Deakin student heads to Japan to study marine conservation

08 August 2018

Deakin University Warrnambool campus student Theone Van Der Merwe is swapping the Shipwreck Coast for Japan as part of her Deakin degree.

The third-year marine biology student has been awarded one of 120 New Colombo Plan scholarships, offered by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs to support Australian students to study in the Indo-Pacific, and has recently left on a research and study mission to Japan.

While in Japan Ms Van Der Merwe will conduct a research internship into seaweed cellular composition in collaboration with Warrnambool-based senior lecturer in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences Dr Alecia Bellgrove and colleagues at the Shimoda Marine Research Station and the Muroran Marine Station of Hokkaido University.

She will then spend 12 months studying at the University of Tsukuba, one of Japan’s top 10 universities.

'I’ve always been interested in seeing the world and this is a good opportunity to fully immerse myself in a different culture,' Ms Van Der Merwe said.

'Getting this overseas experience will give me connections for future work or study and bring me closer to the workforce.'

Ms Van Der Merwe has always loved the beach but didn’t realise how much it meant to her until she swam with bull sharks as part of a volunteering project in Fiji.

'When I left school, I didn’t know what I wanted to do,' she said. 'I took a gap year and decided to do a volunteer project in Fiji with sharks. It was meant to be a bit of fun diving with sharks but when I started learning about their conservation values and about the ocean it hit me that it’s something I’m really passionate about.'

Although initially nervous, diving with bull sharks proved to be inspiring. 'I learned how they live and how important they are. I thought I would be scared but once you’re in the water with them and see how graceful they are it’s an awesome experience. They’re used to seeing divers and aren’t aggressive. There’s enough food around for them.'

Ms Van Der Merwe knew someone who had studied marine biology at Deakin University’s Warrnambool campus and loved it.

'I went to the Open Day and loved the vibe and the campus,' she said.

The Deakin Abroad program offers Deakin University students a range of opportunities to study for part of their Deakin degree overseas.

Learn more about Deakin Abroad

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