Research and Research Training Committee

The Research and Research Training Committee is responsible to the Academic Board for assuring academic standards relevant to research and research training.

Role of the Research and Research Training Committee

The Research and Research Training Committee is responsible for:

  • proposing, monitoring, reviewing and advising on academic standards relevant to the quality of research and research training
  • overseeing and monitoring the requirements for higher degrees by research (HDR) admission, supervision, research integrity, academic progress and assessment
  • providing advice to the Academic Board regarding policy and procedures to ensure academic quality and integrity of research and research training
  • receiving, considering and responding to annual and periodic quality assurance reviews from faculties and academic units in relation to research and research training.


  • Two members of the Academic Board, appointed by the Chair of the Academic Board, one of whom shall be chair and one of whom shall be deputy chair
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation or nominee
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor Research Planning and Governance
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor Researcher Development Academy
  • University Librarian (or nominee)
  • Associate Dean (Research) of each Faculty
  • Director, Academic Governance and Standards
  • Chair, Thesis Examination Committee (or nominee)
  • One higher degrees by research coordinator or appropriate nominee nominated by each non-Faculty aligned Research Institute
  • A representative from the National Indigenous Knowledges, Education, Research and Innovation Institute
  • Executive Director, Research Business Engagement and Impact (or nominee)
  • One Director, Faculty Services, appointed by the Chair of the Academic Board
  • One higher degrees by research coordinator, appointed by the Chair of the Academic Board
  • One higher degrees by research student of the University, appointed by the Chair of the Academic Board
  • Co-opted members (the committee may co-opt up to three additional members at any given time for a period of up to one year. The co-option may be renewed on an annual basis)
  • Standing invitees (with Right of Audience and Debate) at the invitation of the Chair of the Research and Research Training Committee

Further information

Staff may log in for further information on the Research and Research Training Committee.

Contact us

Professor Josh Newton

Deputy Chair
Professor Andrea Witcomb

Contact the Secretary for further information and enquiries.

Kathryn Ingle
Email the Secretary