Student support and accommodation
Our Student Support Program provides assistance and accommodation for students undertaking placements in south-west Victoria.
Deakin Rural Health (DRH) has a focus on student placement support, community engagement and rural health research. We offer programs to assist, educate and support both students and health professionals undertaking placements or working in the western Victoria region. Our research program focuses on improving the health, social and economic burdens imposed by chronic disease in regional Victoria. We embrace a commitment to support the improved health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
DRH was formed in 2016 as part of the Commonwealth Government's Rural Health Multi-Disciplinary Training Program. This training program is a national initiative to build and sustain the rural health workforce by supporting training and research initiatives throughout rural and remote Australia.
We are one of 20 University Department of Rural Health (UDRH) groups around the nation supported by the Australian Rural Health Education Network. UDRHs are the only rurally based academic facilities that work with all health disciplines at both tertiary (undergraduate and postgraduate) levels and the current workforce.
Our Student Support Program provides assistance and accommodation for students undertaking placements in south-west Victoria.
DRH provides mental health education and training to both students on placement and organisations in regional Victoria.
Our work in the region focuses on generating more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander graduates in the health sector and developing research activity in the fields of community-developed models of health care. Through our research, we also aim to increase the engagement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in south-west Victoria.
We offer unique hybrid nursing placements that are the result of a partnership between Budja Budja Aboriginal Cooperative, Stawell Regional Health and DRH. Students placed at Stawell Regional Health spend time at Budja Budja Aboriginal Cooperative, gaining valuable skills as they immerse themselves in many aspects of Indigenous health.
With a focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, chronic disease prevention and management, patient safety and health service delivery, our research program addresses key challenges for rural healthcare delivery including access to and quality of care, health services capacity building, knowledge translation and implementation.
Find out more about our research
There is an urgent need to address the shortages of nurses and allied health professionals in rural and regional Australia. The Nursing and Allied Health Graduate Outcome Tracking (NAHGOT) study aims to understand why nursing, midwifery and allied health graduates choose to work in metropolitan or rural, regional or remote settings.
Associate Professor Vincent Versace
Deputy Director, Research
Associate Professor Kevin McNamara
Name |
Research Fellow Andrea Hernan |
Associate Research Fellow Hannah Beks |
Research Assistant Dr Marley Binder |
Research Fellow Chris Healey |
Research Fellow Mary Malakellis |
Research Assistant Meg Murray |
Senior Research Fellow Kate Schlicht |
Clinical Associate Professor Associate Professor Anna Wong Shee |
Name |
Administrative Assistant Gill Beard |
Rural Multidisciplinary Student Support Officer Angela McLaren |
Project Coordinator Peta Trinder |
Rural Multidisciplinary Student Support Officer and Rural Multidisciplinary Placement Coordinator Amanda Urquhart |
Get in touch if you have any general questions regarding Deakin Rural Health.
Call +61 3 5563 3035
Email Deakin Rural Health
Warrnambool office
Call +61 3 5563 3504
Deakin University
Warrnambool Campus
Building D, Level 2
Princes Hwy (PO Box 423)
Warrnambool, Victoria 3280
Hamilton office
Call +61 3 5563 3035
20 Foster Street (PO Box 283)
Hamilton, Victoria 3300