Health systems globally are facing major challenges driven by a range of complex factors and changes in our society. By integrating population health, health systems and services research across the broad spectrum, from wellness to complex chronic disease and end-of-life care, we aim to transform health, from prevention to care, so we can:

  • activate healthy populations and communities
  • innovate health service delivery and design
  • optimise transitions between care and community
  • drive equity and value in health and care.

Our research areas

Our team of multidisciplinary researchers across Deakin’s Schools of Medicine, Health and Social Development, Nursing and Midwifery and Psychology tackle the key pressure points in today’s health systems. We conduct high-impact health research through four research domains.

Explore our research

Health economics

Our health economics team perform research that spans prevention and treatment across the community and health sectors to ensure efficient allocation of health resources.

Determinants of health

We know that where we live, work, play and age, and how society operates, impacts overall health and wellbeing. These factors are modifiable and so can be changed for the better.

Quality and patient safety

Focusing on knowledge translation in relation to clinical care, quality and patient safety, across the whole patient journey, in residential, community, subacute and acute care settings.

Obesity prevention

We are a global leader in population-level obesity prevention research, advancing action to reduce the prevalence of obesity effectively and equitably.

Help us address our health challenges

When you study a PhD or postdoctoral research at IHT you'll be supported by world-renowned researchers. Explore over 400 health-focused research topics and discover a supervisor who could help you further your research career goals.

The Institute performs excellent research that aims to accelerate the ideas we need to transform health and care in Australia and around the world.

Deakin Distinguished Professor Anna Peeters

Director, Institute for Health and Transformation

Our researchers

The Institute for Health Transformation brings together the expertise of more than 200 researchers in determinants of health, obesity prevention, health economics, and quality and patient safety. Featured researchers:

Professor Steven Allender

Professor Steven Allender conducts research for the Global Centre for Preventive Health and Nutrition. His ongoing program of research focuses on the burden of disease and obesity prevention. He has a particular interest in the emerging burden of chronic disease.

Professor Suzanne Robinson

Professor Suzanne Robinson is Chair and Head of Deakin Health Economics. She is highly regarded in her field of health economics, health systems research, digital health and data analytics. Professor Robinson’s work in health system reform has influenced both national and local policy developments.

Professor Alison Hutchinson

Professor Alison Hutchinson is Director of the Centre for Quality and Patient Safety Research, providing strategic direction. Her primary research interest centres on improving care through knowledge translation.

Professor Tony LaMontagne

Professor Tony LaMontagne is Director of Determinants of Health Research. He leads a research unit in work, health and wellbeing with the aim to translate the domain’s research into policy and practice to improve workplace and worker health.

Featured projects

Our partnerships with health, government, community and industry allow us to deliver research with impact. We lead bold initiatives that seek solutions beyond traditional research and organisational boundaries.

Building an agile mental healthcare system

Building an agile mental healthcare system

Our economic modelling, commissioned by the National Mental Health Commission, shows investment in mental health prevention initiatives yields substantial positive returns. We looked at 10 interventions targeting workplaces, e-health for anxiety disorders in young people, depression in new mothers, and loneliness in seniors.

Encouraging food retailers to offer more healthy options

Encouraging food retailers to offer more healthy options

Our research, funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council, aims to demonstrate how healthy food retail can become the new norm. We want to show it’s possible to promote diets that will improve population health, while businesses remain profitable.

Our partnerships

We have more than 100 well-established partnerships across and beyond the healthcare sector in Australia and internationally. Our partnerships with health service providers, peak bodies, government organisations, health insurers, not-for-profits, other research organisations and philanthropic bodies are the reason we can deliver research with impact.

Find out more about our partners

Contact us

Stay in touch with us to hear about the latest alumni opportunities, research news and much more. Have a question? Get in touch with the team.