36 new Chinese scholarships to boost Deakin and Warrnambool region
Deakin newsThirty six new scholarships will be offered in China over the next three years to support international students at the Deakin University Warrnambool Campus.
Warrnambool students may also have the opportunity to study in China as part of the new Memorandum of Understanding between Warrnambool-Changchun sister cities and Deakin University.
Deakin University Vice Chancellor Professor Jane den Hollander and Warrnambool Mayor Cr Kylie Gaston will sign the new MOU in China on Tuesday. They will be accompanied by Deakin University Warrnambool Campus Director Alistair McCosh, who said the scholarships were a tangible outcome from the sister city relationship.
“It’s exciting for the Campus and for the region more broadly with the benefits that come from international students,” Mr McCosh said.
“International students add diversity and vibrancy to the rich fabric of our student population and they contribute to the entire community, offering many benefits to our region.”
Next year, 10 scholarships with a 25% tuition discount, plus one Vice-Chancellor scholarship offering a 100% discount, will be offered to eligible Changchun City and Jilin Province students. Attached to each scholarship will be a 25% accommodation subsidy.
In addition, one PhD research scholarship will encourage international research collaboration.
The scholarships will be offered over three years, bringing the total to 36.
Mr McCosh said he expected the scholarships to create a lot of interest.
“We’re looking at the benefits more broadly than just student recruitment,” he said.
“We want to look at research opportunities, particularly in the work being undertaken by Deakin Rural Health in chronic disease management and how that could be applied in China.
“There are also potential opportunities for Warrnambool students to visit Changchun to study.”
The sister city agreement was signed in 2012. Changchun City has about 7.5 million people with about four million residing in the city and the balance in surrounding farming areas.
Cr Gaston said the MOU created great opportunities for students in Changchun and Warrnambool.
“Alistair and I were both part of the sister city delegation organised by Council in 2015 and it is wonderful to now have real outcomes emerging,” she said.
“Our growing relationship which is based on economic development is fantastic for Deakin Warrnambool and for our region’s international relations."
“As a cosmopolitan city, we welcome international students who will help enrich our region.”
Cr Gaston said it was hoped Warrnambool students would take part in scholarship opportunities in China as the relationship progresses.