Design opportunity to help Government House garden grow

Deakin news
26 April 2017

A group of Deakin University architecture students have the opportunity to contribute to the design of a kitchen garden at Victoria’s Government House.

The ‘Peace and Prosperity’ Kitchen Garden is to support community programs. Its development is being sponsored by Victoria’s Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, and her husband, Mr Anthony Howard QC.

In March, the Governor and Mr Howard hosted the Deakin students, together with participating students from RMIT, Monash University and the University of Melbourne, on site visits to the garden. As well as meeting the Governor and Mr Howard, the students were also able to meet many of the women involved in the current community program.

At the time, the Governor said she and Mr Howard were ‘keen to extend this opportunity to students’, recognising ‘the importance to Victoria of the design and creative industries’.

The students are being invited to design an entrance, gates, shade and garden furniture for the garden.

Dr Diego Fullaondo is a senior lecturer at Deakin’s School of Architecture and Built Environment and is supervising the Deakin students’ involvement in the project.

‘This project is a real life architectural design experience for our students,’ Dr Fullaondo says.

‘They have received an inspiring ‘client’ brief from the Governor herself that condenses some of her more profound interests and intents.

‘The unusual opportunity of exploring and reflecting on how architecture and design can contribute to a remarkable public initiative like the Peace and Prosperity Kitchen Garden will have a significant impact on our students, not only at an academic level but also in their aspiration and understanding of the potential roles and capabilities of architecture in current society.’

The brief asks the students to ensure that their designs creatively interpret the ‘Peace and Prosperity’ theme, make a respectful contribution to the Government House landscape, can be readily constructed and are functional and durable.

Selected students will be invited to present their concepts to a panel, which will include the Governor and Mr Howard, and one or more of the students' designs may be incorporated into the final design.

Watch a 9News story about the Peace and Prosperity Kitchen Garden Program.

Find out more about studying Architecture and Built Environment at Deakin.

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