In early December, Deakin University announced that Centre for Organisational Change in Person-Centred Healthcare (OCPH) will permanently close on 20 January 2025 as part of broader University-wide changes.
Improving person-centred care
We offer tailored training and organisation-level interventions in best practice communication for safe, quality care. We work from an international evidence base and rigorously tested frameworks to ensure the highest standards are upheld. Our research aims to achieve organisational change through collaborative education and research in:
- clinical communication
- consumer empowerment
- bioethics
- professionalism.
Training and interventions courses
At OCPH we use a systematic approach to knowledge, skills and competencies. We promote consistency, standardisation and effective implementation of communication best practices.
Communication is a teachable skill that develops with lifelong learning and support. Structured learning and frameworks are essential to this. Our frameworks, training and organisation-wide interventions promote critical thinking, problem-solving and high-quality, evidence-based care.
We recognise the contributions of all types of people working in health and place value on the power of communication training for non-clinical staff as well as health professionals.
Find out more about OCPH courses
Nurturing future champions of change
We strive for permanent, sustainable changes in the healthcare system. A key part of this is training agents of change in their own organisations as healthcare communication educators. This creates a ripple effect of positive transformation.
Regional capacity building
Nearly 30% of Australians live in rural and remote areas. We know that people living in non-metropolitan areas often have poorer health outcomes than their metropolitan counterparts just because of where they live. A lack of training for rural clinicians adds to this burden.
OCPH training in rural areas aims to break down some of these geographical barriers. Nurturing local champions ensures that knowledge and skills are distributed where they are most needed, and fosters self-sufficiency and innovation within these communities.
Our executive team
We provide education and training and use translational research to influence change in policy and the culture of healthcare systems. Our core team works with a wide variety of affiliates at home and abroad to design, deliver and evaluate effective, evidence-based communication interventions.
Help support our work
By supporting our research and education activities, you enable us to make a real difference in improving the provision of patient care. Examples of how you can support us include:
- fund a PhD scholarship
- fund a post-doctoral award
- provide a philanthropic gift or gift in kind (such as equipment)
- contribute to a specific research project
- seed funding to explore new project ideas
- donate to the centre at large, or partner with us, ensuring our future.
We're grateful for all philanthropic and other support received from individuals, corporates and the community at large. This support enables our staff to continue our innovative programs to improve patient experiences.
Contact us
Get in touch if you would like to support our work or explore opportunities to partner with us.
Email the team
+61 3 5227 8664