A sustained contribution
- A sustained contribution
- Evidence of the quality of the applicant's achievements over a number of years for all academic fields. Achievements are assessed in the context of the discipline area, in relation to the weightings nominated by the applicant, and in the context of opportunities available in the discipline, School, Faculty or Unit.
- A2I2
- Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute
- Australian Academic Research Network
- School of Architecture and Built Environment
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
- See Abstudy and National Indigenous Knowledges Education Research Innovation (NIKERI) Institute
- Abstudy
- Abstudy is a partial income support payment for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Find out more at Abstudy.
- Australia China Alumni Association (Deakin University is a gold level member)
Academic Board
- Academic Board
- The Academic Board is established pursuant to section 20 of the Deakin University Act 2009 (Vic) as the principal academic authority within the University. It is responsible to the Council for maintaining the highest standards in teaching and research.
Academic calendar
- Academic calendar
- The Academic Calendar is approved by Deakin Academic Board and forms the basis of the Important Dates for each study period. Find out more at Academic Calendar.
Academic Dress
- Academic dress
- A loose, long black gown worn by graduands and academics at graduation ceremonies and other formal occasions. Find out more at graduation ceremony proceedings.
Academic Integrity
- Academic integrity
- A commitment by University academic staff members to adhere, in all teaching, research and related activities, to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility.
Academic Leader
- Academic leader
- The academic staff member, usually unit chair, responsible for managing academic content and providing leadership to staff and students involved in the academic led international program.
Academic misconduct
- Academic misconduct
- As defined in Regulation 04.1(2) - Academic Misconduct:
- conduct by a Student that is designed or calculated to, or has the effect of, providing a misleading basis for admission, assessment or academic progress; and/or
- conduct by a Student in connection with Research that is dishonest, reckless or negligent or seriously deviates from accepted standards within the scientific and scholarly community.
Academic partnership
- Academic partnership
- A formal collaboration with a public or private institution or organisation in Australia or overseas which is principally focused on the University's teaching and learning. Academic partnerships may include partnerships for course delivery, articulation, staff and student mobility, or general academic collaboration.
Academic Partnership Involving Course Delivery
- Academic partnership involving course delivery
- A partnership involving teaching Deakin students in Deakin award courses at another location in conjunction with a partner institution, or licensing Deakin course materials to form the basis of delivery by a partner institution to its students.
Academic Partnership Involving Student Mobility
- Academic partnership involving student mobility
- A partnership involving the hosting or receiving of Deakin students at another location for a study experience in Australia or overseas. Student mobility may include student exchange, study abroad, short-term programs, internships, practicums and placements.
Academic Progress
- Academic progress
- A student's progress towards successful completion of the academic requirements of the course in which they are enrolled. If you are failing assessments and/or don't feel that you are doing as well as you could be, please seek help. Your lecturer, unit chair, Student Advisers and Study support can give you advice and support to help you reach your academic potential. Find out more at the academic progress website.
Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)
- Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)
- Academic Ranking of World Universities is the first world university ranking. It ranks the world's top 1000 colleges and universities based on objective indicators.
Academic staff
- Academic staff
- Staff of the University employed to undertake teaching, research and/or related academic duties.
Academic Study Leave (ASL)
- Academic Study Leave (ASL)
- Enables academic staff members to pursue research and/or scholarly work outside the University. This may be for the purpose of collaborating with other leading scholars, researchers or professionals at other institutions or organisations, for fieldwork or internationally-related research. The research or scholarly work undertaken during the ASL should support a stream of activity as part of a research plan and provide value to the University and the academic staff member.
Academic Study Program
- Academic Study Program
- Academic Study Program (ASP) enables academic staff members to pursue research and/or scholarly work outside the University. This may be for the purpose of collaborating with other leading scholars, researchers or professionals at other institutions or organisations, for fieldwork or internationally-related research. The research or scholarly work undertaken during the ASP should support a stream of activity that forms part of a research plan and/or a Performance Planning and Review (PPR) plan and provides value to the University and develops the academic staff member. ASP is not a form of leave but rather a component of academic work that a staff member is engaged in at the University.
Academic transcript
- Academic transcript
- A chronological record of a student's enrolment and official assessment results in units and courses.
Academic Unit
- Academic unit
- A School, Department, the Institute of Koorie Education or an Institute that reports directly to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research.
Academic Year
- Academic year
- The period from the first day of the Study Period of any year to the day preceding the first day of the Study Period of the following year, both inclusive.
Academic-led International Programs
- Academic-led International Programs
- Programs led by academic staff in which learning content is delivered overseas as either a component of a larger credit-bearing course or a standalone unit.
