Join an outreach event
Our outreach programs and activities have a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) related subjects and are designed to inspire young people to identify the value and application of STEM in our society. Our aim is to highlight the wide range of STEM careers available and give young people the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities in a real university environment.
Laboratory Science Work Experience
The Laboratory Work Experience program, located at our Melbourne Burwood campus, is open for applications from Year 10 students.
Applications now closed.
Forensic Detective Program
Year 9 and 10 students participate in an interactive workshop program, completing activities related to forensic science including a visit to our Crime Scene House facility.
Applications now open.
Science and Engineering Challenge
A nationwide STEM program, students compete in engaging hands-on activities involving the principles of science, engineering and technology.
Applications now open.
Women in Design and Construction
Designed for Year 9 and 10 students, this program aims to inspire young women to explore careers in design (architecture) and construction.
Activity and workshop information
Our activities and workshops often complement secondary school curriculum studies and provide a hands-on experience for students to apply their problem-solving and teamwork skills, introduce tertiary education opportunities and highlight future career pathways.
Activities and workshops are grouped into four areas which reflect SEBE’s four schools:
- architecture and built environment
- engineering
- information technology
- life and environmental sciences.
Interested in other Deakin events?
This year your students have the opportunity to see Deakin from all angles. Deakin holds information sessions, Change of Preference campus events, student-led Campus Tours, plus Open Days. There's always something to do and experience at Deakin.
Get involved
Expressions of interest for our programs and activities can be made by a school representative, such as a career practitioner or year level coordinator/discipline teacher. If you're a secondary student wishing to attend, get in touch with your year level coordinator or teacher.
Email our Outreach Team for more information about our programs and activities.