Course Standards Committee

The Course Standards Committee is responsible for reviewing academic proposals for new courses, as well as revisions to existing courses.

It also provides advice and recommendations to the Academic Board on issues about academic quality and course standards.

Role of the Course Standards Committee

The Course Standards Committee is responsible for:

  • monitoring, reviewing and advising on academic standards and quality relevant to higher education courses, including admission eligibility criteria
  • reviewing the quality and standards of new and revised higher education courses and their compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework, and making recommendations for their approval on academic grounds to the Academic Board
  • providing advice to the Academic Board regarding new and amended legislation, policy, procedures and processes, in order to ensure the academic standards and quality of higher education courses.


  • Chair, Academic Board (or Academic Board nominee) (Chair of the Committee)
  • One member of the Academic Board, appointed by the Chair of the Academic Board (Deputy Chair)
  • Chair, Teaching and Learning Committee (or nominee)
  • Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic (or nominee)
  • Director, Academic Governance and Standards
  • Two members from each faculty, with experience in course development and review
  • Co-opted members (the Committee may co-opt members at any given time for specific purposes that relate to providing expertise in reviewing course proposals)

Standing invitation with right of audience and debate

  • A representative from Academic Governance and Standards
  • Up to two representatives from Student Services
  • A representative from Deakin International

Further information

Staff may log in for further information on the Course Standards Committee.

Contact us

Professor Alex Gentle

Deputy Chair
Professor Cassandra Atherton

Contact the Secretary for further information and enquiries.

Lisa Boyd
+61 3 5227 8709
Email the Secretary