- Accessibility
- Accessibility (not to be confused with 'usability') refers to granting equal access to information and services for people with disability.
- Accession
- The process by which an acquired artwork becomes the legal property of the University and records are established to note the artwork's provenance, condition and other relevant information.
- Accommodation
On-campus student housing is open 365 days a year and is available at the Melbourne Burwood Campus, Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus and the Warrnambool Campus. The residences are designed to meet the needs of students and offer a secure and supportive living and learning environment to assist with the transition to University and academic success.OFF CAMPUS
The Off-Campus Housing Service supports students with finding somewhere to call home while they study at Deakin. The service maintains a housing database of local properties available for rent. Students can search for long term, short term, casual and temporary accommodation options.Students can also get assistance with completing rental forms and applications, understanding rights and responsibilities as a tenant and tenancy issues.
Find out more on the accommodation website.
Account owner
- Account owner
- Any person held accountable for the ownership of a University social media account.
- Australian Council for Educational Research
Achievement relative to opportunity
- Achievement relative to opportunity
- Guides the promotion committee to consider the quality of work, while considering the applicant's record in the context of the specific factors that may have adversely impacted output in the period relevant to the application. These might include family or carer responsibilities, illness or disability, part-time appointments, unusual teaching commitments, and planned or unplanned absences.
- Australasian Council on Open, Distance and e-Learning
- Activity
- Process or set of processes undertaken by an organisation (or on its behalf) that produces or supports one or more products or services.
- Academic Development Deakin
Adding units
- Adding units
- If you want to change your enrolment you need to do so via StudentConnect, which you can access from the top menu bar within DeakinSync. Check the Handbook as changes to enrolment must be in keeping with relevant course and unit rules, so it is best to discuss this with a Student Adviser before making changes. Enrolment variations may also result in a reassessment of fees.
Find out more at change your enrolment details.
- Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation
- Adjustment
- An individual measure or action taken by the University that has the effect of assisting a member of the University to participate in the University environment.
- Admission
- Authorised entry to an award or non-award course.
Admission pathway
- Admission pathway
- Any option available to prospective higher education students that will enable them to meet the entry requirements of their chosen courses
- Alfred Deakin Prime Ministerial Library
Advanced Standing
- Advanced standing
- A form of credit for any previous learning (Australian Qualifications Framework definition) - see also the definitions for 'credit transfer' and 'recognition of prior learning'.
Advanced Standing Indicator
- Advanced standing indicator
- This is the title or full name of the course.
- Advertising
- Content designed to promote the University that is intended to appear in any external media - electronic, online, web or print.
- Advocacy
- Advocacy is support. Deakin University Student Association (DUSA) employs Advocacy Support Officers who are experienced in giving support and advice to students who need it. The advocacy service at DUSA can assist with any academic concerns, issues or questions, including:
- responding to allegations of academic misconduct and appeals
- show cause to a proposed restriction or exclusion
- special consideration and review of results applications
- anything that is impacting on a student's study
The Advocacy service is free and confidential to all Deakin students and remains independent from the University. Deakin imposes strict timelines for ALL academic issues, so it is vital that students contact DUSA as soon as possible in order for us to be able to help
T: 1300 555 528
Find out more at the DUSA advocacy website.
- Animal Ethics Committee
- Animal Ethics Committee Burwood
- Animal Ethics Committee Geelong
- Australian Education International
- Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement
- Australian Leadership Awards
Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation
- Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation
- The Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation (ADI) pursues research in a number of different areas. Our researchers aim to understand the complex meanings of citizenship, social inclusion and globalisation, and investigate the implications of these forces in our lives and communities. Learn more about ADI
ALTC awards
- ALTC awards
- Australian Learning and Teaching Council awards (previously known as Carrick awards)
alternative unit
- Alternative unit
- A unit which a student undertakes in place of another unit from which the student is precluded on the basis of existing knowledge or skills.
- Alumnae
- see Alumni
- Alumni
- Using the correct terminology.\n\nAlumnus (male singular)\nAlumna (female singular)\nAlumnae (female only plural)\nAlumni (male plural. Also used for mixed groups of male and female)\nThe word 'alum' does not exist and is not an appropriate term to use.\n\nTypes of alumni at Deakin\nStudent Alumni\nStaff Alumni
- Alumnus
- see Alumni
- Amendment
- (Deakin specific) a change requested by the HREC or HEAG prior to approval of a project. [Changes made after approval are modifications.]
- A statistical add-on program for SPSS versions nine and ten.
- Anonymous
- Applies ONLY where the information is non-identifiable to anyone - even the researcher.
