Statement from the Vice-Chancellor

Media release

28 August 2024

Statement from Vice-Chancellor Professor Iain Martin regarding Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Deakin Distinguished Professor Liz Johnson:

I am announcing today that, after a hugely successful term as Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Deakin Distinguished Professor Liz Johnson has decided to retire next year and will depart Deakin at the end of March 2025.

Liz began her Deakin career as Pro Vice-Chancellor Teaching and Learning in September 2014, taking up the role of Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education in 2019 where she oversaw Deakin's ambitious curriculum reform and management of the student learning experience. In February 2022, in line with broader changes to her portfolio, Liz took up the role of Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic.

Amongst Liz’s many achievements, she played a critical role in steering teaching and learning at Deakin through the disruption of the COVID pandemic, building from extensive projects in Deakin’s online learning environment, teaching innovation, course development and staff capability for learning and teaching, and now responding to the challenge of Generative Artificial Intelligence, all while maintaining Deakin’s position as number one in Victoria for Overall Student Satisfaction.

Under Liz’s stewardship we have also seen the establishment of the Vice-Chancellor’s Indigenous Advisory Council, the launch of our Indigenous Strategy and, most recently her leadership of the long awaited AWAM review.

The impact Liz has had on Deakin’s teaching and learning endeavour and her commitment to our University over the last decade has been immense and I am incredibly grateful for her service. We will commence a recruitment process in September to identify Liz’s successor as Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic.

We will have much more to say about Liz’s contribution nearer the time, but for now I know you will join me in thanking Liz for her leadership and wishing her all the very best for her retirement.

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