Former Deakin Chancellor Acknowledged in Queen's Birthday Honours

Deakin news
12 June 2017

Former Deakin Chancellor Mr David Morgan has been acknowledged as an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO, General Division) as part of today’s annual Queen’s Birthday Honours List.

Former Deakin Chancellor Mr David Morgan has been acknowledged as an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO, General Division) as part of today’s annual Queen’s Birthday Honours List.

Mr Morgan received the honour in recognition of his exemplary services to the automotive industry, to Australian export strategies and service to higher education through fostering links between university and industry.

Deakin Vice-Chancellor Professor Jane den Hollander congratulated Mr Morgan and said she was delighted his dedicated and lifelong work had been acknowledged at the highest level nationally.

“I congratulate Mr David Morgan on behalf of the Deakin community for this very well-deserved honour,” Professor den Hollander said.

“Deakin was fortunate to have David serve as our Chancellor for 10 years up until the end of 2015.

“David’s long and distinguished association with Deakin began in 2000 when he first joined Council, serving as Deputy Chancellor and Chair of the Finance and Business Affairs Committee prior to taking up the role of Chancellor.

“I very much appreciated David's wise counsel and commitment. His legacy remains as Deakin continues its strong trajectory of continuous improvement reflected each year in the various ranking and accreditation systems.”

Mr Morgan, a former Ford Motor Company of Australia President, was Deakin’s fifth Chancellor.

“Through his leadership of Ford, David played a key role in the automotive industry, and paved the way for Deakin's transition to an advanced manufacturing future,” Professor den Hollander said.

“David actively supported the establishment of the Geelong Innovation Precinct at Deakin’s Waurn Ponds Campus, which today undertakes world leading research in textiles, carbon fibre, aerospace, intelligent systems and medical technologies. The Precinct has brought significant investment and employment to the Geelong region.

"Mr Morgan was Chairman of the Geelong Economic Development Board and of the G21 Geelong Regional Alliance.

In 2016, Mr Morgan’s service to Deakin, to industry and to the Geelong region was recognised with an Honorary Doctorate. The University also awarded him the 2017 Barry Jones medal.

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