- Australian Postgraduate Awards
- Academic Progress Committee
- Appeals
- The University offers an appeals process against discipline and exclusion decisions. Faculty Student Offices can provide details on appeals processes related to Academic Progress and Discipline Committee outcomes. Students can also get help, independent advice and support from the advocacy service provided by DUSA.
DUSA employs experienced Advocates who can assist with any academic concerns, issues or questions including appeals. This service is free to all Deakin students, confidential and remains independent from the University. For assistance visit the DUSA office on campus.
T: 1300 555 528
Find out more at the appeals website
- Applicant
- A person who has applied to enrol into a course at Deakin University
- Applicant and prospective student
- The term applicant and prospective students are used by tertiary admission centres and higher education institutions to describe people at different stages of their application processes.
- An applicant is generally taken to be a person who has already lodged an application to study a specific course.
- A prospective student is generally taken to be a person who is thinking about lodging an application to study a particular course but has not yet done so.
- Applicant background
- The following grouping of applicants is used to help prospective students, family and others easily find the admission information most relevant to their circumstances. The groupings do not themselves determine how an application will be assessed but direct an information seeker to the most useful information.
- Higher education study: Applicants whose highest level of study enrolment since leaving secondary education is a higher education course, whether at a university or nonuniversity provider.
- Vocational education and training (VET) study: Applicants whose highest level of study enrolment since leaving secondary education is a VET course.
- Work and life experience (includes less recent secondary results): Applicants who left secondary education more than two years previously and have not undertaken VET or higher education study since then.
- Recent secondary education: Applicants whose admission is based mostly on secondary education undertaken at school, TAFE or other VET or higher education provider (Australian or overseas equivalent) that was completed (or will be) in the current year or within the previous two years.
- Applicant group A: Higher education study
- Applicants whose highest level of study enrolment since leaving secondary education is a HE course including:
- study at university and nonuniversity higher education providers, whether recent (transfers) or some time ago.
- students who have completed a bridging or enabling course delivered by or on behalf of a higher education provider.
- Applicant group B: Vocational education and training (VET) study
- Applicants whose highest level of study enrolment since leaving secondary education is a VET course including study at a public TAFE or other VET provider, whether a qualification was completed or not. Note these students may have other qualifications such as Year 10 or Year 12 secondary school certificate.
- Applicant group C: Work and life experience (including less recent secondary results)
- Applicants who left secondary education more than two years previously (i.e. who are not classified as recent secondary education applicants) and have not undertaken VET or higher education study since then.
- 'Experience' could include a combination of factors sufficient to demonstrate readiness for higher education. Includes mature age entry, professional experience whether completion of the Special Tertiary Admission Test (STAT) is required or not, community involvement or work experience.
- Applicants may have undertaken non-formal programs that have helped prepare them for tertiary education or are relevant to the proposed higher education field of study.
- Applicant with offer
- An applicant who has received an offer from Deakin to enrol into a course or unit of study
- Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute
- The Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute (A²I²) collaborates with industry to act as a catalyst for change through the use of Artificial Intelligence. Our team of research fellows, data scientists and software engineers contribute to the development of human-in-the-loop artificial intelligence and AI experimentation for sectors such as defence, health care, security, social media, advanced manufacturing and more. Learn more about A²I²
- Australian Partnership Scholarships
- Australian Research Council
- Area of activity
- Group of related services, activities and processes which aim to support the achievement of the University's goals.
- Art gallery
- The Deakin University Art Gallery is located on the Melbourne Burwood Campus. Exhibitions are run from late February to early December and include work by contemporary Australian artists, travelling exhibitions and selected students, staff and Alumni.
- Articulation
- The mechanism that enables students to proceed from one course to another sometimes, but not necessarily, with credit.
- Assent
- Sometimes used to indicate the agreement (or not) of a person who lacks the capacity to consent legally to research. Lack of assent may be non-verbal or expressed in ways that do not address the issue directly such as avoiding eye contact or asking 'Can I go to the bathroom?'.
- Assessment
- An evaluation of a student's academic performance in each of the assessment tasks prescribed for a Unit, by whatever means a faculty board has determined, which may include Examination.
- Assessment panel
- A panel appointed by each Faculty Board for each unit offered by the Faculty in that study period. Each assessment panel will consist of at least two members of the academic staff of the University, one of whom will be the Unit Chair.
- Assignment extensions
- The unit chair can provide students with information about assignment extensions for the unit. Students can also check the unit guide for details.
- Assignments
- Assignments are submitted in CloudDeakin via Assignments located under Assessment in most circumstances. Find out more about submitting assignments, due dates, extensions and word counts on our assignments webpage or in our CloudDeakin guides.
