Leadership Futures Hub

The Leadership Futures Hub works to make a positive impact on society through helping existing and emergent leaders build the capabilities needed to address contemporary and future challenges.

Our focus

With organisations facing escalating challenges in an uncertain and volatile world, the Leadership Futures Hub provides cutting-edge research and resources to help leaders from all industry sectors build their capabilities and use problem-solving skills to create new opportunities.

By bridging scholars and industry leaders, the hub seeks to generate evidence-based knowledge about effective and novel leadership practices.

Bringing together scholars and industry leaders, the hub produces advanced leadership knowledge and best leadership practices through collaborative research projects, training and mentoring, public forums and consulting services.

Our work focuses on the following areas of leadership:

  • crisis leadership
  • responsible leadership
  • leadership for health and wellbeing
  • leadership for equity, diversity and inclusion.

We establish partnerships between organisations, leaders and academics to exchange ideas and investigate solutions to key leadership challenges. Our research also informs Deakin's teaching through course materials for the Master of Leadership program and an upcoming short course on crisis leadership through FutureLearn.

The hub's work is released through a variety of channels including academic publications, industry reports and masterclasses.

Our research

Hub members have extensive experience working with organisations such as Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, Victoria Police and WorkSafe Victoria.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Business Process Transformation and Strategic Change Consultancy Project (Principal Investigator)
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Ending violence and aggression: An examination of the implementation of the ANMF's 10-point plan and its impact on the health and wellbeing of nurses working in aged care
Baptcare The under-utilisation of in-home care packages: Examining the reasons, implementing solutions and assessing progress
Bendigo Bank

An Intergroup Contact Perspective to Promoting Allyship

CyRise Accelerator Skills Development Program

CyRise is a cyber security accelerator, established as a joint venture between an NTT and Deakin University with the backing of the regional government. The funding for this project allowed for the establishment of a program to develop founder’s skills as part of the accelerator.

Eastern Health

Examining the role of team-based resilience in buffering the impact of job stressors among Eastern Health workers
ManuFutures Export Acceleration Program

A project involving a blend of export-focused skill development, business support, networking events and mentoring models. Supported by a grant from the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.


Jeanneret Research Grant for Assessing and Developing Senior Leaders

The Intergen Program

Building an intergenerational leadership program for talent retention and development within a large information technology services company in Australia. Based on the results of a global study of intergenerational leadership challenges and enablers.

Victoria Police Evaluation of Blended Roster System

Wannon Water, Achieving Zero Harm

Research was undertaken by a multi‐disciplinary team from Deakin as part of the organisation’s focus on embedding a philosophy of zero harm within the context of OHS, culture, mental health and management systems.

WorkSafe Victoria Quality Assurance Program (QAP) Evaluation and Piloting Project

Our team

Our members include leadership scholars who have published their research in top-tier international journals and have extensive experience collaborating with organisations in a range of industries.


Dr Fannie Wu

Dr Fannie Wu’s research focuses on helping leaders and employees from minority groups to attain success and effectiveness through managing their leadership, emotions and social capital. Fannie developed a Mass Open Online Course on crisis leadership and teaches Leadership Practice with Impact in the Master of Leadership program.

Dr Heather Round

Dr Heather Round teaches innovation, creativity and management and runs an entrepreneurship program for business leaders. She has extensive industry experience, consulting globally and running large-scale organisational change programs. Heather’s research interests include creativity, innovation, identity and leadership and she is an accredited Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile practitioner.

Faculty members

Dr Claudia Escobar Vega

Dr Claudia Escobar Vega’s research focuses on leadership cognition, implicit leadership theory, and socially constructed theories of leadership aiming towards effective strategies to promote leadership equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Professor Ferdinand Gul

Professor Ferdinand Gul has held senior positions in various universities in Australia and Hong Kong and has consulted on corporate governance reform to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. He has published in top-tier journals including Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review and The Journal of Financial Economics.

Dr Huw Flatau Harrison

Dr Huw Flatau-Harrison's research is occupational health, wellbeing, safety, and intensive research modelling and data analysis. He has particular interest in the role of leadership in safety contexts and has conducted research with organisations such as WorkSafe Vic, BGC and Eastern Health.

