Master of Social Work

Postgraduate coursework

Develop the skills and experience to help those from disadvantaged circumstances and set yourself up for senior roles in a rapidly growing sector.

This course is only available for domestic students.

Key facts


2 years of full-time study or 4 years part-time study


This course is only offered Online. Attendance at a minimum of 20 days of face-to-face time delivered during the two-year degree.

Current Deakin Students

To access your official course details for the year you started your degree, please visit the handbook

Course overview

With a Master of Social Work, you will have the skills, experience and platform to stand with the community, fight social injustice and help those from disadvantaged circumstances better their lives. Seek membership of the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) when you graduate and set yourself up for senior roles in a rapidly growing sector.

Want to discover how your care for others, compassion and empathy can translate into a rewarding and successful career?

You will study this course alongside a diverse group of students that all share a common passion for helping others. Many join the course after completing a bachelor degree in a cognate discipline, such as psychology, allied health and nursing. Master of Social Work students who are working in the field are looking to develop advanced skills – skills that allow them to address more complex issues and have an even more profound impact on the people they work with. No matter where you come from, you will be joining a group that shares your values, and you will be given a platform to do more of what you love each and every day.

Choosing social work at Deakin means you get to study specialised units that focus on the most significant social challenges in the world today. These include:

  • Addressing Violence and Abuse
  • Responding to Trauma, Grief and Loss
  • Challenging Poverty and Social Exclusion

Your studies will extend to other key areas of social work that give you a national and global perspective of the work currently being done in the field, such as:

  • social and community development
  • race and gender issues
  • critical social work perspectives
  • equity, power and diversity issues
  • anti-oppressive and empowerment approaches to social work practice and policy.

Another benefit of the course is our unique unit, Collaborative Practice in Healthcare. The unit includes students from social work, nursing, psychology, occupational therapy, optometry, medical imaging and medicine, giving you the chance to work alongside health professionals from different areas. Not only is this a great networking opportunity, it also provides a blueprint of what it takes to work effectively in a healthcare team. Develop skills in leadership, interprofessional conflict resolution, communication and patient-centred care, and graduate ready to thrive in team environments.

The course is delivered on our flexible online learning platform, but that doesn’t mean you will miss out on practical learning opportunities. In fact, you will undertake at least 1000 hours of professional placement preparing you for all the challenges you will face in your future role. You can take on placements at a variety of organisations, broadening your experience and professional networks, and you will be supervised by qualified social work practitioners who can give you feedback and expert guidance along the way.

The Master of Social Work is accredited by the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) and has even been recognised by the AASW for its commitment to ‘critically reflective practice’. That means you will graduate with a sought-after qualification and all the right skills for a rewarding career built on helping others.

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Course information

Award granted
Master of Social Work

2025 course information

Deakin code
Higher Degree Coursework (Masters and Doctorates)
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) recognition

The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 9

Course structure

To complete the Master of Social Work, you must pass 16 credit points. This includes:

  • DAI001 Academic Integrity and Respect at Deakin (0-credit-point compulsory unit) in your first study period
  • 16 credit points of core units

Most units are equal to one credit point.

As a full-time student you will study four credit points per trimester and usually undertake two trimesters per year.

All students are required to meet the University's academic progress and conduct requirements.

Students should also be aware of the inherent requirements of the course.

Core units

Course structure applies for students who commenced in 2017 onwards. Students who commenced prior to 2017 should refer to previous online Handbooks or consult a student advisor.

Level 1 - Trimester 1

  • Academic Integrity and Respect at Deakin (0 credit points)
  • Australian Social Work in an International Context
  • Understanding Care and Risk
  • Becoming a Social Worker
  • Challenging Poverty and Social Exclusion
  • Level 1 - Trimester 2

  • Professional Practice in Social Work A (3 credit points)
  • Research Literacy
  • Level 2 - Trimester 1

  • Addressing Violence and Abuse
  • Practicing Social Work with Communities and Groups
  • Responding to Trauma, Grief and Loss
  • Collaborative Practice in Health and Community Care
  • Level 2 - Trimester 2

  • Reconstructing Professional Practice
  • Professional Practice in Social Work B (3 credit points)
  • Intakes by location

    The availability of a course varies across locations and intakes. This means that a course offered in Trimester 1 may not be offered in the same location for Trimester 2 or 3. Check each intake for up-to-date information on when and where you can commence your studies.

