
Come to Deakin University as an exchange student and gain credit towards your home university. Experience the unique Deakin student lifestyle while exploring all that Australia has to offer. We are partnered with hundreds of universities all around the world, giving you the opportunity to study either one or two trimesters with us.

What is exchange?

If you are enrolled at a university which is an exchange partner of Deakin, you are eligible to come to Deakin as an exchange student. You receive credit towards your home degree and continue to pay your tuition and other fees at your home university. We are partnered with hundreds of universities from all around the world to give you the opportunity to come to Deakin as an exchange student. Learn more about our partner universities below.

Our partner universities


Central China Normal University CCNU
ESSCA School of Management - Shanghai
Shanghai University
Wuhan University

University of the South Pacific

Hong Kong (SAR, China)
Hong Kong Baptist University
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
University of Hong Kong

Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)
Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT)

Binus University
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Universitas Airlangga
Universitas Indonesia

Doshisha University
Kansai Gaidai University
Musashi University
Sophia University
Tokyo International University
Toyo University
University of Tsukuba

Taylor's University
UCSI UniversityUniversiti
Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)

New Zealand
Massey University

Nanyang Technological University

South Korea
Chung-Ang University
Ewha Womans University
Hallym University
Hanyang University
Korea University - Sejong Campus
Pusan National University
Seoul National University
Sookmyung Women's University
Yonsei University

National Chung Hsing University
National Taiwan University

Chulalongkorn University
Mahidol University International College

FPT University


HEC Montreal
McMaster University
Simon Fraser University
University of British Columbia – Okanagan
University of British Columbia – Vancouver
University of Guelph
University of Manitoba
University of Ottawa
University of Victoria
University of Waterloo
University of Windsor
York University

Continental Europe

FH Wien
University of Graz

Ghent University

Czech Republic
Masaryk University

Aalborg University
Aarhus University
Aarhus University - School of Business and Social Sciences
Copenhagen Business School
Copenhagen School of Design and Technology KEA
Roskilde University
University of Copenhagen
University of Southern Denmark
VIA University College

Aalto University
University of Helsinki

Audencia Business School
ESSCA School of Management – Angers
ESSCA School of Management – Paris
Institut Mines-Télécom Business School
KEDGE Business School
NEOMA Business School, France

Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus–Senftenberg
Bucerius Law School
German Sports University
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Technical University of Munich TUM
University of Stuttgart
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management

ESSCA School of Management - Budapest

University of Limerick

Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
University Carlo Cattaneo LIUC
University of Florence

LUNEX - International University of Health, Exercise and Sports

The Netherlands
Maastricht University
Radboud University Nijmegen
VU University Amsterdam
Wageningen University

BI Norwegian Business School
Nord University

NOHA: Network on Humanitarian Action
University of Alicante
UOC - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Jönköping International Business School
Jönköping School of Education and Communication
Jönköping School of Engineering
Jönköping School of Health and Welfare
Lund University
Stockholm University
Stockholm University of the Arts

Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST)
Hochschule Luzern
Lucerne University of Applied Science and Art
ZHAW School of Management and Law

Latin America

University of Buenos Aires

Universidad de los Andes
Universidad del Desarrollo

University of the Andes

Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey (All Campuses)

Universidad San Ignacio De Loyola

Universidad ORT Uruguay

United Kingdom

Edinburgh Napier University
Keele University 
Lancaster University
Manchester Metropolitan University
Oxford Brookes University
University of Birmingham
University of East Anglia
University of Exeter
University of Glasgow, Scotland 
University of Leeds
University of Leicester
University of Liverpool
University of Nottingham
University of Roehampton, London
University of Southampton
University of Strathclyde


California State University – Chico
California State University – Long Beach
California State University – San Marcos
City University New York – Hunter College
Clemson University
George Washington University
Hawaii Pacific University
Iowa State University
Kansas State University
Loyola University
Old Dominion University
Oregon State University
San Diego State University
San Francisco State University
State University New York - Stony Brook
Suffolk University
University of Akron, The
University of Hawaii at Manoa
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Mississippi
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
University of Oklahoma, The
University of South Carolina
University of South Florida
University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC)
University of Texas at Dallas, The - The Naveen Jindal School of Management (UT Dallas JSOM)
University of Wisconsin – Whitewater

Not a partner? Not a problem

If you are not from a partner university, but wish to come to Deakin directly, please have a look at our study abroad options.

Exchange types


Study at Deakin as an exchange student in Australia. You can enrol into 3 or 4 credit points with us.

Virtual exchange

You can also study with us on exchange from the comfort of your own home, a popular option for those that may not be able to travel to Australia.

Key considerations

Entry requirements

  • must be enrolled in one of Deakin’s partner universities
  • must have an official nomination from home university via email to the Deakin Abroad office
  • must have completed a minimum of two trimesters study
  • must have a GPA 2.6 out of 4 (or equivalent)
  • must meet our English language requirements.

View Deakin University’s English language requirements


You can come to Deakin on exchange for one trimester or a full year as long as you have approval from your home university. You can begin your studies in either Trimester 1 (March–June), Trimester 2 (July–October) or Trimester 3 (November–February).

Credit conversion guide

One Deakin University credit point is equivalent to:

  • United States: 3–4 credits
  • United Kingdom: approximately 7.5 ECTS or 15 credits
  • Europe: approximately 7.5 ECTS.

For more information, check out our Academic information page

Visa information

Student visas are required for students travelling to Australia.

Find out what type of visa to apply for and how to apply

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

You will need overseas health cover as part of your visa requirement if you are planning to study onshore.

Learn more about Overseas Student Health Cover

I have travelled to many places but in Melbourne I met a lot of lovely people. Now I have many friends from all over the world: a big international network, which is so unique about this exchange program I got to experience at Deakin University.

Maya Husted Davidsen

Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Unit selection

Study abroad and exchange students can select units from different areas of study within Deakin University.

We recommend that you refer to our Academic information page as there are a few limitations to some areas of study.

Here are some helpful links to assist you with your unit selection:

Deakin Handbook

The Handbook contains course and unit information for all study periods. You can use this resource to find out more details in relation to any unit that is offered at Deakin.

Discover our Handbook

Pre-approved study options

Deakin has a great range of pre-approved unit options available. These have no prerequisites, which means you are granted direct entry upon application. Any other units that you select that are not on this list will be sent to their respective faculty along with your academic transcript for approval.

Discover our pre-approved units here

Streamlined trimester packages

Fast-track your application process by studying streamlined pre-packaged offerings.

Design your own study plan or pick from our recommended offerings and explore your different options

Your adventure with Deakin awaits

Apply now for an exchange or virtual exchange program and start your journey.

Applying for study abroad or exchange (inbound students)

Download our Study Abroad and Exchange Application Guide for Inbound students [PDF, 348KB] for more information on how to apply.