- Associate
- Contractors, consultants, volunteers, visiting appointees and visitors to the University.
- Associate supervisor
- A member of the University academic staff who plays one or more of the following roles in the supervision team: providing assistance to the other team members in guiding and supporting the candidate, acting as a back-up in case of absence or non-availability of the principal supervisor, and/or bringing particular research expertise to the team to assist the candidate.
- Associated entity
- An entity (excluding University-controlled entities and excluding any shareholdings in the University's investment portfolio) which Deakin University has the ability to influence, but not the power to control.
- Academic Support Worker
- The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is a ranking from 0.00 (lowest) to 99.95 (highest) agreed by COAG as a nationally equivalent measure of a person's relative academic ranking within their complete age cohort in the year they graduated from senior secondary school. (This includes students who did not complete Year 12, completed but did not qualify for an ATAR, or had already previously left school, who account for around 30% of the age cohort.)
The ATAR is derived from the scaled scores achieved for senior secondary school subjects. The specific calculation used is different in each state and territory but the result is designed to be nationally equivalent.
- ATAR related thresholds
- ATAR related thresholds: (where relevant - not all institutions use ATAR to determine eligibility. Different institutions may use only some of the following types of eligibility thresholds)
- Lowest ATAR to which an offer was made: the lowest 'raw' or unadjusted ATAR of an applicant to which an offer of a place was made in the relevant year or year-to-date.
- Lowest Selection Rank to which an offer was made: The lowest Selection Rank of an applicant to which an offer of a place was made in the relevant year or year-to-date (including the consideration of any adjustments the applicant may have been eligible for).
- Minimum ATAR [or Selection Rank] required for consideration to enter in next intake: For use where a threshold minimum ATAR or Selection Rank must be achieved to be considered for admission to a course or institution.
- Guaranteed Entry ATAR [or Selection Rank]: Where achievement of a specified ATAR or Selection Rank (as appropriate) will guarantee acceptance into a course or institution, subject to any non-ATAR criteria being met, such as prerequisite study or English language proficiency.
- Australian Taxation Office
- Attestation statement
- A document bearing the signature of a responsible officer certifying the truth and accuracy of the statement.
- Attribute
- As defined in Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) discrimination is prohibited on the basis of the following attributes: age, breastfeeding, employment activity, gender identity, disability, industrial activity, lawful sexual activity, marital status, parental status or status as a carer, physical features, political belief or activity, pregnancy, race, religious belief or activity, sexual orientation, personal association (whether as a relative or otherwise) with a person who is identified by reference to any attributes.
- Australian Universities International Directors Forum
- AusAID
- Australian Agency for International Development
- AusAID Child Protection Policy
- The policy issued by the Australian Government acting through AusAID dated January 2013 as amended or varied.
- Australia Awards Scholarships
- Previously Australian Development Scholarship (ADS)
- Australian Aid
- An agency of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Australian Aid, formerly referred to as 'Australian Agency for International Development' or 'AusAID'.
- Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
- Commonwealth guidelines for the ethical and responsible conduct of research.
- Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
- The AQF stipulates the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training.
- Australian Research Council
- The Australian Research Council (ARC) is a Commonwealth entity which administers the National Competitive Grants Program, a significant component of Australia's investment in research and development, and has responsibility for Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA).
- Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)
- An overall percentile ranking calculated by the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) for the use of tertiary institutions to compare the overall achievement of students who have completed different combinations of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) studies, or equivalent Year 12 qualifications in Australia, in the same year.
- Austudy
- Centrelink payments for full-time students aged 25 or over, who are undertaking an approved course of education at an approved institution.
- Authorised officer (university property)
- Under Regulation 06.1(2) - University Property - means any person authorised to implement and enforce this Regulation and includes: Directors of Divisions, Principal Officers of Faculties, Directors of Centres and Institutes, University Librarian, Vice-President (Enterprise) and Principal Officer of the Medical School.
- AV
- Audio Visual
- Award
- A scholarship, bursary or prize awarded to a student on the basis of academic excellence, outstanding achievement and/or access and equity.
- B
- Campus code for Melbourne Campus at Burwood
- B&L
- Faculty of Business and Law
- Bachelor degree
- Usually the first degree taken the bachelor degree is the title for an undergraduate degree course for example Bachelor of Science
- Business Continuity Management
- BCom
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Benchmarking
- Comparison of processes and performance to best practice and performance of others in the higher education sector or elsewhere with the object of improving the University's processes and performance.
- Beneficence
- Beneficence requires that you design research to maximise the good and minimise the harm in particular that any risks of research must be balanced by the potential benefits of the research. Beneficence is one of the four guiding principles of the National Statement.(See NS 1.6-1.9)
- Beneficiary
- The area that will receive the benefits from a gift or sponsorship.
