Bachelor of Computer Science

2024 Deakin University Handbook


2025 course information

Award granted Bachelor of Computer Science
Deakin course codeS306

Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment

CampusOffered at Burwood (Melbourne)
Duration3 years full-time or part-time equivalent
Course Map - enrolment planning tool

This course map is for new students commencing from Trimester 1 2025

Course maps for commencement in previous years are available on the Course Maps webpage or please contact a Student Adviser in Student Central.

CRICOS course code083695K Burwood (Melbourne)
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) recognition

The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 7

Course sub-headings

Course overview

This course equips you with the knowledge and practical skills needed to design and develop innovative software solutions addressing multifaceted information and technology problems faced by our community, business and industry. Learn what it takes to create and integrate complex new computing technologies while exploring existing and emerging challenges. You will explore areas such as data analytics, machine learning, robotics, intelligent and autonomous systems, and telecommunications.

Computer scientists are problem solvers and innovators, and at Deakin, you will get a competitive edge in the job market. Gain hands-on experience with current technologies and training in fundamental concepts, models and methods. Extend your skills through a work placement and develop valuable professional networks. Professional accreditation by the Australian Computer Society (ACS) means your degree will be recognised around the world.

Want to drive change through technology?

This course provides a combination of experiential learning and practical exposure. You'll get access to specialised labs and facilities, including dedicated laboratories for robotics, cyber security and augmented reality (AR)/virtual reality (VR). Supported by experienced, industry-connected staff, you will gain access to state-of-the-art software and hardware throughout the course, giving you vital hands-on experience that employers demand.

Expand your skills with our industry-based learning opportunities, including a placement unit that gives you a minimum of 100 hours of hands-on experience. Tackling the challenges of computer science in the field, you will gain practical expertise and develop valuable professional networks, ensuring you graduate job-ready.

You will have access to our brand-new specialised capstone project and inspiring co-working space to collaborate with your teammates. During the capstone unit, you will develop solutions to real-world problems from industry and learn agile project management methods, which are widely used across the sector.

Our past students have worked on capstone projects such as:

  • medical – a mobile app that tracks pupil responses to light
  • real estate – a mobile app to track your notes about properties you view
  • transport – planning a bus trip with real-time data
  • gaming – children’s computer game to build their resilience
  • architecture – a virtual reality space to assess architecture student projects
  • security – voice-activated password software
  • political – a secure online voting system.

Deakin’s teaching staff are active researchers in the field, working with groups such as the Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute. Our world-class research programs feed directly into our classrooms, meaning you will be learning at the cutting edge of industry standards.

Equip yourself with a comprehensive understanding of:

  • artificial intelligence
  • machine learning
  • embedded devices
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • computer systems and networks
  • data management and information processes
  • human computer interaction
  • programming and software development
  • mathematical methods
  • algorithm design and analysis.

Indicative student workload

You can expect to participate in a range of teaching activities each week. This could include lectures, seminars, practicals and online interaction. You can refer to the individual unit details in the course structure for more information. You will also need to study and complete assessment tasks in your own time.

Professional recognition

The Bachelor of Computer Science is professionally accredited with the Australian Computer Society (ACS) meaning your degree will be recognised around the world.

Career opportunities

You’ll be ready for employment in organisations engaged in:

  • artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • robotics application development
  • technology innovation.

You’ll graduate with career options such as:

  • innovation lead
  • data scientist
  • software developer
  • database specialist
  • technology consultant
  • software analyst
  • solutions architect
  • project manager.

As a computer science graduate, you will enter one of the most exciting and dynamic industries, with opportunities in areas such as:

  • cognitive computing and intelligent systems
  • robotics and autonomous systems
  • emerging technologies.

As your experience develops, you will also be well prepared to progress into project management positions.

Participation requirements

Placement can occur at any time, including during standard holiday breaks. Learn about key dates at Deakin.

Elective units may be selected that include compulsory placements, work-based training, community-based learning or collaborative research training arrangements.

Reasonable adjustments to participation and other course requirements will be made for students with a disability. More information available at Disability support services.

Mandatory student checks

Any unit which contains work integrated learning, a community placement or interaction with the community may require a police check, Working with Children Check or other check.