    Trimester 1 - March

    • Start date: March
    • Available at:
      • Online

    Course duration

    You may be able to study available units in the optional third trimester to fast-track your degree, however your course duration may be extended if there are delays in meeting course requirements, such as completing a placement.

    Fees - CSPs

    There are limited Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) in the Master of Social Work. Therefore CSP are not guaranteed and are allocated according to time of receipt of a completed application

    Applications for CSP usually closes in mid-late November each year. Applications received after this time are considered for full-fee places only.

    Income support

    Domestic students enrolled in this postgraduate coursework program may be eligible for student income support through Youth Allowance and Austudy.

    Further information can be found at Deakin University's Fees website.

    Mandatory student checks

    In accordance with the policies of health and human services organisations, all students are required to undertake a Police Record Check prior to professional placements in each calendar year that they are enrolled in a placement unit. Students who fail to obtain a Police Record Check prior to the commencement of a professional placement will not be able to undertake their mandatory placement units and this will impede progress in the course.

    Students with a criminal record are not precluded from enrolling in social work degrees at Deakin but may face difficulties in obtaining placements which are required to complete the degree. Many agencies are reluctant to place students whom they perceive may place service users, staff or the organisation itself at risk, e.g. when offending has involved crimes of violence against children or adults, or crimes of deception such as fraud and embezzlement.

    Working With Children Check (or State/Territory equivalent)

    In accordance with the Worker Screening Act 2020, all students are required to undertake a Working with Children Check at the commencement of their course. Students who fail to obtain a Working with Children Check prior to the commencement of professional placement will not be able to undertake their mandatory placement units and this will impede progress in the course.

    NDIS Worker Screening Check

    Students may be required to undertake a NDIS Worker Screening Check to comply with any requirements as specified by a particular placement organisation. This is an assessment of whether a person poses risk to NDIS participants. A placement organisation may refuse to accept a student for placement if they fail to obtain a NDIS Worker Screening Check. This may impede progression in the course.

    Immunisation Status

    Students are a potential source of infection for service users and colleagues and may be required to comply with any requirements for immunisation as specified by a particular placement organisation. Students are required to declare their immunisation status to satisfy the requirements of health and human service organisations where they will be undertaking their professional learning experience. A placement organisation may refuse to accept a student for placement if the student’s immunisation status is not satisfactory to the placement organisation. This may impede progression in the course.


    As a student in the Faculty of Health you can expect to participate in a range of learning activities each week. This may include a combination of self-paced study, lectures, seminars, simulations and online interactions. You can refer to the individual unit details in the course structure for more information. You will need to study and complete assessment tasks in your own time.

    Attendance requirements

    As part of the AASW accreditation you must attend 20 days of on-campus face-to-face learning. Intensive dates can be found on the Master of Social Work intensives webpage. If you feel for any reason you cannot attend these intensives you must contact your units chair as soon as possible.

    Attendance requirements can be found on the Master of Social Work intensives webpage.

    Participation requirements

    Students must complete 2 practice education units as part of the core units, each involving a minimum of 500 hours (across a minimum 65 days) of practicum (field placement) in a social or community service agency or program. Please note that all students will need to undertake the required field placements in order to qualify for the degree. These field placements are unpaid. It is recommended that students have planned for these periods of unpaid placement time prior to commencing the course.

    During the academic and placement components of a social work degree, students are expected to attend seminars and classes, and/or participate in online learning activities. In-person attendance for some activities, including placement, is compulsory for all students including those enrolled as online students.

    In accordance with the Australian Social Work Education and Accreditation Standards (ASWEAS) online students are required to attend on campus intensive seminars for a minimum of 20 days throughout their course. Intensive seminars are linked to individual units of study. Refer to the individual unit details in the University Handbook for more information about attendance requirements for specific units.

