Pre-approved unit options

Deakin has a great range of pre-approved unit options available. These have no prerequisites, which means your application is processed faster. You can either design your own study plan or pick from our recommended unit options.

The trimester system

Deakin has three trimesters each year. Trimesters 1 and 2 have approximately the same duration as other universities working on a semester system. Trimester 3 takes place over the summer months, and isn’t compulsory, but provides another study option.

We encourage incoming exchange students to select from the available units in the Handbook or the pre-approved unit plans below.

Pre-approved units

The following units have pre-approval. Please note that entry is subject to availability and eligibility at the time of enrolment.

For more information on each unit and any updates, please search the Handbook.

Trimester 1, 2025

Faculty of Arts and Education

Unit code Unit name
ACA102Creativity: Thinking Through Doing
ACC100 Gutenberg to Zuckerberg: Communication in Everyday Life
ACD101Introduction to Contemporary Dance Practice A
ACF104Screening History
ACF109Television Studio Production
ACF304Celebrity Industries
ACI101Analogue Photography
ACI102Digital Photography
ACP109Improvisation in Drama and Performance
ACR101Introducing Crime and Criminology
ACV115Drawing and the Body in Visual Arts
ADA102Designing 3D Environments
ADA107Principles of Animation
ADD101Design Thinking
ADT102Interaction Design
AGC109Global Challenges and Personal Agency
AGS101Sex and Gender: Ideas that Changed the World
AIB151Practical Arabic: An Introduction to the Language and Its Sounds
AIC181Chinese 1A: An Introduction to the Language and Culture
AIC383Chinese 3C: Chinese in the Professions- Developing and Enhancing Capacities in a Global Context
AIC387Advanced Chinese for Business Purposes C
AIF146Our Northern Neighbour: Understanding Indonesia
AIH107The Modern World: Nations, Empires, Ideologies, 1860s - 1930s
AIH238Australia in the Age of Total War 1914-1945
AIH276African American History From Slavery to Black Lives Matter
AIP107Introduction to Politics
AIP208Government and Politics of the United States
AIP230Policy and How It Shapes Us
AIR101World in Crisis
AIR200Global Capitalism and Power
AIS101Intercultural Communication
AIX160Introduction to University Study
ALA101Advertising Principles and Practises
ALJ111Introduction to Journalism
ALL101The Stories We Tell: Inventing Selves and Others (Quotas apply)
ALL153Literature for Children and Young Adults
ALL202Writing Modern Worlds
ALL228The Golden Age: Child, Nature, Empire
ALL375Shakespeare Today: Sex, Race and Politics
ALM101Making Social Media
ALM215Global Media
ALM305Media Ecologies (Must be enrolled in an Arts based degree)
ALR103Introduction to Public Relations
ALR210Media Relations Strategy
ALS100Hola!: Welcome to the Hispanic World, its Language and Culture
ALW101Writer's Toolkit: Craft and Creativity (Must be enrolled in an Arts based degree)
ALW200Freelancing in the Arts
ASC101Introduction to Sociology A
ASC206Sociology of Health 
ASC210Youth Culture and Identity
ASC300Gender, Media and Society
ASP108Critical Thinking
ASP211Freedom and Power: Existentialism and Beyond
ASP214Justice and Equality
ASR300Religion, Rights and Governance
ASS101Peoples of the World
ASS203Being Human (With the Nonhuman)
ASS205Anthropology of Poverty and Development
ASS233Myth and Ritual
ASS329Anthropology of Crime and Violence
AST250A History of Australian Football, 1858-2020
EDU101Education, Knowledge and Society
EDU201Educational Psychology
EDU203Literacy, Numeracy and Education
EDU301Culture, Diversity and Participation in Education
IND102Aboriginal Australian Stories and Songlines (online only)
IND101Introduction to Aboriginal Studies
ACC310Communication Futures
ACF213Contemporary Asian Cinema: Texts, Contexts and Experiences
ACF214Screen Practices
ACF320The Australian Moving Image
ACI203Darkroom Practices
ACV213Modelling and the Visual Arts
ADD105Design Fundamentals
ADD208Illustration Design
ADT202Web and Interface Design
ADT203Games and Interactive Design
AIE258Critical Issues in Middle East Politics
AIH305Sex, Race, Gender: Empires, 1750-1950
AIR247Activists in World Politics
AIR350Australia and the Indo-Pacific: Identity, Interests, and Order
ALJ221Video Journalism
ALJ222From the Fourth Estate to Fake News
ALR214Lobbying and Advocacy
ALW301Critical Writing for Creative Practice

