Stories of giving

The dKin Difference

We're proud to share inspiring stories of how Deakin's 'kin' have generously contributed to our University, and the positive impact made possible by our collective community.

Striving for future generations

Providing access to education is in our DNA. The generosity of our donors is instrumental in helping to create opportunities for students to realise their best potential.

Philanthropy also fuels our researchers’ quest in finding long-term solutions to both local and global challenges. Your support directly translates to real-world impact. It enables us to continually progress discovery and innovation to advance society and culture, design smarter technologies, enable a sustainable world, and improve health and wellbeing.

When you give through Deakin, you increase a critical margin of excellence and opportunity that empowers our graduates and researchers to make a real difference around the world as global leaders, innovators and professionals. Thank you.

The dKin Difference 2023

Farmer in a canola field

Acknowledging the extraordinary, proving wonderful things are possible when we work together. The incredible stories that make up our 2023 edition are moving, inspiring and reveal the deep connections within the Deakin community – all made possible through philanthropic partnerships and the transformative power of giving.

Read The dKin Difference 2023 Edition

Past editions of The dKin Difference

Launched in 2020, our annual donor impact report – the dKin Difference – proudly showcases the incredible support of our donor community. Whether it’s creating solutions through breakthrough research, supporting the future ambitions of a student on scholarship, or helping translate research outcomes back to the community, we recognise and are exceptionally grateful for this impact that philanthropy continues to have.

The dKin Difference 2022

The dKin Difference 2022

For Deakin, 2022 was a year of incredible generosity and progress. This issue of the dKin Difference celebrates both. We shine a light on just some of the amazing discoveries and inspiring work being achieved in our research community, and proudly share stories of the extraordinary giving spirit of our donors.

Read The dKin Difference 2022 Edition

The dKin Difference 2021

The dKin Difference 2021

Dive into the second instalment of our annual donor impact publication. When we look back on the year that was, we are reminded of the tremendous power of community in driving progress. From Deakin’s pioneering Food and Mood Centre, through to how non-Indigenous Australians can be better allies to the nation’s First Peoples and more.

Read The dKin Difference 2021 Edition

The dKin Difference 2020

The dKin Difference 2020

Welcome to our inaugural donor impact publication. Be immersed in stories of a community bonded by a shared belief in the life-changing power of accessible education, industry partnerships and research innovation. A community that values fairness and equal access to opportunities, resilience in the face of adversity, and innovative thinking in the pursuit of an extraordinary future.

Read The dKin Difference 2020 Edition

Contact our team

Got a question or need more information? Call our team on +61 3 9244 5150 or email us to chat about how you can support Deakin and the communities we serve. You can also connect with us on LinkedIn and Facebook.