How our research changes rural health outcomes

At the Centre for Rural Emergency Medicine, we research the differences between clinical outcomes in rural and metropolitan areas.

Small rural emergency departments are often considered to be merely scaled-down versions of their large urban counterparts, yet they face distinct clinical and organisational challenges. In Australia, small rural hospitals play a significant role in handling emergency presentations each year. Evidence-based care in these facilities is often hindered by a lack of research tailored to their unique circumstances.

Since 2008, our researchers have explored the unique challenges these emergency departments face and contributed research, resources and training to provide much needed support.

Our research areas

We are focused on both training and research to support the provision of emergency medicine services in rural hospitals across the following areas:

Emergency medicine training

We provide training in emergency medicine for students and health professionals working in rural and regional locations.

Cardiac emergencies

We are interested in the difference between clinical outcomes in rural and metropolitan areas for cardiac emergencies.

Head injuries

Our research compares the clinical outcomes for head injuries between rural and metropolitan areas.

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Our researchers 

We bring together renowned researchers who are passionate about enhancing care delivery in small rural emergency departments in Australia.

Clinical Associate Professor Tim Baker is the director of the Centre for Rural Emergency Medicine and an emergency physician with an extensive research career exploring emergency department presentations in rural communities.

Featured projects

Our research projects address key issues impacting regional and rural emergency medicine, working toward more equitable health outcomes for all communities.

Establishing a nationwide rural emergency care research network

Establishing a nationwide rural emergency care research network

We played a key role in establishing a nationwide rural emergency care research network to drive innovation and share knowledge amongst health care providers, researchers and policy makers, improving the quality and equity of emergency care for rural communities.

Developing evidence-based entrustable professional activities for rural emergency medicine

Developing evidence-based entrustable professional activities for rural emergency medicine

Our researchers are developing evidence-based entrustable professional activities for rural emergency medicine to define critical skills, standardise training and assessment, and ensure high-quality care by empowering capable professionals in rural areas.

Our partnerships

The Centre for Rural Medicine is the result of a partnership between the Victorian Government, Portland District Health, South West Healthcare (Warrnambool), Alcoa of Australia and Deakin’s School of Medicine. Financial support was gratefully received from Alcoa, the Victorian Government and both health services.

Contact us

To learn more about the Centre for Rural Emergency Medicine, our research initiatives or to work with us, please get in touch.

+61 3 5563 3500
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