IISRI Expansion

Deakin will be at the forefront of technological advancement for the Australian Defence industry, with the expansion of the Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation (IISRI).

Project summary



Completion date

December 2019

Project manager

Saumya Brahma
+61 3 522 72262
Email Saumya Brahma

Project details

Due for completion in December 2019, the new facility will allow IISRI to build on its industry-leading research and development in the fields of motion simulation, robotics and haptics, defence systems, and modelling and simulation.

The new Building NS at Waurn Ponds Campus will be adjacent to the existing IISRI facilities in Building NQ, within the Future Economy Precinct.

Artist's impressions

Next gen research

The sleek, industrial exterior will house next generation technologies for research and development, and entrepreneurship activities at the University.

Several new project spaces will facilitate new and existing research projects, including:

  • Human Factors Electroencephalography (EEG) laboratory: to undertake advanced research in using EEG and other bio-medical equipment for cognitive load and human performance measurement.
  • Technology Readiness Level (TRL) boost space: to nurture and support research outcomes to boost prototypes to produce commercial ready products and spin out companies.
  • Electronics and fabrication area: for electronic prototyping and assembly of components and machines.
  • Neural and Cognitive Systems laboratory: to assist neurophysiological studies; revealing the underlying behaviour and properties of neurons.
  • Haptics and force laboratory: replicates and extends the current capability in frontline research in haptics, force sensing, biomechanics, system modelling, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), electroencephalography (EEG) experimentation which measures the electrical activity of the brain.

A new staff workspace will consolidate all IISRI staff into two co-located buildings. This modern environment will provide flexible work points and connection spaces to facilitate desk-based research, support collaboration with colleagues and industry, and enable staff research and development.

Find out more about IISRI and its research impact here

Will there be construction impact?

Construction of Building NS will commence in November 2018 and extend to December 2019. This will result in some access and noise disruption to adjacent building occupants and general car park users.

While this cannot be avoided, works will be programmed to minimise disruption, particularly during high usage times and key periods of the university timetable. Traffic management plans will be in place to manage traffic flow through the area as required.