Deakin joins with Indian partners to support pandemic response

Media release

21 May 2021

Deakin University has announced it will provide financial support to the unfolding COVID-19 crisis in India and encourage its community and partners to do the same.

Following the Federal Government’s $37.1 million Budget commitment to support the Indian response, Deakin’s contribution will directly support non-governmental organisations and government hospitals by resourcing wards and Intensive Care Units (ICUs).

Organisations can make donations through Tata Trusts*, one of Deakin’s long-time partners, through their new initiative ‘One Against COVID-19’. Funds will go to the areas most in need, specifically to aid with:

  • Repairing/upgrading facilities
  • Staff training, and
  • Expert project management to improve the efficacy and efficiency of the health response

Deakin Vice-Chancellor Professor Iain Martin said the University’s relationship with India had been an integral part of its identity for more than 27 years.

“Our Indian students, staff, partners and alumni are a precious part of our community and have contributed immeasurably to our University and its achievements, as well as to Australia’s prosperity,” Professor Martin said.

“We have been shocked and saddened to see the tragedy take place in India, and our thoughts are with all those affected.”

“These funds will go to the people and public services in most need, providing immediate relief during this challenging time. We call on our many organisational partners to contribute if they can.”

The severity of the Indian COVID-19 outbreak means hospitals urgently require additional ward and ICU beds and critical equipment to treat patients, including pathology lab, diagnostic and blood, and other storage equipment.

For people who can provide support, please consider organisations active on the ground, such as World Vision, Oxfam, UNICEF, Save the Children, Red Cross, Care Australia and Doctors Without Borders.

For members of the wider University community, Deakin encourages donations to the University’s Student Emergency Assistance Fund, supporting Deakin students experiencing financial distress.

For more information:

Tata Trusts ‘One Against COVID-19’:

Deakin Student Emergency Assistance Fund:

*Tata Trusts complies with India’s Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) and does not charge any fees or commission to utilise funds: 100% of funds go to the cause.

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