How to accept your offer
Accepting your offer to study at Deakin is easy. Before accepting your offer, please make sure you read your offer letter to ensure you meet any conditions that apply. It is important that you understand the acceptance process, as well as the necessary information and documents you need to provide.
We are ready to quickly process your acceptance and issue your Confirmation of Enrollment. Then you can apply for your student visa and begin planning your journey to Australia.
Deakin offers a wide range of degrees and types of study, and some have different acceptance processes. If the information on this page does not relate to your Deakin offer, your Letter of Offer should contain helpful information about how to accept.
Deakin’s international admissions teams is available to answer any questions you have. Their contact information is included with your offer. You can also book an appointment with our team of Future Student Advisors, who can help to guide you through this process.

How to accept your offer video guide
In this video, Deakin students Tatyana and Kaweesha will guide you through the next steps and processes in accepting your offer.
Select the category that applies to you
Depending on your situation, the process of accepting your offer can be slightly different – so find the category below that applies to you and use our step-by-step guide to accept your offer. Be sure to refer to your Letter of Offer to find out if there are any conditions you need to meet before you accept your offer. Meeting these conditions as early as possible means you can accept and apply for your student visa more quickly.
If you have applied through one of Deakin’s authorised agents, we encourage you to get in touch with them and inform them that you want to accept your offer. They can assist you with each step and ensure you have everything ready to start your studies with us.
Students with an agent
Step 1: Talk to your agent
Your agent can help to guide you through the acceptance process for your studies.
Step 2: Fulfill the conditions in your Letter of Offer
If you have received a Conditional Offer, you may need to provide us with more information, documentation or even a transcript from your current studies before you can accept. Your agent can help you to meet these conditions.
If you do not have any conditions to fulfil in your Letter of Offer, move to Step 3.
Step 3: Form and fees
Your next step is to fill out the Offer Acceptance Form (PDF, 652KB). Your agent will help you to submit the form through the appropriate channel. You will also need to pay your fees as soon as possible to confirm your place. You can find out more about course fees and how to pay them here.
Step 4: Receive a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)
Once you have accepted your offer and Deakin has received your deposit, you will receive your CoE. You need your CoE in order to apply for a student visa.
Step 5: Apply for a student visa
As an international student, in order to study on campus in Australia you must obtain a student visa or hold a valid visa which has study rights. You should do this as soon as possible, to ensure you can join us in Australia in time for orientation and your first week of classes.
Once you have received your CoE, your agent will be able to help you with the visa application process. You can also visit our visa information page to find out more.
Step 6: Come to Deakin!
You have accepted your offer, paid your deposit and arranged your student visa – so now it is time to get ready to start your Deakin studies!
To help you prepare, look at our Before you arrive guide and think about where you will live.
Students without an agent
Step 1: Fulfill the conditions in your Letter of Offer
If you have received a Conditional Offer you may need to provide us with more information, documentation or even a transcript from your current studies before you can accept.
If you do not have any conditions to fulfil in your Letter of Offer, move to Step 2.
Step 2: Form and fees
Your next step is to fill out the Offer Acceptance Form (PDF, 652KB). You will also need to pay your fees as soon as possible to confirm your place. You can find out more about course fees and how to pay them here.
If you have an account for Deakin’s online application portal StudyLink Connect, you can upload your completed Offer Acceptance form and pay your acceptance deposit there.
Step 3: Receive a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)
Once you have accepted your offer and Deakin has received your deposit, you will receive your CoE. You need your CoE in order to apply for a student visa.
Step 4: Apply for a student visa
As an international student, in order to study on campus in Australia you must obtain a student visa or hold a valid visa which has study rights. You should do this as soon as possible, to ensure you can join us in Australia in time for orientation and your first week of classes. You can also visit our visa information page to find out more.
Step 5: Come to Deakin!
You have accepted your offer, paid your deposit and arranged your student visa – so now it is time to get ready to start your Deakin studies!
To help you prepare, look at our Before you arrive guide and think about where you will live.
