SLE334 - Medical Microbiology and Immunology


2024 unit information

Enrolment modes: Trimester 2: Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)
Credit point(s): 1
EFTSL value: 0.125




Incompatible with: Nil
Study commitment

Students will on average spend 150 hours over the teaching period undertaking the teaching, learning and assessment activities for this unit.

This will include educator guided online learning activities within the unit site.

Scheduled learning activities - campus

2 x 1 hour online lectures per week, 1 x 1 hour lecture per week, 5 x 3 hour practical experience (laboratory) per trimester.


SLE334 allows students to explore aspects of microbiology and immunology relevant to understanding infectious disease. Students will be introduced to medical microbiology and immunology using anthrax as a model disease. Students will learn about biology of bacteria, viral and parasitic pathogens of global importance. The practical experience has been designed to replicate some of the investigative strategies and decision making processes used by medical microbiologists to identify potential pathogenic micro-organisms from various clinical specimens. Many of the techniques students will apply are those commonly used by practicing microbiologists in their routine work. Learning and assessment tasks will enhance the students understanding of infectious diseases, the immune response to infectious disease, diagnosis, the development of candidate vaccines and the identification of pharmacological targets for antimicrobial therapeutics.

Hurdle requirement

To be eligible to obtain a pass in this unit, students must achieve at least 50% in the practical experience (laboratory) component.

Unit Fee Information

Fees and charges vary depending on the type of fee place you hold, your course, your commencement year, the units you choose to study and their study discipline, and your study load.

Tuition fees increase at the beginning of each calendar year and all fees quoted are in Australian dollars ($AUD). Tuition fees do not include textbooks, computer equipment or software, other equipment or costs such as mandatory checks, travel and stationery.

Use the Fee estimator to see course and unit fees applicable to your course and type of place.

For further information regarding tuition fees, other fees and charges, invoice due dates, withdrawal dates, payment methods visit our Current Students website.