- Benefit
- Any positive outcome of research. A benefit can apply to participants the researchers the community or the world. Training researchers is also considered a benefit in terms of a research project.
- Bequest
- Money, property or other assets bequeathed by Will.
- Business Impact Analysis
- Bibliographies
A list of sources at the end of a paper that includes works cited in the text, as well as works that have contributed to the preparation of the paper. A bibliography differs from reference list, which includes only those works cited in text. A comprehensive source of referencing information is available in the Deakin guide to referencing.
- Binding
- Binding of documents is available at the DUSA office on campus, or the DUSA Bookshop at the Melbourne Burwood Campus.
- Business Intelligence Solutions - A reporting tool for viewing financial data used by the Financial and Business Services Division.
- Books
Textbooks and reading lists can be found at the Library
- Brand
- The name, brand mark (including colour, design, picture, symbol and typeface), logo, logotype, graphic devices and all brand elements normally associated with the University and used to communicate with internal and external audiences.
- Bridging course
- A course which assists students to gain knowledge in specialist areas that are a core component of the course. If a course requires a prerequisite in an area that students have not studied or worked with before, a bridging course will help students to bridge the gap in that knowledge and gain admission.
- Bridging Masters Degree
- A Masters Degree with sufficient research components to meet the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) definition of a Masters Degree (Research), which is designed to provide a pathway from an ordinary bachelors degree (AQF level 7) to entry to a doctoral degree.
- Broad Area of Study
- An area of knowledge that includes fields of study within recognised or emerging professions.
- Better Repository for University Curriculum Enquiries (University Handbook and curriculum database)
- Bullying
- Any repeated unreasonable behaviour that causes a risk to the health or safety of another person.
- Bursary
- A full or partial remission of fees.
- Burwood Corporate Centre (BCC)
- Located at the Melbourne Burwood Campus, the Burwood Corporate Centre (BCC) is Deakin's largest corporate centre. Featuring 10 stylish, technology-rich rooms and two lounges, the centre hosts meetings and events for up to 210 people. BCC also offers hassle-free catering for events from a light morning tea or boardroom lunches to large cocktail parties. Find out more about Burwood Corporate Centre.
- Business case
- The justification for undertaking a project based on the cost versus risks and the anticipated business benefits and savings to be gained.
- Business Continuity (BC)
- Capability of the organisation to continue delivery of products or services at acceptable predefined levels following a disruptive incident.
- Business Continuity Management (BCM)
- The management process that identifies the potential impact to business operations if threats are realised, and which provides a framework for building organisational resilience with the capability of an effective response that safeguards the interests of its key stakeholders, reputation, brand and value creating activities.
- Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
- Documented procedures that guide organisations to recover, resume, and restore operations to a pre-defined level following a disruption.
- Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
- Process of analysing activities and the effect that a business disruption might have upon them.
- Business travel
- Includes days spent on University business, necessary travel time, reasonable physical recovery/acclimatisation time and unavoidable time spent between business activities. Where uncertainty exists as to whether a given day is to be classed as business travel, the Taxation Manager may make a determination
- Faculty of Business and Law
- CA
- Citation Analysis
- Change Advisory Board - An expert group who give advice to the change manager. Their role is to consider an RFC (request for change) and recommend whether it be accepted and implemented or rejected.
- Change Advisory Board Emergency Committee.
- Commonwealth Assistance Form
- Callista
- A student management system for higher education providers and The University's central electronic student information system
- Campus code
- B - Melbourne Burwood Campus, G - Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus, S - Geelong Waterfront Campus, W - Warrnambool Campus A - GIFT City Campus
- Campus mode
- The dominant mode of delivery is through face-to-face learning experiences at a Deakin campus or other physical site. Students will also have access to online learning resources and experiences.
- Campus Operations and Sustainability
A division of the Futures Portfolio. From security, transport and parking to the maintenance of our world-class campuses Campus Operations and Sustainability delivers innovative, efficient and sustainable solutions to drive the day-to-day operation of the University.
To find out more, visit Leadership and Governance - Organisational Structure
- Campuses
- Burwood (Melbourne) Waterfront (Geelong) Waurn Ponds (Geelong) Warrnambool (W) GIFT City (A)
- Commonwealth Assistance Notice
- Candidate
- An eligible nominee standing for election.
- Candidate (Election)
- An eligible nominee standing for election.
- Candidate (for Graduation)
- A person who applies to graduate on the basis of having satisfied all the prescribed requirements;
- Candidate (for staff position)
- A person who has applied to join the University has a staff member
- Candidate (HDR)
- A person whose application to enrol in a HDR is accepted by the University.