Ms Natasha Aulia

Natasha Aulia is a research assistant with Deakin Learning Futures and a communications professional, freelance writer and designer, holding a Bachelor of Media and Communication and Design from Swinburne University. Natasha’s experience spans a number of industries, including retail and FMCG, local government, disability and social enterprise.

Dr Nicole Larson

Dr Nicole Larson's research aims to advance the science and practice of high-performance teamwork, with a focus on team processes and emergent states. Nicole has worked with several organisations in Canada and is currently working with Eastern Health in Australia.

Dr Wouter Vleugels

Dr Wouter Vleugels' current research interests include the dynamic nature of person-environment (PE) fit, the use of PE fit as a system of assumptions and associated practices in HR management, and the causes and consequences of misfit.

Advisory Board Members

Cameron EdgarLinkedIn profile 
Chief Superintendent, Director Helicopter Operations, Ambulance NSW

Gloria YuenLinkedIn profile
Head of Regulatory Enablement and Delivery, Personal Banking, NAB

Eva ChyeLinkedIn profile
Director, Business Align and Connect, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

Jennifer ConleyLinkedIn profile
CEO, Geelong Manufacturing Council (GMC)

Jolene MorseLinkedIn profile
Director, Financial Services Risk Management (FSRM), Ernst and Young (EY)

Rhonda AndrewsLinkedIn profile
Founder, Principal Senior Psychologist and Managing Director, Barrington Centre


We have published in a range of journals including the Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Strategic Management Journal, and The Leadership Quarterly.

Journals and books

Bavik Y L, Shao B, Newman , and Schwarz G (In press) 'Crisis leadership: A multidisciplinary literature review and future research agenda', The Leadership Quarterly

Bavik Y L, Shaw J D and Wang X H (2020) 'Social support: multidisciplinary review, synthesis, and future agenda' Academy of Management Annals, 14(2), 726–758

Bavik Y L, Tang P M, Shao R and Lam L W (2018) 'Ethical leadership and employee knowledge sharing: exploring dual-mediation paths', The Leadership Quarterly, 29(2), 322–332

Casey T, Griffin MA, Flatau-Harrison H and Neal A (2017) 'Safety climate and culture: Integrating psychological and systems perspectives', Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 22(3), 341–353

Fitzsimmons SR, Vora D, Martin L, Raheem S, Pekerti AA and Lakshman C (2019) 'What makes you “multicultural”', Harvard Business Review (digital)

Flatau-Harrison H, Griffin M A and Gagne M (2020) 'Should we agree to disagree? The multilevel moderated relationship between safety climate strength and individual safety motivation', Journal of Business and Psychology, 1–13

Flatau-Harrison H, Griffin M A and Gagne M (2020) 'Trickling down: The impact of leaders on individual role clarity through safety climate strength across time' Safety Science, 121, 485–495

Flatau-Harrison H, Griffin MA and Gagne M (2018) 'Assessing shortened safety climate measures: simulating a planned missing data design in a field setting', Safety Science, 104, 189–201

Griep Y, Baillien E, Vleugels W, Rothmann I and De Witte H (2014) 'Do they adapt or react? A comparison of the adaption model and stress reaction model among South African unemployed', Economic and Industrial Democracy, 35(4), 717–736

Larson N, McLarnon M and O’Neill T A (2020) 'Challenging the “static” quo: Trajectories of engagement in team processes toward a deadline', Journal of Applied Psychology, 105, 1145–1163

Martin L and Shao B (2016) 'Early immersive culture mixing: the key to understanding cognitive and identity differences among multiculturals', Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(10), 1409–1429

Martin L, Shao B and Thomas DC (2019) 'The role of early immersive culture mixing in cultural identifications of multiculturals', Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 50(4), 508–523

Mount M and Baer M (2021) 'CEOs’ regulatory focus and risk-taking when firms perform above and below the bar' Journal of Management,

Mount M, Baer M, and Lupoli M (2021) 'Quantum leaps or tiny steps: psychological distance and construal level in novel project selection', Strategic Management Journal, 42(8), 1490–1515

