Generative Artificial Intelligence

Deakin is committed to ethical and responsible use of generative AI (genAI) in teaching and research.

Steering Group purpose

Deakin’s genAI Steering Group was established in 2023 to:

  • provide University oversight of the uptake of genAI tools and associated activity
  • coordinate institutional guidelines for the use of genAI as needed, with cross-reference to specific guidance for learning and teaching, research and enterprise use
  • consolidate and link to advice from relevant teams in the Academic and Research and Innovation Portfolios and Digital Services on current practice, emerging issues and technologies
  • connect communities of practice and networks across the University working with genAI to share practice.


GenAI tools moved to mass uptake in late 2022 with the public release of ChatGPT. Rapid upgrade and release of parallel tools and underpinning large language model enablers proliferated this technology extremely rapidly. Availability of tools is outstripping the capability of University staff and students to develop relevant skills and appropriate practice. As genAI tools become embedded in normal digital workplaces, guidance on appropriate use becomes a requirement for all staff and students. The rate of change means external expert advice is often scattered and quickly out-of-date.

GenAI tools are fundamentally tools for exploring and synthesising data. They apply broadly to intellectual and creative work. At Deakin, three broad domains of work are being affected by genAI now: learning and teaching, research and business process development. Since our staff and students work across these three domains, it is critical that advice and practice is coordinated, simple to understand and follow and responsive as tools and external practice changes.



The Group is co-chaired by the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation. Members include:

  • Pro Vice-Chancellor Teaching and Learning
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor Researcher Development Academy
  • University Librarian
  • Executive Director, Customer Experience Hub
  • Chief Information and Digital Officer.

Deakin genAI principles

Deakin has adopted a set of principles to guide decisions on the adoption and use of genAI tools and systems in all University activities.

  • We empower people through human-led decision-making.
  • We use evaluative judgement to guide human-genAI practices.
  • We value equitable and inclusive genAI engagement, design and implementation.
  • We are committed to an educative and informed approach to genAI engagement.
  • We are accountable for safe, responsible and transparent applications of genAI.
  • We value innovative, experimental and brave decisions.

Resources for students and staff

A range of resources are available to support students and staff to explore and use genAI safely and ethically:

Contact us

For more information about the Steering Group’s work or to raise a genAI-related matter, please email