- Candidature
- The enrolment of the student in a Higher Degree by Research.
- Chief Advancement Officer
- Car
- Any motor car, station wagon, panel van, utility truck or similar vehicle or any other road vehicle designed to carry a load of less than one tonne and fewer than nine passengers
- Card Verification Value (CVV)
- This is the three digit security code on the back of a credit card.
- Cardholder data environment
- Cardholder Data Environment (In Deakins case this refers to the EFTPOS devices only).
- Careers counsellor
- Careers counsellors will answer broader questions relating to potential career paths your course might lead you to beyond your time at university. They also offer advice about job applications, resumes, changing careers and improving career management skills.
- Carer
- A person on whom a member of their immediate family or household is wholly or substantially dependent for personal care, support and assistance because of an illness, injury or emergency. A person is not considered a carer if the care is provided on a commercial basis.
- Carpooling
Deakin offers a free carpool matching service enabling registered users to connect with students and staff in their local area who are keen to share the ride to Deakin.
To find out more, visit the Carpooling page.
- Carrick Awards (ALTC)
- Australian Learning and Teaching Council awards (previously known as Carrick awards)
- Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarship
- Cash Bank Bill Rate
- The rate of interest on a bill of exchange of which the acceptor or endorser is a bank, as published in the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) Australian Bank Bill Index.
- Council of the Australian University Directors of Information Technology.
- Community-based delivery
- Chief Digital Officer
- Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarship
- Centre for Energy, the Environment and Natural Disasters
- CelloPark
- CellOPark is our 'Pay As You Go' mobile App provider for short-term parking permits at our campuses. Find out more about CelloPark at our campus information pages.
- Census date
- The date on which enrolments in a unit are finalised. It is the last date on which an eligible student can: apply for HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP or SA-HELP for a unit; withdraw from a unit without being liable for the tuition fees or student contributions (domestic students) or for the full tuition fee (international students); or for the Student Services and Amenities Fee (if applicable), or withdraw from the unit without a reference appearing on their academic transcript.
- Centre for Cyber Security Research and Innovation
Centre for Cyber Security Research and Innovation (CSRI) undertakes research into the theoretical foundations of cyber security. We develop innovative cyber security technologies by exploring the associated risks, governance and legal issues.
Learn more about CSRI
- Centre for Disaster, Resilience and Recovery
- Deakins Centre for Disaster Resilience and Recovery (CDRR) provides research on the economic and social resilience of individuals and businesses to withstand and recover from disasters. Our aim is to help to create resilient businesses and communities. Learn more about CDRR.
- Centre for Innovation in Mental and Physical Health and Clinical Treatment
- Centre for Innovation in Mental and Physical Health and Clinical Treatment (IMPACT) aims to improve health and wellbeing by contributing to the understanding of the causes and impact of psychiatric, musculoskeletal, metabolic and other disorders. Learn more about IMPACT
- Centre for Integrative Ecology
- The Centre for Integrative Ecology (CIE) focuses on creating a sustainable world by investigating the fundamental question of how life reacts to change on both short and long-term scales. Learn more about CIE
- Centre for Molecular and Medical Research
- Through the combination of medical and biomolecular research programs, the Centre for Molecular and Medical Research (CMMR) aims to improve health and wellbeing. Learn more about CMMR
- Centre for Regional and Rural Futures
- The Centre for Rural and Regional Futures (CeRRF) contributes to the design of smarter technologies that provide innovative solutions to regional and rural productivity problems. Learn more about CeRRF
- Centre for Social and Early Emotional Development
- Centre for Social and Early Emotional Development (SEED) focuses on addressing mental health issues and neurological disorders such as depression, eating disorders and disability through prevention and intervention strategies. Learn more about SEED
- Centre for Sport Research
- Centre for Sport Research (CSR) aims to use and promote sport and exercise as a vehicle to create healthy communities, and build governance and management capacity to support participation and involvement in sport. Learn more about CSR
- Centre for Supply Chain and Logistics
- As a specialist research and knowledge centre, the Centre for Supply Chain and Logistics (CSCL) provides independent, industry-focused research and development. Working with both industry and government, CSCL strengthens Deakin's research focus in the supply chain arena throughout Australia and overseas. Learn more about CSCL.
