
Powering business performance

The world – and the world of business – is moving fast. DeakinCo. offers practical, modular workplace learning and development that propels organisations into the future. It’s our mission to help businesses and individuals build the in-demand capabilities to succeed today – and tomorrow.

Workplace learning that works in the real world

DeakinCo. offers education and training that keeps up with your evolving business needs, to achieve real-world outcomes in real time. With DeakinCo. you’re uplifting and reskilling the people you already have, so they can reach KPIs, improve everyday performance and find their way from entry level to C-suite.


Workplace training

For businesses, DeakinCo. offers tailored corporate training in response to your specific business challenges and opportunities. Programs have a digital-first focus and provide measurable learning ROI to drive your organisation forward. In a climate of constant change, lifelong learning is key to ongoing success.

Professional practice credentials

Professional practice credentials are a form of micro-credential. These are skill-specific signals of achievement that allow individuals and organisations to have their capabilities recognised and independently verified. They’re a new way to ensure you and your workforce stay future-proofed in this increasingly changing world.

Find out how to evaluate, recognise and uplift current skill and capability

Online short courses

Covering contemporary topics and emerging fields, our range of short courses have been designed to equip working professionals and job seekers alike with the skills most demanded by employers.

Identify gaps and build new skills that improve workplace performance

Get in touch

Talk to our team members about how we can help you realise your workforce potential. Find out how DeakinCo. can help propel your organisation into the future.

Email DeakinCo.