Additional course information

Equipment requirements

The learning experiences and assessment activities within this course require that students have access to a range of technologies beyond a desktop computer or laptop. Access to high cost specialist equipment, such as robots, is provided. Students will be required to purchase minor equipment, such as small single board computers, microcontrollers and sensors, which will be used within a range of units in this course. This equipment is also usable by the student beyond their studies. Equipment requirements and details of suppliers will be provided on a per-unit basis. The indicative cost of this equipment for this course is AUD$500.

For information regarding hardware and software requirements, please refer to the Bring your own device (BYOD) guidelines via the School of Information Technology website in addition to the individual unit outlines in the Handbook.

Course Learning Outcomes

Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes Course Learning Outcomes
Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities

Develop a broad, coherent knowledge of the computer science discipline, with detailed knowledge of the application of computer science methods and principles in modern computing systems.

Use knowledge, skills, tools and methodologies for professional computer science practice.

Design algorithms, system models, software components, computing systems and processes, to meet application requirements within realistic economic, environmental, social, political, legal and ethical constraints.


Communicate in a professional context to inform, explain and drive sustainable innovation through computer science, utilising a range of verbal, graphical and written methods, recognising the needs of diverse audiences.

Digital literacy

Use digital technologies, platforms, frameworks and tools from the field of computer science to generate, manage, process and share digital resources and solutions.

Critical thinking

Critically analyse information provided to inform decision making and evaluation of plans and solutions associated with the field of computer science.

Problem solving

Apply cognitive, technical, and creative skills from computer science to understand requirements and design, implement, and operate solutions to real-world and ill- defined computing problems.


Work independently to apply knowledge and skills to new situations in professional practice and/or further learning in the field of computer science with adaptability, autonomy, responsibility, and personal accountability for actions as a practitioner and a learner.


Work independently and collaboratively to achieve team goals, contributing knowledge and skills from computer science to advance the teams objectives, employing effective teamwork practices and principles, and comprehending distinct workplace roles and their functions.

Global citizenship

Apply professional and ethical standards and accountability in the field of computer science and engage openly and respectfully with diverse communities and cultures.

Course rules

To complete the Bachelor of Computer Science students must pass 24 credit points and meet the following course rules to be eligible to graduate: 

  • DAI001 Academic Integrity and Respect at Deakin (0-credit-point compulsory unit) in their first study period
  • SIT010 Safety Induction Program (0-credit-point compulsory unit)
  • STP010 Career Tools for Employability (0-credit-point compulsory unit)
  • 13 credit points of core units
  • 3 credit points of computer science capstone units
  • 8 credit points which may comprise of:
    • 1 major (6 credit points) and 2 credit points of open elective units
    • 1 minor (4 credit points) and 4 credit points of open elective units
    • 2 minors (8 credit points)
  • a maximum of 10 credit points at level 1
  • a minimum of 14 credit points levels 2 and 3 
  • a minimum of 6 credit points at level 3.

Students are required to meet the University's academic progress and conduct requirements. See the enrolment codes and terminology to help make sense of the University's vocabulary.


Refer to the details of each major sequence for availability.


Refer to the details of each minor sequence for availability.

Students wishing to complete two minor sequences in the Bachelor of Computer Science cannot count more than 2 units in common for both minor sequences.

Course structure


Year 1 - Trimester 1

DAI001 Academic Integrity and Respect at Deakin (0 credit points)

SIT010Safety Induction Program (0 credit points)

STP010Career Tools for Employability (0 credit points)

SIT111Computer Systems

SIT192Discrete Mathematics

SIT112Introduction to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

SIT102Introduction to Programming

Year 1 - Trimester 2

SIT232Object-Oriented Development

SIT103Database Fundamentals

SIT292Linear Algebra for Data Analysis

SIT202Computer Networks and Communication

Year 2 - Trimester 1

SIT221Data Structures and Algorithms

SIT215Computational Intelligence

Plus two (2) major, minor or open elective units (2 credit points)

Year 2 - Trimester 2

SIT223Professional Practice in Information Technology #

SIT320Advanced Algorithms

SIT315Concurrent and Distributed Programming

Plus one (1) major, minor or open elective unit (1 credit point)