- Centrelink
- Program of the Department of Human Services. Centrelink delivers payments and services and provides services at times of major change for seniors, job seekers, students and trainees, families, carers, parents, people with disability, Indigenous Australians, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
- Chief Executive Officer
- Course Experience Questionnaire (survey)
- Centre for Regional and Rural Futures
- Certified
- All copies of documentation supplied in support of an application to the University must be certified (or notarised) as a true copy of the original by an appropriate signatory (for example: by a Justice of the Peace; dentist; doctor or pharmacist; solicitor or barrister; registered chartered accountant; bank manager; Member of Parliament; Local Councillor; full-time school or tertiary teacher of a least five years service; or if you are overseas; by a person authorised to certify/notarise documents in your own country or by one of Deakin's approved international recruitment agents).
- Chief Financial Officer
- Chair
- The person elected or appointed to preside at a meeting of a University Body.
- Change of name and address
- If you change your name or address, you must update your details immediately. You can update your address via StudentConnect and your name at Student Central or via the change of personal details form and upload certified documentation to support the name change. More information can be found our Change your personal details website.
- Chaplain
- Chaplains are people ordained and non-ordained with particular concern for those they serve in hospitals, armed forces, prisons, secondary schools and universities. Our chaplains are able to journey with anyone seeking to explore the sense of the spiritual in his or her life. Whatever your religious background, all share the same rich, deep source. Further information can be found on the multifaith chaplains website.
- Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number
- Child
- A person under 18 years of age.
- Child abuse
- All forms of physical, emotional or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse.
- Child exploitation
One or more of the following:
- committing or coercing another person to commit an act or acts of abuse against a child;
- possessing, controlling, producing, distributing, obtaining or transmitting child exploitation material or child pornography material;
- committing or coercing another person to commit an act or acts of grooming or online grooming.
- Child Protection Code of Conduct for Australian Aid-funded Research Projects
- The University code of conduct reflecting the AusAID Child Protection Policy a copy of which is set out in Schedule A of the Child protection in Australian Aid-funded research procedure.
- Child-related work
- Work that involves an activity with a child where the contact would reasonably be expected as a normal part of the activity and the contact is not incidental to the activity. Working includes volunteering or other unpaid work.
- Childcare
- On-campus child care is available at Melbourne Burwood Campus, Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus and the Warrnambool Campus. Qualified, experienced and caring staff provide high quality care for children under school age. All three centres have achieved national Child Care Accreditation of the highest standard. Full time, daily or occasional care is available at each centre and rates at all locations are competitive with other local centres.
- Centre for Integrative Ecology
- Citation
- A reference to a source in the body of paper. A citation may relate to a quote, paraphrase, summary or to a general reference to a source. A citation may take the form of a footnote, endnote, reference number or in-text citation. A comprehensive source of referencing information is available in the Deakin guide to referencing.
- Class
- Formerly called a 'lecture'. Is a general meeting for all enrolled students, in a particular unit, for which you do not need to register (if you're enrolled in the unit which has a 'class', it will appear on your timetable), and where teaching staff engage you through presentations and learning activities.
- Clinical audit
- A sub-category of QA / Quality audit a clinical audit is particularly sensitive as it can often involve accessing sensitive patient data held by a hospital or other health service. For this reason some types of clinical audit despite not being classed as research are considered to require ethical review. The NHMRC has published guidelines in relation to this: When does quality assurance in health care require independent ethical review?(2003)
- Close family member
- Includes family members who may be expected to influence or be influenced by the employee and includes, but is not limited to, the employee's parents, siblings, children, partner, partners children and other dependents of the employee or their partner.
- CloudDeakin
- CloudDeakin is an online learning environment which incorporates a range of spaces and tools to enable interactive and engaging learning. Find out more at About CloudDeakin.
- Clubs and Societies
Clubs are a great way to meet people and get involved. DUSA supports over 120 clubs and societies across all Deakin campuses. Clubs and societies cover diverse interests including Faculty, sporting, social and cultural clubs and there are also discipline-based clubs and societies within Faculties, Schools and courses/units. Search the DUSA website or visit the DUSA office on campus for more information.
Find out more at the Get involved website.
- Centre for Molecular and Medical Research
- Co-supervisor
- A person meeting the criteria set out in Schedule A:Qualifications for HDR Supervision of the Higher Degrees by Research Supervision Procedure, who shares the main supervisory responsibilities more or less equally with another co-supervisor, one of whom will take the role of executive supervisor.
- Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies
- Coded
- Information from which identifiers have been removed and replaced with a code which is kept separately from it. This is usually used where there may be a reason to collate different intakes of information relating to a particular person or where the participant could potentially need to be informed of an outcome. It should be noted that all human tissue is considered potentially identifiable whether or not the identifiers have been removed since it contains the donors DNA.
- CoE
- Confirmation of enrolment (CoE) is an official statement from Deakin University that lists a students program of study and course start and end dates.
