How our research drives transportation safety reform

With a strong focus on translation of research to practice, we specialise in the scientific evaluation of road safety policies, programs and technologies.

Our research areas

In partnership with industry and government agencies, we study a diverse range of road and transportation safety issues. We evaluate innovative road safety programs to make road travel safer. Rural speed control strategies, improving the safety of cyclists, motorcycle safety in mountainous areas are among our research topics.

Roadwork safety and traffic management

Our research aims to improve the safety of roadworkers and motorists at roadwork sites. This includes innovations in safety technologies and practical traffic management processes.

Statistical modelling of transport data

With advanced analytical and modelling capabilities, we conduct statistical modelling of various transport data, including crashes, near misses, travel speeds, traffic surveys, and road user perception and preference surveys.

Vulnerable road users

Recognising the importance of meeting the mobility needs of vulnerable road users, such as  cyclists and pedestrians, we collaborate with industry and community on mobility and safety projects.

Traffic simulation

We use advanced simulation models of traffic control and network management to develop micro, macro and mesoscopic simulation models of roadwork operations, temporary traffic management and shared road usage.

Traffic conflict techniques

Our research on traffic conflict techniques focuses on developing proactive road safety management systems and models for quick and efficient evaluation of road safety treatments. We use proactive safety analysis approaches for both urban and rural road infrastructure systems.

Connected and automated vehicles

We study the operational and safety aspects of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) from the viewpoints of different types of road users, including cyclists and pedestrians. We are developing cutting-edge models for efficient and safe traffic control and interactions between CAVs and other road users.

Help us make roads safer for all users

A research degree at Deakin is an opportunity to generate new knowledge that leads to better road safety outcomes for all members of society.

Our researchers

Our researchers are experts in their fields focused on improving road safety, mobility and transport systems for both urban and rural environments.

Associate Professor Ashim Debnath is the director of the Safe Future Mobility Lab, leading a multidisciplinary research team. As an expert in road safety, he maintains active engagement with the transportation industry and local government. Ashim’s research has been instrumental in shaping and evaluating policies such as minimum passing distance laws for cycling.

Dr Nhu Nguyen uses computational geomechanics and constitutivemodelling to study the failure and large deformation of geomaterials. His work explores solutions to improve the sustainability and effectiveness of pavement construction and maintenance.

Featured projects

The Safe Future Mobility lab develops cutting-edge research projects aimed at enhancing road safety, mobility and traffic management, with a focus on real-world applications.

Smart bicycle lights

Smart bicycle lights

This multi-disciplinary project was an Australia-first trial using smart bike light technology in collaboration with TAC, See.Sense and iMOVE CRC. Specialising in road safety analysis and evaluation, the team looked at the challenges of transport systems, shared road usage and autonomous and connected vehicles.

Improving worker safety on the M1 Motorway

Improving worker safety on the M1 Motorway

Motorway maintenance regularly requires work on the road or roadside near traffic, which poses challenges and risks to workers. This project investigated opportunities for innovative ways to use existing technologies and new ways of working to improve roadside worker safety.

Our partnerships

We work closely with industry and government agencies such as the Victorian Department of Transportation and Transport for New South Wales to ensure our research has real-world applications.

Contact us

Get in touch to learn more about our research and how to study or work with us.

Email Associate Professor Ashim Debnath