Materials science labs

With state-of-the-art equipment for mechanical, chemical, physical, surface analytical and electrochemical applications, our materials science labs allow for a wide range of teaching and research experiments.

Perform highly detailed analysis

Deakin’s materials science labs allow for the evaluation, development and redesign of materials for specific properties and improved performance characteristics. Correlative characterisation and tomography of material properties for computer-based simulations and analysis can be undertaken.

Detailed analysis of the electro-chemical behaviours of materials in various simulated corrosive/erosive environments can be performed as well as cathodic protection and inhibition of industrial infrastructure (oil and gas pipelines and re-enforced concrete structures).

Put your ideas to the test

Our equipment enables a wide range of testing criteria and is designed for use by all engineering disciplines as well as internal and external stakeholders. With the facilities provided you can:

  • conduct an extensive range of material tests for metals, polymers and organic materials
  • undertake stress and failure analysis
  • make use of a wide range of testing and analytical equipment
  • evaluate, predict and measure service life of metallic materials and related infrastructure
  • collect and use of data for redesign and development of new and improved materials
  • analyse and evaluate localised corrosion properties of additively manufactured alloys.

Study with us

When you study engineering at Deakin you get real-world experience via project-oriented design-based learning. You’ll undertake team-based projects and develop solutions to current industry needs, so you can hit the ground running when you graduate.

Lab equipment and technology

Lab equipment and technology

Our materials science labs are equipped with an array of research and testing technologies. The scanning electron microscope (Joel IT 300) enables users to observe materials at the nanometre length scale. The differential scanning calorimeter (PerkinElmer) can measure the temperature difference between samples to provide valuable information about the thermal properties of material. And micro flow imaging can be used for sizing, visualising and identifying particles.

Fully equipped for your research

The lab also contains an assortment of other crucial equipment including:

  • compaction simulator
  • particle sizer (Retch)
  • FT4 Powder Rheometer (freeman)
  • load frames (Intron x 2)
  • optical radiometry (Alcona x2)
  • optical micro/macroscopes (Olympus)
  • furnaces (heat treatment)
  • Charpy impact tester
  • macro hardness tester (Struers)
  • micro hardness tester (Struers)
  • Accutom precision cutter (Struers)
  • CitoPress-10 Hot Mounting (Struers)
  • LaboPol-21 Grinder (Struers)
  • Tegramin-25 Polisher (Struers)
  • Electronic Densimeter SD-200L.

Industry partners

Our partners are valued members of the wider Deakin engineering family, not just our school. Opportunities to partner with us include work-integrated learning and industry-based learning and placements, student projects, commercial research projects and services.

Partner with us

Contact us

If you have further questions about our labs, please get in touch.

Email the School of Engineering