Year 3 - Trimester 1

SIT374Team Project (A) - Project Management and Practices ^

Plus three (3) major, minor or open elective units (3 credit points)

Year 3 - Trimester 2

2 credit points from the following capstone options:

SIT344Professional Practice (2 credit points) ^+


SIT378Team Project (B) - Execution and Delivery ^

SIT306IT Placements and Industry Experience ^+

Plus two (2) major, minor or open elective units (two (2) credit points)

^ Offered in Trimester 1, Trimester 2, Trimester 3

+ Students must have completed STP010 Career Tools for Employability (0-credit point compulsory unit) and SIT223 Professional Practice in Information Technology.

# Corequisite of STP010 Career Tools for Employability (0-credit point compulsory unit).

It is important to ensure your course plan meets the course rules detailed above. Students should contact Student Central for assistance with course planning, choosing the right units and understanding course rules.


Select from a range of open elective units offered across many courses, you may even be able to choose elective units from a completely different discipline area (subject to meeting unit requirements).

Work experience

This course includes a compulsory work placement with an approved host organisation to take your learning beyond the classroom and prepare you to be work and career ready. Work Integrated Learning units offered in this course provide you with the opportunity to develop your professional networks and work practices while completing your degree.

Elective units may also provide additional opportunities for Work Integrated Learning experiences.

For more information visit SEBE Work Integrated Learning.

Details of major sequences

Computational Mathematics


Burwood (Melbourne), online study

Unit set code



Develop high-demand, specialist skills used by computer scientists across technology and industry when you study computational mathematics. Utilising computer science and mathematics, this major allows you to augment your programming expertise and solve complex problems using advanced mathematical methods. Enhance your logical and abstract thinking soft skills across real-world applications, including designing algorithms and analysing data and statistics. From this you will build a strong foundation for a variety of careers when you graduate.


SIT190Introduction to Functions, Relations and Graphs


SIT191Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis


SIT194Introduction to Mathematical Modelling


SIT291Mathematical Methods for Information Modelling

SIT316Optimisation and Constraint Programming

SIT334Numerical Methods in Mathematics *

* available from 2026

Data Science


Burwood (Melbourne), online study

Unit set code



Skilled data professionals are in high demand as organisations increasingly rely on skilled specialists to unlock hidden patterns in big data, providing a strategic advantage in the competitive business world. This major sequence will prepare you with knowledge and technical skills in the areas of data mining, machine learning, deep learning, software architecture and scalability, natural language processing and AI.


SIT199Applied Algebra and Statistics


SIT191Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis


SIT220Data Wrangling

SIT307Machine Learning

SIT319Deep Learning

SIT314Software Architecture and Scalability for Internet-Of-Things

SIT330Natural Language Processing

Internet of Things


Burwood (Melbourne), online study

Unit set code



Many organisations are starting to realise the enormous potential of IoT in their business. This has led to growing demand for Internet of Things (IoT) related skillsets in the IT job market. In this major sequence you will explore areas relating to data capture, embedded systems, software architecture and scalability, data mining, and machine learning. 


SIT225Data Capture Technologies

SIT210Embedded Systems Development

SIT331Full Stack Development: Secure Backend Services

SIT314Software Architecture and Scalability for Internet-Of-Things

SIT307Machine Learning

SIT329Advanced Embedded Systems



Burwood (Melbourne), online study

Unit set code



Robotics is a rapidly growing field bringing together the disciplines of computer science and engineering to design, construct, and deploy robotic machines to benefit humans. This can involve either substituting or replicating human actions. Robots are increasingly built to do jobs that are hazardous to people and serve various practical applications across domestic, commercial and military settings. This major sequence will equip you with technical skills in software engineering, embedded systems development, computer vision and speech processing, and robotics application development.


SIT225Data Capture Technologies

SIT122Robotics Studio

SIT210Embedded Systems Development

SIT310Robotics Application Development

SIT315Concurrent and Distributed Programming

SIT332Robotics, Computer Vision and Speech Processing

Details of minor sequences

Computational Mathematics


Burwood (Melbourne), online study

Unit set code



Utilising computer science and mathematics, this minor allows you to enhance your logical and abstract thinking soft skills across real-world applications, including designing algorithms, and analysing data and statistics.