    Reasonable adjustments to participation and other course requirements will be made for students with a disability. Any adjustments need to reflect the understanding of social work and requirements for social work education as spelt out in the ASWEAS. For example, it is not possible to exempt a student from all group work activities in their degree as students must be able to demonstrate their ability to work collaboratively with others. However, there may be scope to make adjustments to this requirement on particular occasions, provided there are sufficient other situations when the student has the opportunity to demonstrate this requirement. More information available at Disability support services.

    Work experience

    Practice Education

    All students are required to complete two field education placements, each involving a minimum of 500 hours (across at least 65 days) of practicum (field placement) in a health or human service organisation or program.

    Students must also attend and participate in the associated pre-placement preparation seminars at the Geelong Waterfront campus in the trimester prior to the placement being undertaken. Dates for 2025 are available here.

    Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL) is possible for the first placement only (HSW714 Professional Practice in Social Work A) for students who are able to demonstrate that their prior work experience has provided them with the knowledge and experience that would normally be provided in the first placement. Applications for RPL are due 31 March of the year students are due to undertake their first placement. Late applications cannot be accepted.

    Further information is available in the RPL Guidelines.

    Deakin University does not require any student to have a driver’s licence but encourages students to obtain one if possible. Many placement providers expect students to hold a full driver’s licence and students who do not have this may be limited in the placement opportunities available to them. Organisations which require students to drive as part of their placement work should provide access to an agency vehicle and not expect students to have their own car.

    Entry requirements

    Selection is based on a holistic consideration of your academic merit, work experience, likelihood of success, availability of places, participation requirements, regulatory requirements, and individual circumstances. You will need to meet the minimum academic and English language proficiency requirements to be considered for selection, but this does not guarantee admission.

    Please note, there are limited places in this course and entry is competitive. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit an application as soon as possible. Applications for this course may close prior to the published closing date if all places are filled.

    Academic requirements

    To be considered for admission to this degree you will need to meet the following criteria:

    • completion of a bachelor degree in a related discipline, that contains at least one year, or the equivalent, of full-time studies in the social and behavioural sciences

    Examples of social and behavioural sciences areas include, but are not limited to:

    • anthropology, community development, criminology, economics, gender studies, geography, health and sustainability, indigenous studies, international relations, law, sociology
    • counselling, psychology and therapeutic roles such as art therapy, music therapy, play therapy, rehabilitation counselling
    • clinical areas such as nursing and midwifery, child development, drug and alcohol work, emergency services, medicine  
    • allied health and community services such as audiology, disability and inclusion, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech pathology, youth work health promotion, public health, education, policy, political science and research

    Please note this list is not exhaustive and should be used as a guide of subject area requirements. Selection will be determined by content studied in successfully completed units.

    English language proficiency requirements

    To meet the English language proficiency requirements of this course, you will need to demonstrate at least one of the following:

    Non-academic requirements

    Inherent requirements

    Applications are accepted from students who possess the skills and prerequisites required to complete the course, gain professional certification and practise safely. The inherent requirements of the course are available here.

    Further information

    Note - Graduates of the Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) will not be admitted to the Master of Social Work. Graduates of those courses are already eligible to apply for membership of the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) and can practice professionally throughout Australia.

    Admissions information

    Learn more about Deakin courses and how we compare to other universities when it comes to the quality of our teaching and learning.

    Not sure if you can get into Deakin postgraduate study? Postgraduate study doesn't have to be a balancing act; we provide flexible course entry and exit options based on your desired career outcomes and the time you're able to commit to your study.

    Recognition of prior learning

    The University aims to provide students with as much credit as possible for approved prior study which exceeds the normal entrance requirements for the course and is within the constraints of the course regulations. Students are required to complete a minimum of one-third of the course at Deakin University.

    You can also refer to the recognition of prior learning (RPL) system which outlines the credit that may be granted towards a Deakin University degree and how to apply for credit.

