
Here at Deakin, we understand that sometimes life gets in the way of study. That is why we may be able to offer you a partial or full refund of your course fees if you need to withdraw from a unit.

Refunds for international students about to start at Deakin

If you know that you need to withdraw from your course of study (or even just an individual unit), you should do so as soon as possible. The first date of the teaching period and the census date is different every trimester, and may vary across courses, so it is a good idea to check these dates.

If you are considering withdrawing, you can find out whether or not you are eligible for a refund on one of our withdrawal dates and penalties pages:

Learn more about withdrawal dates and penalties for commencing international students

Learn more about withdrawal dates and penalties for current international students

Withdrawing four weeks before you start

We are able to offer a 90% refund if you withdraw from your unit or units at least four weeks before the start of the teaching period.

Withdrawing before the census date

If you have missed the four-week window, we can still arrange a 50% refund – as long as you withdraw before the census date.

Withdrawing after the census date

We are unable to offer a refund if you withdraw from your unit or units after the census date. If you are worried that you may be unable to continue studying after the census date, contact Student Central prior to amending your enrolment.

To apply for a refund, please carefully review and complete the application for refund (PDF, 185KB) and email the application and supporting documents to Deakin’s International Quality and Compliance team via

Refunds will be made by electronic funds transfer in Australian dollars to your account or to a third party provided an authorisation letter is provided in the refund application. It takes up to four weeks for a refund application to be processed.

Refunds for international students who are continuing at Deakin

If you are a continuing international student (you have already completed one or more trimesters of study), and you need to withdraw from a unit or units of study, we are able to arrange:

  • a 100% refund if you withdraw from the unit or units before the start of the third week of trimester
  • a 50% refund if you withdraw from the unit or units between the start of the third week of trimester and the census date.

We are not able to arrange a refund if you withdraw after the census date.

Refunds for DUELI students

Prospective DUELI students are advised that:

  • A course is defined as the total length of your enrolment at DUELI
  • Refunds will not be granted after your DUELI course has commenced
  • The enrolment and orientation fee is non-refundable.

DUELI students may be able to request for a partial or full refund of course fees depending on your circumstances.

Refunds prior to DUELI course commencement

Requests for refunds received less than 28 days prior to the commencement of the course will receive a refund of 50% of the tuition fee.

The maximum amount retained by Deakin will not exceed 12 weeks of the published tuition fee.

Current students

If you are currently studying with us as an international student, you can find detailed current student refund information on our student site.

Visit the student site to review current international student refund information

Get help or contact Deakin

Our friendly advisers are available to speak to you one-on-one about your study options, support services for international students and how we can help you study at Deakin in Australia.

Phone: +61 3 9918 9188

Enquire online