Profile image of Carla Archibald

Dr Carla Archibald



Alfred Deakin Post-Doctoral Research Fellow


Faculty of Sci Eng & Built Env


School of Life & Env Sciences


Melbourne Burwood Campus

+61 3 924 45381


Harmonising the ways in which people and societies engage with their natural environment to conserve ecosystems, produce food and develop areas is one of life’s great balancing acts. My research to date focuses on understanding this balance by leaning into interdisciplinary approaches and spatial analysis.

At Deakin University my research aims to provide pathways towards sustainable environmental and food futures for Australian agricultural landscape as apart of the Land Use Futures Project with the Planet A lab, CSIRO and Climate Works. I am particularly passionate about private land conservation and am eager to research and deliver real-world impacts in collaboration with the academic and industry partners. Overall my research aims to adopt a holistic perspective to understand how conservation fits into broader systems, such as food systems.

Some of my previous projects has focused on wildlife management in urban areas, avian ecology, invasive species management of cavity-nesting birds, international conservation policy and effectiveness, conservation finance and crowdfunding, and perceptions of sea-level rise of people living in coastal areas. My last postdoc position at the University of Queensland aimed to develop tools and guidance into how investments in private land conservation initiatives can be designed to maximise the conservation of koalas across New South Wales under the uncertainties of climate change. My involvment in this project has lead to a successful ARC Linkage grant in which I am a PI.

During my PhD research at The University of Queensland, I utilized an interdisciplinary approach and a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods to assess the impacts of private land conservation programs on people and the environment. Prior to starting my PhD, I graduated a Bachelor of Applied Science from The University of Queensland in 2012 and received first-class honours for my research on urban restoration and bird diversity in South-east Queensland.

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Land-Use Futures Modelling Project


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Habitat suitability maps for Australian flora and fauna under CMIP6 climate scenarios

Carla Archibald, David Summers, Erin Graham, Brett Bryan

(2024), Vol. 13, pp. 1-13, GigaScience, Oxford, Eng., C1

journal article

Beyond ecology: ecosystem restoration as a process for social-ecological transformation

A Tedesco, S López-Cubillos, R Chazdon, J Rhodes, C Archibald, K Pérez-Hämmerle, P Brancalion, K Wilson, M Oliveira, D Correa, L Ota, T Morrison, H Possingham, M Mills, F Santos, A Dean

(2023), pp. 1-11, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, C1

journal article

Do conservation covenants consider the delivery of ecosystem services?

Clara Archibald, Marie Dade, Laura Sonter, Justine Bell-James, Robyn Boldy, Beatriz Cano, Rachel Friedman, Flavia Siqueira, Jean Metzger, James Fitzsimons, Jonathan Rhodes

(2021), Vol. 115, pp. 99-107, Environmental Science and Policy, New York, N.Y., C1

journal article

Small Landscape Elements Double Connectivity in Highly Fragmented Areas of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

F Siqueira, D de Carvalho, J Rhodes, C Archibald, V Rezende, E van den Berg

(2021), Vol. 9, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, C1

journal article

On the theory-practice gap in the environmental realm: perspectives from and for diverse environmental professionals

Steven Cooke, Amanda Jeanson, Ian Bishop, Brett Bryan, Chundi Chen, Christopher Cvitanovic, Yang Fen, John Forester, Christine Fürst, Jie Hu, Daniele La Rosa, Colin Meurk, Vivian Nguyen, Michael Paolisso, Yunfei Qi, Faith Chun, Katrina Szetey, Xinhao Wang, Yuncai Wang, Carla Archibald, Nathan Young

(2021), Vol. 3, pp. 243-255, Socio-Ecological Practice Research, Heidelberg, Germany, C1

journal article

The role of invasion and urbanization gradients in shaping avian community composition

A Rogers, A Griffin, F Lermite, B Van Rensburg, C Archibald, S Kark

(2021), Vol. 7, Journal of Urban Ecology, C1

journal article

Differences among protected area governance types matter for conserving vegetation communities at-risk of loss and fragmentation

C Archibald, M Barnes, A Tulloch, J Fitzsimons, T Morrison, M Mills, J Rhodes

(2020), Vol. 247, Biological Conservation, C1

journal article

Offsetting impacts of development on biodiversity and ecosystem services

L Sonter, A Gordon, C Archibald, J Simmonds, M Ward, J Metzger, J Rhodes, M Maron

(2020), Vol. 49, pp. 892-902, Ambio, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, C1-1

journal article

Program awareness, social capital, and perceptions of trees influence participation in private land conservation programs in Queensland, Australia

B Simmons, C Archibald, K Wilson, A Dean

(2020), Vol. 66, pp. 289-304, Environmental management, New York, N.Y., C1-1

journal article

Navigating spaces between conservation research and practice: Are we making progress?

R Jarvis, S Borrelle, N Forsdick, K Pérez-Hämmerle, N Dubois, S Griffin, A Recalde-Salas, F Buschke, D Rose, C Archibald, J Gallo, L Mair, A Kadykalo, D Shanahan, B Prohaska

(2020), Vol. 1, Ecological Solutions and Evidence, C1

journal article

How conservation initiatives go to scale

M Mills, M Bode, M Mascia, R Weeks, S Gelcich, N Dudley, H Govan, C Archibald, C Romero-de-Diego, M Holden, D Biggs, L Glew, R Naidoo, H Possingham

(2019), Vol. 2, pp. 935-940, Nature Sustainability, C1-1

journal article

Crowdfunding biodiversity conservation

E Gallo-Cajiao, C Archibald, R Friedman, R Steven, R Fuller, E Game, T Morrison, E Ritchie

(2018), Vol. 32, pp. 1426-1435, Conservation Biology, United States, C1

journal article

Fairness and transparency are required for the inclusion of privately protected areas in publicly accessible conservation databases

H Clements, M Selinske, C Archibald, B Cooke, J Fitzsimons, J Groce, N Torabi, M Hardy

(2018), Vol. 7, Land, C1

journal article

Using Google search data to inform global climate change adaptation policy

C Archibald, N Butt

(2018), Vol. 150, pp. 447-456, Climatic Change, C1-1

journal article

Equity trade-offs in conservation decision making

E Law, N Bennett, C Ives, R Friedman, K Davis, C Archibald, K Wilson

(2018), Vol. 32, pp. 294-303, Conservation biology, Chichester, Eng., C1-1

journal article

Assessing the impact of revegetation and weed control on urban sensitive bird species

C Archibald, M McKinney, K Mustin, D Shanahan, H Possingham

(2017), Vol. 7, pp. 4200-4208, Ecology and Evolution, England, C1-1

journal article

Perceived and projected flood risk and adaptation in coastal Southeast Queensland, Australia

M Mills, K Mutafoglu, V Adams, C Archibald, J Bell, J Leon

(2016), Vol. 136, pp. 523-537, Climatic Change, C1-1

journal article

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