Entries now open for the Cadel Road Race all-access competition
Deakin news
You might get by with a banana and a few light stretches for your Saturday morning ride. But have you ever wondered what it takes to train, eat and prepare for the world’s toughest cycling races?
Deakin and the Cadel Road Race are giving one lucky cycling fan the chance to find out, with a personalised coaching session with 2011 Tour de France winner, Cadel Evans.
This incredible all-access experience will take place at our state-of-the-art sport science labs at the Geelong Waurn Ponds campus on Tuesday 28 January 2020. Here's what the winner can look forward to on the day:
- a 2 hour one-on-one session with Cadel and Deakin’s sport scientists
- expert advice on how you can improve your technique and performance on the bike
- training tips tailored to your needs and interests – learn about any aspect of Cadel’s preparation, from strength and conditioning to what he packs in his bag for a big race.
To go into the running for this all-access experience, visit deakin.edu.au/all-access-cadel. Entries close Friday 17 January 2020 at 11.59pm.
In 2019, Cadel Evans was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Deakin University for his inspiring example of achievement through dedication and determination, and for promoting gender equality in sport and health through cycling.
Next year’s Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race kicks off from Thursday 30 January. Visit cadelevansgreatoceanroadrace.com.au for more information.
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