A huge life upheaval led Renee Allara to her job as a disability assistant.
‘Several years ago, I was a passenger in a car that was involved in a large accident. I was the only person hurt,’ she says. ‘I had physical injuries and I also lost my hearing.’
Suddenly, Renee, an artist, realised just how inaccessible the world could be.
‘I started to see people who were in my new community in a new light. These deaf people had been blocked from so much that others take for granted.’
Renee is also the mother of two children with autism, which gives her and her family an additional insight into the barriers that can be experienced by people with disabilities to full community inclusion.
Now a graduate of Deakin’s Graduate Certificate of Disability and Inclusion, Renee works at TAFE NSW in Sydney.
She would encourage anyone to consider a career in this field, describing it as an exciting time in disability work, particularly with the arrival of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.