Students with an agent who do not require a student visa
You may not require a student visa if you already have an appropriate visa to study in Australia. To learn more about visas, visit the Australian Government website.
Step 1: Talk to your agent
Your agent can help to guide you through the acceptance process.
Step 2: Fulfill the conditions in your Letter of Offer
If you have received a Conditional Offer, you may need to provide us with more information, documentation or even a transcript from your current studies before you can accept. Your agent can help you to meet these conditions.
If you do not have any conditions to fulfil in your Letter of Offer, move to Step 3.
Step 3: Form and fees
Your next step is to fill out the Offer Acceptance Form (PDF, 652KB). Your agent will help you to submit the form through the appropriate channel. You will also need to pay your fees as soon as possible to confirm your place. You can find out more about course fees and how to pay them here.
Step 4: Receive a Confirmation of Acceptance email
Once we have received your Offer Acceptance form and payment of fees, you will receive an email confirming your acceptance for your chosen course.
Step 5: Come to Deakin!
You have accepted your offer and paid your deposit – so now it is time to get ready to start your Deakin studies!
To help you prepare, look at our Before you arrive guide and think about where you will live.
Students without an agent who do not require a student visa
You may not require a student visa if you already have an appropriate visa to study in Australia. To learn more about visas, visit the Australian Government website.
Step 1: Fulfill the conditions in your Letter of Offer
If you have received a Conditional Offer, you may need to provide us with more information, documentation or even a transcript from your current studies before you can accept.
If you do not have any conditions to fulfil in your Letter of Offer, move to Step 2.
Step 2: Form and fees
Your next step is to fill out the Offer Acceptance Form (PDF, 652KB). You will also need to pay your fees as soon as possible to confirm your place. You can find out more about course fees and how to pay them here.
If you have an account for Deakin’s online application portal StudyLink Connect, you can upload your completed Offer Acceptance form and pay your acceptance deposit there.
Step 3: Receive a Confirmation of Acceptance email
Once we have received your Offer Acceptance form and payment of fees, you will receive an email confirming your acceptance for your chosen course.
Step 4: Come to Deakin!
You have accepted your offer and paid your deposit – so now it is time to get ready to start your Deakin studies!
To help you prepare, look at our Before you arrive guide and think about where you will live.
Online students
Step 1: Fulfill the conditions in your Letter of Offer
If you have received a Conditional Offer, you may need to provide us with more information, documentation or even a transcript from your current studies before you can accept.
If you do not have any conditions to fulfil in your Letter of Offer, move to Step 2.
Step 2: Complete the acceptance form
Your next step is to fill out and return your Offer Acceptance form (online/single unit enrolment students) (PDF, 207KB).
If you have an account for Deakin’s online application portal StudyLink Connect, you can upload your completed Offer Acceptance form and pay your acceptance deposit there.
Step 3: Receive a Confirmation of Acceptance email
Once we have received your Offer Acceptance form, you will receive an email confirming your acceptance for your chosen course.
Step 4: Get ready to study!
You have accepted your offer – so now you can prepare to begin your study! You can check out our guide to setting yourself up for flexible study for everything you need to know.
Are you under 18 years of age?
International students under 18 years of age must demonstrate that they have adequate welfare arrangements in place before they can be granted a student visa. Please see our Students under 18 page for more details on meeting these requirements.
Deferring your offer
If you are unable to start at Deakin on the date in your offer letter, you can defer your enrolment. You can defer your Deakin offer for up to twelve months. This means you still have the opportunity to begin your Deakin studies at a date that is more convenient without applying again.
Find out which intakes are available for your degree on the course page.
If you have an education agent, please contact them and let them know that you would like to arrange a deferral to a later trimester. Your agent can help answer your questions and arrange your deferral with Deakin International Admissions.
If you do not have an agent, please contact Deakin International Admissions. Our admissions team can answer your questions and arrange a new date for you to start your studies.
Get help or contact Deakin
Our friendly advisers are available to speak to you one-on-one about your study options, support services for international students and how we can help you study at Deakin in Australia.
Phone: +61 3 9918 9188