SIT190Introduction to Functions, Relations and Graphs


SIT194Introduction to Mathematical Modelling

Plus two of:

SIT281Cryptography ^^

SIT291Mathematical Methods for Information Modelling ^^

SIT292Linear Algebra for Data Analysis ^^

Plus one of:

SIT316Optimisation and Constraint Programming


SIT334Numerical Methods in Mathematics *

* available from 2026

^^ Students in S306 and S406 should undertake two of SIT281 Cryptography, SIT291 Mathematical Methods for Information Modelling, or any SIT elective.

Cloud Technologies


Burwood (Melbourne), online study

Unit set code



In today’s data-driven digital world, cloud technologies are an area of significant business interest.  Their adoption and integration into business practices is growing at a rapid pace. This minor focuses on providing you with the knowledge, skills and expertise required to construct solutions using virtualisation, enterprise networks, system security and cloud infrastructure.


SIT233Cloud Computing

SIT226Cloud Automation Technologies

SIT323Cloud Native Application Development

SIT314Software Architecture and Scalability for Internet-Of-Things

Embedded Systems


Burwood (Melbourne), online study

Unit set code



This minor will focus on developing solutions that use hardware, software, sensors, actuators, prototyping platforms, and systems software. Students will gain the skills and knowledge to solve real-world problems in smart homes, the Internet of Things and robotics.


SIT122Robotics Studio

SIT225Data Capture Technologies

SIT210Embedded Systems Development

SIT329Advanced Embedded Systems

Full Stack Development


Burwood (Melbourne), online study

Unit set code



Web development is one of the fastest-growing careers in today’s economy. There is growing demand for full stack web developers who are proficient in both front-end and back-end web development. Throughout this minor sequence, you will explore responsive web apps, full stack development across frontend applications and backend services, and mobile programming for Android and iOS.


SIT120Introduction to Responsive Web Apps

SIT331Full Stack Development: Secure Backend Services

SIT313Full Stack Development: Secure Frontend Applications

SIT305Mobile Application Development

Game Design


Burwood (Melbourne), online study

Unit set code



Game design introduces the range of concepts relevant to an aspiring game designer. This spans from the terminology used in professional game design, through to the aspects of game content design, design of rules and mechanics, and design to support the marketing and distribution of interactive applications.


SIT151Game Fundamentals

SIT253Content Creation for Interactive Experiences

SIT254Game Design

SIT283Development for Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual and Augmented Reality


Burwood (Melbourne), online study

Unit set code



Virtual and augmented reality technologies are revolutionising business processes, disrupting the way companies work with complex data sets, and enhancing educational and training practices. They contribute to novel therapies and treatments, and allow access to opportunities despite physical and geographical restrictions. They also have redefined the way we represent and interact with digital media - whether it be our holiday souvenir snapshots or the latest interactive gaming experience.


SIT183Interactive Application Design for Virtual and Augmented Reality

SIT283Development for Virtual and Augmented Reality

SIT253Content Creation for Interactive Experiences

SIT383Assembling Virtual and Augmented Reality Experiences

Other course information

Course duration

Course duration may be affected by delays in completing course requirements, such as accessing or completing work placements.

Further information

Student Central can help you with course planning, choosing the right units and explaining course rules and requirements.

Other learning experiences

You will have the opportunity to participate in a range of extra-curricular learning opportunities, such as internal and external competitions and challenges, industry projects within the Deakin Incubator Group, and international study tours.

Fees and charges

Fees and charges vary depending on the type of fee place you hold, your course, your commencement year, the units you choose to study, and their study discipline or your study load.

Tuition fees increase at the beginning of each calendar year and all fees quoted are in Australian dollars ($AUD). Tuition fees do not include textbooks, computer equipment or software, other equipment or costs such as mandatory checks, travel and stationery.

Estimate your fees

For further information regarding tuition fees, other fees and charges, invoice due dates, withdrawal dates, payment methods visit our Current students website.