Chat to a student ambassador
Do you want to know more about life as an international student in Australia? Start a chat with a Deakin international student ambassador and have your questions answered, straight from the source.
We are here to support you in every aspect of your university experience. You can access our specialist support division, Student Central, at all four campuses, online or via phone. The team provides support during your studies and advice on adjusting to life in Australia, visa conditions, work restrictions and more.
You will need to arrive in Australia in time to attend your orientation, which is the week before each trimester begins. Orientation is the best way to prepare for your course and studies at Deakin. You can meet your teachers and classmates and enjoy a range of fun and informative activities.
Joining a club is a great way to meet new people and make the most of your time at Deakin. From sport, health and personal development to religious, political and cultural groups; there's more than 90 clubs and societies across our campuses.
Join our free English language development program and take control of your own learning. Learn strategies to develop your academic English while studying your degree.
From tours and talks to webinars and conferences, there is always something to do and experience at Deakin. Attending an event can help you learn new language skills and meet other students.
We have a huge range of services in place to support every aspect of your university experience. From scholarships to career advice, we are here to set you up for a bright future.
Make your dream of studying at university in Australia a reality. Learn how university fees work, how to calculate and pay your fees, and discover international scholarship opportunities. We are proud to support international students with a range of scholarship opportunities. Be recognised for your high academic achievements or your potential to make a positive contribution to the University and its community.
Deakin provided a welcoming campus environment, support services for international students, cultural integration programs and opportunities to connect with peers and local communities.
Subiksha, Nepal
Master of Sustainability
Our award-winning careers service, DeakinTALENT, can help you access employment support and opportunities. Prepare for the Australian job market, increase your employability and reach your professional goals.
No one knows what it’s like to be a student better than students do. Our peer mentoring programs, Students Helping Students, connect you with a mentor who will guide you through any tricky learning experiences. They can help you become more successful in your studies, which could mean the difference between passing and failing a subject.
Do you want to know more about life as an international student in Australia? Start a chat with a Deakin international student ambassador and have your questions answered, straight from the source.
*2021 Student Experience Survey, Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT)
Our friendly advisers are available to speak to you one-on-one about your study options, support services for international students and how we can help you study at Deakin in Australia.
Phone: +61 3 9918 9188