The Damion Drapac Centre

Deakin is honoured to partner with the Drapac family to advance socially inclusive health professions education to improve healthcare now, and for generations to come.

Advancing equity in health professional education

The late Deakin graduate Dr Damion Drapac was a passionate advocate for addressing health care inequity, particularly in under-represented communities. To ensure his legacy lives on Deakin is honoured to partner with the Drapac family to build a transformational program of socially accountable health professions education. Their extraordinary gift to the Deakin School of Medicine honour and uphold the spirit and values Damion embodied.

Remembering Damion

Remembering Damion

A proud graduate of Deakin School of Medicine, Dr Damion Drapac was a gifted, committed and deeply compassionate clinician, whose desire to be a doctor came from his humility and his goal to be of service to others. Damion was also a talented cyclist, who at the time of his death was poised to compete in elite cycling while working full-time as a doctor.

Through the Damion Drapac Centre and Scholarships, established to honour his memory, Damion will be remembered and celebrated, and will continue to transform many lives.

The Damion Drapac Centre for Equity in Health Professions Education

Access to health care across Australia is uneven. Marginalised communities continue to experience significantly higher rates of chronic disease and mortality, while the demand for more health professionals who understand the needs of these communities is urgent and growing.

Situated within the Deakin School of Medicine, The Damion Drapac Centre for Equity in Health Professions Education undertakes a wide-reaching body of work shifting the way that health professionals are trained, with the goal being a workforce that is better equipped to meet the needs of the communities they will serve; in particular, rural, Indigenous, marginalised and other under-served community groups.

The Centre's key goals include:

  • Find the health professions students our communities need; develop a comprehensive and coordinated program of outreach and health careers promotion to engage rural/regional, Indigenous, and underrepresented groups in health professions programs, promoting aspiration among potential students and accessibility of the courses
  • Review and develop admission processes to promote recruitment of students from underrepresented or marginalised groups (e.g. alternative admission processes based on holistic models of potential rather than primarily using grade outcomes or exam performance)
  • Undertake advocacy and development to mitigate financial and other barriers to training as a health professional, with a particular focus on rural and otherwise underrepresented groups.  This includes management of the Drapac Scholars program and outreach to establish further philanthropic funding
  • Establish coaching, mentoring and community building programs for students with a focus on diversity, representation, and professional identity formation
  • Support health professions courses to strengthen their student support programs, including activities targeted to specific student groups (e.g. students with a disability, neurodivergent students, students with carer or employment responsibilities), as well as encouraging the use of individualised learning plans for any student needing accommodations to improve their learning experience, and advocating for greater peer and professional support after graduation
  • Support health professions courses to review their structures and teaching practices to promote inclusion, remove barriers to diversity and enable all students to thrive and work towards sustainable careers which focus on serving their community
  • Support health professions courses to strengthen their content and practice, covering diversity and equity in healthcare, generalist and holistic practice of healthcare, social justice and determinants of health, and community-based, interprofessional and integrative models of healthcare
  • Coordinate a foundational scholarship program to support students from under-represented communities and give them the best chance of success.

This is all made possible by the Drapac family's remarkable gift – an unparalleled commitment to the University and the communities we serve. A gift and vision that will change the course of many lives and honour the memory of their beloved son, brother and Deakin alumnus – Dr Damion Drapac.

Supporting socially inclusive medical education

Damion's father, Michael Drapac, and Professor Gary Rogers, Dean of Deakin School of Medicine, explain why The Damion Drapac Centre and Scholarships are such an extraordinary opportunity for Deakin and the diverse communities we serve.

Supporting socially inclusive medical education

The Damion Drapac Scholars

The Damion Drapac Scholarship for Vocational Doctors and Damion Drapac Access Fund support those in greatest need, who demonstrate amazing commitment to their vocational calling to improve the lives of others as future doctors. The program will build an exceptional alumni cohort, each carrying Damion's name and spirit as they begin their promising new medical careers – as Damion Drapac Scholars.

Damion Drapac Scholarship for Vocational Doctors

The flagship scholarship program at the heart of the Damion Drapac Centre for Equity in Health Education’s ethos, this award covers the full duration of a Deakin medical degree, transforming the lives of students from under-represented populations who possess a true calling to become a doctor, but for whom financial pressures would otherwise be an insurmountable barrier.

To register your interest or to receive further information on the scholarship, please email

Damion Drapac Access Fund

This small, flexible fund provides emergency aid when medical students are in urgent need of extra support due to personal or financial crisis. Support will be tailored to the specific needs of the student in question, and is executed at the Program Director’s discretion.

If you’re a medical student facing financial hardship, you can apply for financial assistance here.

Vocationally, there are a lot of really bright students unable to realise their dream of becoming a doctor because of financial hardship or other barriers. These scholarships will help them overcome those barriers and produce graduate doctors with the same enthusiasm to give back to their communities as Damion had. When I see the shine in them, I will see my son.

Michael Drapac

Damion's father

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