    Students must have completed Masters level education to be granted for approved prior study. Applications for RPL on the basis of prior study should be submitted at least one week prior to the commencement of the trimester of offer.

    RPL cannot be granted for informal learning for any Master of Social Work units other than HSW714 – Professional Practice in Social Work.

    Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL) is possible for the first placement only (HSW714-Professional Practice in Social Work A) for students who are able to demonstrate that their prior work experience has provided them with the knowledge and experience that would normally be provided in the first placement.

    There is a separate process in applying for this type of RPL and more information is available in RPL Guidelines.

    Applications for RPL are due 30 March of the year students are due to undertake their first placement. Late applications cannot be accepted and students are encouraged to apply earlier than this if possible.

    Fees and scholarships

    Fee information

    Estimated tuition fee - full-fee paying place
    $25,800 for 1 yr full-time - Full-fee paying place
    Learn more about fees and your options for paying.
    Estimated tuition fee - (CSP)?
    $9,314 for 1 yr full-time - Commonwealth Supported Place (HECS)

    Learn more about fees.

    The available fee places for this course are detailed above.

    The 'Estimated tuition fee' is provided as a guide only:

    • If you are offered a full fee paying place, your tuition fees are calculated based on your course.
    • If you are offered a Commonwealth supported place, your tuition fees are calculated depending on the units you choose. A limited number of Commonwealth supported places are available for this course. 

    The 'Estimated tuition fee' is provided as a guide only based on a typical enrolment of students completing this course within the same year as they started. The cost will vary depending on the units you choose, your study load, the length of your course and any approved Recognition of Prior Learning.

    One year full-time study load is typically represented by eight credit points of study. Each unit you enrol in has a credit point value. The 'Estimated tuition fee' is calculated by adding together eight credit points of a typical combination of units for your course.

    You can find the credit point value of each unit under the Unit Description by searching for the unit in the handbook.

    Learn more about fees and available payment options.

    Commonwealth Prac Payment

    From 1 July 2025, the Australian Government is intending to introduce the Commonwealth Prac Payment (CPP) to assist eligible students with costs related to mandatory placements in higher education courses for teaching, nursing, midwifery and social work.

    FEE-HELP calculator

    What is FEE-HELP?

    FEE-HELP loans cover up to 100% of tuition fees for eligible students. By taking out a FEE-HELP loan, the government pays your tuition fees directly to Deakin, and the balance is repaid from your employment income - but only once you're earning over $54,435.

    Please note: fees shown by the calculator are indicative only and based on 2025 rates. Actual fees may vary. We advise confirming fees with Prospective Student Enquiries prior to enrolment.

    Estimate your FEE-HELP

    FEE-HELP payments

    per pay cycle

    Take-home pay
    after FEE-HELP and tax

    per pay cycle

    Your estimated FEE-HELP repayments

    • $* is the estimated full cost for a Master of Social Work (16 credit points), based on the 2025 fees.
    • is the annual FEE-HELP payment, based on your current salary
    • of your current salary be spent on FEE-HELP


    Deakin University (Deakin):

    • gives no warranty and accepts no responsibility for the currency, accuracy or the completeness of the information provided;
    • advises users that no reliance should be placed upon on the information provided, and;
    • instructs users that they should confirm the actual course fee with Prospective Student Enquiries prior to enrolment.

    This tool provides indicative information about the fees that will be payable in respect of courses and subjects offered to prospective students domiciled in Australia during the periods indicated.

    Please note that the fees shown by the calculator are indicative only and actual fees may vary. Users are advised to confirm the actual course fee with Prospective Student Enquiries prior to enrolment.

    The estimated course fee is based on the tuition fee costs applicable to a domestic full time student commencing the course in Trimester 1 and studying full time for the duration of the course but:

    • does not include non-tuition costs that may apply, such as Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF);
    • does not take into account any scholarships or bursaries awarded to the student (including the 10% Deakin alumni discount);
    • assumes the maximum number of units that need to be successfully completed actual number completed may be reduced if recognition of prior learning is granted;
    • assumes that no exceptional, or non-typical, circumstances apply to the proposed course of study;
    • assumes that the options that the user selects are appropriate for the course of study that they intend to undertake;
    • where fees are estimated for future years those fee will be subject to annual increases in accordance with increases in the cost of course delivery.