Mount M, Round H and Pitsis T (2020) 'Design thinking inspired crowdsourcing: towards a generative model of complex problem-solving', California Management Review, 62(3), 103–120

Mount M, Clegg S R and Pitsis T (2020) 'Conceptualizing the de-materializing characteristics of internal inclusion in crowdsourced open strategy' Long Range Planning, 53(5), 101986

Newman A, Bavik Y L, Mount M and Shao B (2021), 'Data collection via online platforms: challenges and recommendations for future research', Applied Psychology, 70(3), 1380–1402

Newman A, Round H, Wang S and Mount M (2020) 'Innovation climate: A systematic review of the literature and agenda for future research', Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93(1), 73–109

O’Neill T A, Lewis R J, Law S J, Larson N, Hancock S, Radan J, Lee N M and Carswell J J (2017) 'Forced-choice pre-employment personality assessment: Construct validity and resistance to faking', Personality and Individual Differences, 115, 120–127

O’Neill T A, Hancock S, Zivkov K, Larson N and Law S J (2016) 'Team decision making in virtual and face-to-face environments', Group Decision and Negotiation, 25, 995–1020

Round H and Styhre A (2017) 'Reality bites: Managing identity ambiguity in an advertising agency', Creativity and Innovation Management, 26(2), 202–213

Round H (2021) Creative Identity Work in the Face of Ambiguity: Defending, Distancing, Differentiating In Organizing Creativity in the Innovation Journey, Emerald Publishing Limited

Ren S, Jackson S E (2020) 'HRM institutional entrepreneurship for sustainable business organizations', Human Resource Management Review,

Ren S, Tang G and Jackson S E (2018) 'Green human resource management research in emergence: a review and future directions', Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35, 769–803

Ren S, Jiang K F and Tang G (2021) 'Leveraging green HRM for firm performance: the joint effects of CEO environmental belief and external pollution severity and the mediating role of employee environmental commitment' Human Resource Management, doi/10.1002/hrm.22079

Round H (2018) Leaders and Followers: Co-constructing a Creative Identity In Inclusive Leadership, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, (pp. 151–178)

Shao B (2019) 'Moral anger as a dilemma? An investigation of how leader moral anger influences follower trust', The Leadership Quarterly, 30(3), 365–382

Shao B and Guo Y X (2021) 'More than just an angry face: An integrative review and theoretical expansion of research on leader anger expression', Human Relations, 74(10), 1661–1687

Shao B and Martin L (2020) '“I know your intention is good, but I still feel bad”: Cultural divergence and convergence in the effect of leader’s angry feedback', Personnel Review, 49(8), 1591–1606

Shao B, Wang L and Tse H H M (2018) 'Motivational or dispositional? The type of inference shapes the effectiveness of leader anger expression', The Leadership Quarterly, 29(6), 709–723

Vleugels W, Tierens H, Billsberry J, Verbruggen M and De Cooman R (2019) 'Profiles of fit and misfit: a repeated weekly measures study of perceived value congruence', European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(5), 616–630

Vleugels W, De Cooman R, Verbruggen M and Solinger O (2018) 'Understanding dynamic change in perceptions of person-environment fit: an exploration of competing theoretical perspectives', Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, 1066–1080

Vora D, Martin L, Fitzsimmons SR, Pekerti AA, Lakshman C and Raheem S (2019) 'Multiculturalism within individuals: A review, critique, and agenda for future research', Journal of International Business Studies, 50 (4), 499–524

Wang L, Restubog S L, Shao B, Lu V N and Van Kleef G (2018) 'Does anger expression help or harm leader effectiveness? The roles of anger cause and abusive supervision', Academy of Management Journal, 61(3), 1050–1072

Zutshi A, Creed A, Bhattacharya A, Bavik A, Sohal A and Bavik Y L (2021) 'Demystifying knowledge hiding in academic roles in higher education', Journal of Business Research, 137, 206–221

Contact us

Please get in touch if you would like more information about the Leadership Futures Hub.

Dr Fannie Wu
+61 3 9244 5954

Dr Heather Round
+61 3 924 68026