerton

School Manager
Linda Black

Director of Research
Professor Dan Meagher

Director of International 
Professor Jean du Plessis

Director, Juris Doctor (JD)
Dr Tamsin Paige

Director, Bachelor of Laws
Dr Sven Gallasch

Director of Teaching
Associate Professor Gabrielle Wolf

Academic coordinators

Director, Bachelor of Laws 
Dr Sven Gallasch

Director, Juris Doctor (JD)
Dr Tamsin Paige

Director of HDR
Associate Professor Ben Saunders

Deputy Director, Bachelor of Laws
Dr Antje Kreutzmann-Gallasch

Director, Bachelor of Laws (Honours) 
Associate Professor Mark Bowler-Smith

Associate Head of School
Professor Patrick Emerton

Director of International
Professor Jean du Plessis

Director of Teaching
Associate Professor Gabrielle Wolf

Deputy Director of Teaching
Associate Professor Colin Campbell

Coordinator, Recognition of prior learning
Dr Penny Gleeson

Director, Research
Professor Dan Meagher

Program Coordinator, Deakin Law Clinic
Michele Tucker

Moot Director
Dr Bruce Chen

Study with us

Deakin Law School empowers students, staff and partners to work toward positive change. Get a first-class legal education from leading practitioners and researchers, enriched with hands-on legal experiences.

Law advisory board members

The Law Advisory Board helps Deakin Law School to align courses and units with the needs of industry and the profession.  Comprising members of the legal community, graduate employers, alumni and law school staff and the board fosters our industry connections.

Meet the board

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