Inclusion in practice

We believe in shaping a community that is diverse, equitable and inclusive, with higher education, employment and research accessible to everyone. We’re committed to achieving equity, fostering inclusion and celebrating the diversity of our community.

Advancing gender equity

Deakin aspires to be Australia's premier university in achieving equal representation, recognition, reward and value of staff – irrespective of gender. Gender equity is embedded in our core values and creates a balanced and diverse workforce with better decision-making, innovation and job satisfaction. We stand to challenge inequalities around gender equity to ensure it becomes both a business and cultural norm.

The Gender Equity Action Plan (2022–2025), represents Deakin’s commitment to improving employment outcomes for women and gender diverse people, addressing gender and other inequities that impact staff development, career progression and job satisfaction. Over the next four years, Deakin aims to:

  • reduce the organisational pay gap to 9%
  • increase the diversity and representation of women and gender diverse people in senior roles
  • promote respectful behaviours and raise awareness and understanding of the link between gender inequality and violence against women
  • strengthen a culture of belonging, safety, respect and inclusion.

Download the Gender Equity Action Plan 2022–2025 (PDF, 1.3MB)

Download the Gender Equity Update 2023 (PDF, 1.5MB)

Further data and insights can be found here.

Gender equity accreditations and awards

Deakin is proud to be an organisation that encourages and promotes gender equity in the workplace. We’ve received 15 consecutive Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Employer of Choice for Gender Equality citations, and in 2019 also received the prestigious SAGE Athena SWAN Bronze Award. The award recognises our work in transforming gender equality within the higher education and research sector as well as our initiatives to advance the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM).

Training opportunities

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion division offer training to students and staff in the form of interactive workshops and online modules. Workshops explore key concepts and provide opportunities for participants to discuss issues and practice skills through group discussion. Topics include bystander intervention, how to support people who have experienced family violence or sexual harm, LGBTQIA+ inclusion and allyship, and inclusive language.

Providing support

There’s always support available. We offer support to Deakin’s LGBTIQ+ community through a range of internal health and wellbeing services – including support for staff and students who are affirming or seeking to affirm their gender.

Celebrating diversity

We acknowledge and celebrate LGBTIQ+ days of significance to embrace our LGBTIQ+ community and the diversity they bring Deakin. We hold many events throughout the year to increase visibility, engagement and bring people together.

Fostering connections

We provide opportunities for staff and students from the LGBTIQ+ community and allies to connect, in a safe and inclusive environment, through a range of social and networking groups and student and staff organisations.

Deakin Pride (Burwood) and Deakin Geelong Queer Collective offer a place for LGBTIQ+ students and allies to unite and participate in events and programs that break down inequality barriers. Our LGBTIQA+ Pride Network is a member-led network, designed to provide community, social support and a safe and welcoming space for LGBTIQA+ staff, students and allies. Please email us to join.

Disability inclusion

Disability inclusion

Our disability support services are designed to promote inclusion and access and assist both students and staff in being able to fully thrive when studying or working at Deakin. If you experience disability or have primary carer responsibilities that may affect your studies, our Disability Resource Centre is available to adjust, recommend and provide services that will help you with your needs.

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

Our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2021–2025 guides our approach to disability across the University, and aims to better the student and staff experience through the themes of education and employability, digital delivery and innovation and partnerships.

Download the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2021–2025 (PDF, 1.2MB)

Creating employment opportunities for people with disability

At Deakin, we strive to develop and promote opportunities for people with disability to establish successful education and employment pathways.

We’re proud to host the National Disability Coordination Officer Program (NDCO), which ensures people with disability aged 18–64 have equitable access to tertiary education and employment opportunities. Based in the Western Melbourne region, the NDCO improves linkages between schools, tertiary education providers, employment service providers and providers of disability programs to encourage people with a disability to transition from education onto employment and contribute to their local community.

You can find out more about the program on the Department of Education and NDCO Victoria websites.

Deakin partners with GradWISE to provide support and improve employment opportunities for students living with a disability, illness or injury. GradWISE complements existing support provided by the University by offering a customised coaching program in a one-on-one setting. Its aim is to give graduating students skills and experience to find the perfect graduate role.

If you are a Deakin graduate living with a disability, illness or injury, GradWISE will work with you, and its pool of employers, to make the perfect match and provide all the support you need before and during your employment.

Connect with us

Got a question or need more information? Our team are here to help.

Email Diversity, Equity and Inclusion