Why study in Australia?
Safe, welcoming and diverse, Australia is one of the most popular destinations for students around the world. Discover what it’s like to live and study in Melbourne and regional Victoria.
Want to help find solutions to the world’s biggest issues? From climate change to stem cell research to forensic crime solving – a Deakin science degree will put you on the path to your dream career.
A Deakin undergraduate course is the foundation of your future career, usually completed in two to four years. Duration varies based on degree type, enrolment pattern and any credit received from recognition of prior learning.
A postgraduate qualification can be undertaken by students who have already completed an undergraduate degree or possess significant, demonstrable work experience. Postgraduate courses include graduate certificates, graduate diplomas, masters and PhDs, as well as specialist programs for industry professionals.
Based on campus, Deakin College provides a supportive and smooth pathway to a world-class degree at Deakin University. Successfully complete an eight or 12-month Diploma of Science at Deakin College and move straight into the second year of Deakin University’s Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Biomedical Science, Bachelor of Environmental Science (Environmental Management and Sustainability), Bachelor of Environmental Science (Wildlife and Conservation Biology), Bachelor of Forensic Science or Bachelor of Zoology and Animal Science.
If you are interested in Deakin’s science, biomedical science, environmental science or forensic science bachelor degrees, you can complete your first year of study as an on-campus student at Deakin’s partner institution, Royal Institute of Colombo (RIC) .You will study Deakin curriculum delivered by a combination of RIC and Deakin staff. The credit you earn through your study at RIC will be applied toward a Deakin degree that you will complete through studies in Australia.
Complete the first three years of your Bachelor of Biomedical Science or Bachelor of Biotechnology at the International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L) and earn credit toward the final year of Deakin’s Bachelor of Biomedical Science. After successfully completing your studies in Australia, you will graduate with a double degree.
Our science degrees are informed by industry and taught in cutting-edge facilities, preparing you for your dream career.
At Deakin, we give you the chance to apply the knowledge you learn in your degree in real life situations. Industry-based learning opportunities and real-world projects offer you valuable experience that relate directly to your chosen field.
Our teaching and research staff are experts in their fields and teach based on the latest scientific insights. It’s not surprising that Deakin is ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide for life sciences and ecology.
Deakin is ranked in the top 1% worldwide for life sciences and medicine due to our world-class facilities, academic reputation, employer reputation and research impact.
Deakin is the only Australian university – and the first in the Asia-Pacific region – to offer professionally accredited forensic science courses.
There are projected to be 121,000 roles for science professionals by 2026 according to Australian Government employment projections:
The facilities provided by Deakin are out of this world. There is no reason for you to not reach your full potential with the help you get from this university.
Mussfaa, Brunei
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Our industry-shaped courses and practical, real-world approach to learning prepares you to be adaptable across the jobs of the future.
Discover our state-of-the-art science labs, purpose-built crime scene training facility, aquaculture facilities and high-tech biomedical research laboratories. Deakin’s Geelong Technology Precinct features the latest research capabilities in materials, biotechnology, chemistry and environmental engineering. The Deakin Genomics Centre is a state-of-the-art DNA sequencing facility that helps support our teaching programs and research activities.
Choose how you want to study science based on your passions and career goals. Undertake a general science degree or choose a more specialised path in biomedical, forensic, marine or zoology and animal science.
If you want to pair your interest in science with other areas, you can also combine your science studies with arts, commerce, law or teaching.
Safe, welcoming and diverse, Australia is one of the most popular destinations for students around the world. Discover what it’s like to live and study in Melbourne and regional Victoria.
Coming to Australia to study can be the adventure of a lifetime. From orientation and welcome sessions to academic support and social activities, we are here to support you every step of the way.
Make your dream of studying at university in Australia a reality. Learn how university fees work, how to calculate and pay your fees and discover international scholarship opportunities.
Love science but unsure about committing to a specialist degree like chemistry or marine science? Deakin's Bachelor of Science might be your perfect fit.
Deakin references data from a range of government, higher education and reputable media sources. For more information, visit our list of sources.
Our friendly advisers are available to speak to you one-on-one about your study options, support services for international students and how we can help you study at Deakin in Australia.
Phone: +61 3 9918 9188