Centre for Software, Systems and Society

Our research focuses on human-centred software engineering, extended reality systems, cyber-physical and intelligent systems and blockchain technologies, as well as information technology-assisted learning. Because software plays an increasingly important role in society, the centre explores the implications and impact of software and IT systems innovation in society.

About us

The centre encompasses three research labs that each have unique research strengths, capabilities and key research areas, with proficiency in cross-collaboration. Software has become part of everyday systems that are integral to society, including systems in finance, energy, transport, education, health and city systems. Software is becoming a ubiquitous commodity and software-intensive systems are expected to correctly, robustly and efficiently function in environments that are complex, interconnected, interactive and dynamic.

Research labs

Emerging and Educational Technology Innovation Lab

The Emerging and Educational Technology Innovation Lab (EETIL) is a leader in advancing digital education and emerging technologies. We focus on impact through translational research, applying the latest innovations in technologies in education and multidisciplinary domains. The research we conduct makes an impact by:

  • designing and developing technology-enhanced learning that is supported by a strong evidence base
  • using immersive technologies to support effective education
  • supporting graduate employability through digital education
  • advancing computing education to support Australia’s IT industry.

For more information about EETIL please email Associate Professor Thuong Hoang or email Dr Sophie McKenzie.

Software Engineering Innovation Lab

The Software Engineering and Innovation Lab (SEIL) aims to advance state-of-the-art tools, techniques, methodologies and languages for the specification, design, implementation, quality assurance, evaluation and operation of software-intensive systems in large, complex and/or dynamic environments. Our key research areas include software engineering for:

  • cyber-physical systems
  • human-centric software engineering
  • software engineering for artificial intelligence
  • software engineering for distributed and enterprise systems.

For more information about SEIL please email Associate Professor Xiao Liu.

Trustworthy Intelligent Computing Lab

The Trustworthy Intelligent Computing Lab (TICL) aims to conduct cutting-edge research on secure and reliable intelligent computing technologies, develop advanced computing tools and provide computing application services for enterprises. We have demonstrated experience in transforming research outcomes into tailored solutions for real-world applications. TICL has strong research and development capability in trustworthy intelligent computing, enabled by our leading research team and research facilities. Our specialist areas include, but are not limited to:

  • distributed/decentralised computing
  • machine learning and AI for cloud/edge/fog/IoT systems
  • data security and protection
  • blockchain-enabled trustworthy computing.

For more information about TICL please email Professor Yong Xiang.

Contact us

Contact Professor Seng Loke our centre director for more information and enquiries about the Centre for Software, Systems and Society.