    Scholarship options

    A Deakin scholarship might change your life. If you've got something special to offer Deakin – or you just need the financial help to get you here – we may have a scholarship opportunity for you.

    Search or browse through our scholarships

    Postgraduate bursary

    If you’re a Deakin alumnus commencing a postgraduate award course, you may be eligible to receive a 10% reduction per unit on your enrolment fees.

    Learn more about the 10% Deakin alumni discount

    Apply now

    Apply direct to Deakin

    Applications for Trimester 1, 2026 open in July.

    In the meantime, why not speak to our student advisers about your course and career options? It’s the best way for future students like you to get expert advice on preparing your application.

    Contact us

    Need more information on how to apply?

    For more information on the application process and closing dates, see the How to apply webpage. If you're still having problems, please contact us for assistance.


    This course provides a pathway to higher degree by research courses.

    Contact information

    Our friendly advisers are available to speak to you one-on-one about your study options, support services and how we can help you further your career.


    Career outcomes

    The two year Master of Social Work course is designed to provide a graduate level entry to educate students for critical, competent and effective professional social work practice both within the local social and community services industry and the broader national and international context. Graduates may find employment as a social worker, policy officer, researcher, community development worker, case manager, counsellor, human rights advocate, working with individuals, families, groups and communities in the health and human services sectors.

    Professional recognition

    The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) has fully accredited the Master of Social Work. The AASW has also singled out Deakin for our ‘critically reflective practice’, setting us apart from other social work programs in Australia.

    Note: All information regarding professional recognition is accurate at the date of publication. Enquiries regarding accreditation and professional membership should be directed to the School of Health and Social Development in order to ascertain the current status of accreditation at any future point in time beyond publication. Representations about accreditation apply only to the course, and the AASW retains discretion as to who they admit as members of their association. Deakin University cannot exercise any control over membership of an external body.

    Course learning outcomes

    Deakin's graduate learning outcomes describe the knowledge and capabilities graduates can demonstrate at the completion of their course. These outcomes mean that regardless of the Deakin course you undertake, you can rest assured your degree will teach you the skills and professional attributes that employers value. They'll set you up to learn and work effectively in the future.

    Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes Course Learning Outcomes
    Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities

    Critically apply understanding of the histories, aims, values, ethics, theories and practice approaches of social work in contemporary Australian contexts, across all domains including working with individuals, families, groups, communities, management, research education and social policy.

    Practice social work reflectively in line with the code of ethics and professional practice standards of the Australian Association of Social Workers.


    Evaluate and apply appropriate communication and interpersonal skills in a broad range of social work practice contexts and with a diversity of people, communities and organisations.

    Digital literacy

    Use digital technology in social work practice ethically and appropriately, including service provision and management, information acquisition and dissemination, and research and evaluation.

    Critical thinking

    Critically analyse, synthesise and apply knowledge of social work theories, methods and skills to promote positive social change.

    Engage in reflective and responsive practice that considers the social context, and the positioning of self and others.

    Evaluate and apply knowledge and understanding of a range of research paradigms and methods to the design and conduct of research relevant to the practice and evaluation of social work.

    Problem solving

    Apply social work knowledge and intervention skills to appropriately and creatively respond to the needs of individuals, groups and communities in diverse settings, client groups and geographic locations.


    Demonstrate a sense of identity, integrity and self-management as a professional social worker in all areas of practice.

    Demonstrate the capacity to engage in professional supervision, be accountable for professional decisions and actions, and recognise the need to engage in on-going professional development, including supervision.


    Work and learn respectfully and inclusively in collaborative intra and inter disciplinary settings.

    Work and learn across diverse social, cultural and political locations.

    Global citizenship

    Enact acknowledgement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians into social work practice.

    Evaluate and apply local and global knowledges of the social, political, cultural, legal and economic contexts of social work practice to respond effectively within a human rights and social justice framework.