Health and wellbeing

At Deakin, we nurture individual and collective wellbeing to ensure our students, staff and the wider community feel safe and supported.

Deakin's commitment

At Deakin, we aim to be a catalyst for positive change for the individuals and communities we serve. Through our strategic plan, Deakin 2030: Ideas to Impact, we work to provide interconnected health and wellbeing programs and policies that:

  • develop and deliver solutions that improve health care for our communities
  • enhance the capabilities needed for sustainable healthcare reform
  • leverage collaboration with global partners to support the delivery of sustainable health care internationally.

Sexual harm prevention

Deakin is fully committed to preventing sexual harm and making sure our environment and culture is safe, mutually respectful and inclusive. Sexual harm and gender-based violence is a serious issue facing the entire community, and part of building a strong culture of safety is challenging views that condone violence, disrespect, power imbalances and inequity.

We offer a range of support services, resources and referral pathways to assist any student or staff member who is directly or indirectly impacted by sexual harm.

Learn more about our sexual harm prevention response

Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Deakin's commitment to students extends beyond books, assignments, exams and grades. Nurturing and promoting personal health and wellbeing allows students to thrive so they can reach their academic, personal and career potential. Our Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy identifies and minimises risks and promotes positive mental health and wellbeing.

Learn more about the strategy

Student Health Promotion Plan

Student Health Promotion Plan

We care about every aspect of the student experience, including the mental, physical and emotional health of our community. Our Student Health Promotion Plan brings together specialist expertise across a range of areas. Deakin’s interconnected approach enables students to thrive in a safe, supportive and inclusive environment.

Our research focus

Our research focus

Deakin researchers are at the forefront of innovation, addressing some of the world's most significant health challenges. Through ground-breaking research in health and technology, ideas are translated into real health solutions that deliver positive and lasting impact.

Staff health and wellbeing support

Deakin promotes and supports mental health and wellbeing of staff by fostering an environment of care, safety, inclusion and support.

Find out more about staff support services

Wellbeing services for students

Deakin has a range of services to help students access the support they need to be their best selves. Onsite bulk-billed medical centres and free counselling services offer respectful and confidential care. Multifaith prayer spaces and chaplains welcome people from every religion. And on-campus childcare centres and specially equipped parent rooms help parents and caregivers balance work and family life.

Find about student wellbeing services