Faculty of Business and Law

Faculty of Health

Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment

Trimester 2, 2025

Faculty of Arts and Education

Unit code Unit name
ACC100Gutenberg to Zuckerberg: Communication in Everyday Life
ACC302Advertising: Desire, Consumption and the Attention Economy
ACD104Exploring Dance Styles
ACD212Dance and Screens
ACF110Acting and Directing for Screen
ACI101Analogue Photography
ACP103Acting Studio
ACP104Technical Production 1
ACR102Introducing Crime and Criminal Justice
ACV101Painting in the Visual Arts
ADA102Designing 3D Animated Environments
ADD101Design Thinking
ADD106Type Foundations
ADT103UX Fundamentals
AGS102Histories of Sex and Gender
AIC284Chinese 2D: Chinese in Real life: Putting the Language to Work in Contemporary Contexts (Note: must have extensive Chinese language competency)
AIC384Chinese 3D: Chinese in the Professions - Enhancing Capacities in a Global Context (Note: must have extensive Chinese language competency)
AIC389Advanced Chinese for Business Purposes D (Note: must have extensive Chinese language competency)
AIF142Introduction to the Indonesian Language
AIH108The Modern World: Globalisation and Fragmentation, the 1940s to the 21st Century
AIH240Using and Abusing the Past
AIH264The Holocaust
AIH288Colonial Encounters: From Invasion to Federation
AIH383Global Disasters
AIP116Visions and Values in Politics
AIP209The Politics of Asylum in Australia and Asia
AIP245Environmental Politics
AIR102War, Terrorism and Humanitarian Responses
AIR203Human Rights in World Politics
AIR242Key Concepts in International Relations
AIS102Working in International Contexts
AIS204Gender, Globalisation and Development
ALA102Creative Brand Communication
ALA203Integrated Brand Communication
ALJ112News Reporting
ALJ216Feature Writing
ALL102From Horror to Romance: Genre and Its Revisions
ALL154Power and Politics in Children's Literature
ALL230Adapting Children's Tests Across Media
ALL260Australian Literature
ALM102Making Video
ALM202Quantified Media
ALR104Strategic Communication and Writing
ALS100iHola!: Welcome to the Hispanic World, its Language and Cultures
ALW103Scriptwriting Fundamentals
ALW242Poetry: Events in Language
ALW251Writing for Games: Creating Quests and Characters
ALW352Writing and Publishing for Young People
ASC102Introduction to Sociology: the Sociology of Everyday Life
ASC250Contemporary Social Research
ASC287Love, Sex and Relationships
ASC304Culture and Control: Boundaries and Identities
ASP129Love, Sex and Death
ASP216Ethics in Global Society
ASP228Philosophy, Art, Film
ASR100World Religions
ASR205Mindfulness, Meditation, and Buddhism
ASS102Culture and Communication
ASS206Medical Anthropology
ASS235Culture, Law and Universal Rights
ASS330Cyborg Anthropology
AST205Sport, Bodies, Action
EDU102From Aristotle to ATARS: the History, Philosophy and Future of Education
EDU202Educators and Learners
EDU302Education and Humanitarian Development
EDU303Education, Communication and Technology
IND102Aboriginal Australian Stories and Songlines (Online)
IND101Introduction to Aboriginal Studies
ACC310Communication Futures
ACF206Contemporary Topics in Screen Cultures
ACI203Darkroom Practices
ACV210Art in Public Space
ACV212Digital Practices and the Visual Arts
ADA202Character Animation
AGC109The Arts of Changing the World: Global Challenges and Personal Agency
AIE157Introduction to the Middle East: History and Continuity
AIH350History From Here
AIP347Media and Politics: Campaign Strategies
AIR349Diplomacy and the United Nations
ALJ218Podcasting and Audio Journalism
ALL255Fantasy Literature
ALM216Social Media Strategy
ALR213Issues, Crisis, and Risk Communication
ASP299Minds in Action: Philosophy of Human and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Faculty of Business and Law

Faculty of Health

Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment

Trimester 3, 2025

Faculty of Arts and Education

Faculty of Business and Law

Faculty of Health

Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment

Unit code Unit name
SLE103Ecology and the Environment (Online)
SLE111Cells and Genes (Co-requisite SLE010, worth zero credit points; Online)
SRE170Construction Finance (Online)
SRM181Project Management 1 (Online)
SIT103Database Fundamentals
SIT106Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics
SLE123Physics for the Life Sciences