- Collaborating agency
- An organisation that the University works with to fulfil the requirements of a contract or grant. A collaborating agency may have a contract with the University.
- Collaboration
- Collaboration tools provide individuals with the ability to work together jointly on an activity or project. Web collaboration tools enhance this capability to work together via the Internet in real time using document sharing real-time co-authoring real-time collaborative communications via video or virtual meeting places eg. Office 365 or Google Docs.
- Collection
- Includes any means by which the University obtains Personal or Health Information including information that is volunteered incidentally obtained or gathered from another organisation.
- Collection statement
- A statement of the University practices when collecting using disclosing and otherwise managing Personal and Health Information collected in the course of its activities which is provided at or near the time such information is collected.
- Collusion
- Acting with another person with the intention to deceive (e.g. submitting the work, or part of the work, of someone, even with their permission, or having someone else write any part of an assignment for you).
- Combined courses
- An approved combination of courses which leads to the conferral of two awards as defined in Regulation 05.2(2) - Higher Education Award Courses - General.
- Commencing student
- A student in their first trimester of study at Deakin
- Commercial activity
- Any commercial activity engaged in by, or on behalf of, the University and as further defined in Part 6 Division 6 of the Deakin University Act 2009 (Vic).
- Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)
- A place in a course for which the University receives funding from the Australian Government.
- Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) Student
- A Commonwealth supported student receives some government funding and as such, are only required to contribute to part of the course fees.
- Community and industry partnership
- Partnerships with a diversity of individuals, agencies and organisations, community groups, professional associations and other educational providers, both nationally and internationally.
- Community of practice
- A team of people who have a shared professional interest or goal. Typically a virtual team that crosses organisational boundaries eg. Agile Community of practice.
- Community site
- An online community of interest where activities or events are advertised and staff or students are invited to register or participate. Can be internal or external facing e.g. Staff Chess Club, Soccer Club or Students and Prospective Employers portal.
- Community-Based Delivery (CBD)
- CBD courses and units, like Deakin's National Indigenous Knowledges Education Research Innovation Institute (NIKERI), combine on and off-campus teaching to help Indigenous Australian students undertake their studies without missing any family or community obligations
- Comparability of assessment
- Performance by students enrolled within a unit is assessed to the same standard.
- Competence
- The ability to perform a specified task, usually involving a combination of technical skill, knowledge or understanding, and attitude or outlook.
- Complainant
- A person who lodges a complaint or on whose behalf a complaint is lodged.
- Complaint
- A properly lodged expression of dissatisfaction requiring formal resolution. See Student Complaints Resolution policy.
- Completed student
- A person who has completed the requirements of the Course.
- Completing student
- A student in their expected last trimester of study at Deakin.
- Component
- discrete segment of study which makes up a part of a unit.
- Computer labs
More than 2,300 computers are available across all Deakin campuses. Students can access computers on campus in computer laboratories, the library and other general access areas. Some computer laboratories are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You need to carry your Deakin Card (student ID card) with you and have a valid Deakin username and password to use computers at Deakin.
Find out more at the computers and printers website.
- Computer standards
- Deakin recommends computer standards which you should check to ensure you can make the most out of your learning experience.
- Concern
- An expression of dissatisfaction by a student that can be resolved directly with the person or area involved without the need for formal action. See Student Complaints Resolution policy
- Concession card
- For information about concession cards and lodging applications, visit Public Transport Travel Concessions. Eligible students can download a pre-populated Travel Concession Form from StudentConnect. You need to print this in colour and lodge your application.
- Conferral
- The awarding of a degree or honour.
- Confidential
- Where the data are identified or identifiable to the researcher but will not be published or otherwise released in identifiable form.
- Confirmation of candidature
- Confirmation of candidature involves an evaluation of and feedback on an HDR candidate's progress, research question and project plan.
- Conflict of interest
- A divergence between the individual interests of a person and their professional responsibilities such that an independent observer might reasonably conclude that the professional actions of that person are unduly influenced by their own interests, including any actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interest.
- Conjoint academic staff
- Individuals whose primary employment is with an organisation, agency or entity external to the University, who are appointed as staff of the University to undertake teaching and/or research for the University. The conjoint nature of the relationship lies in the appointees' ability to carry out the teaching or research role for the University being dependent on their external position.
- Conjoint Professors Committee
- A committee set up to consider proposals for appointment of conjoint professors and make recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor.
- Consent
Participants must give informed consent: voluntary agreement to participate in research by a person or group, based on adequate knowledge and understanding of relevant information about the proposed research and what will be expected of participants. These terms may also be used in relation to medical treatment of a patient.
Consent may be verbal(spoken consent), written (eg by signature of a consent form), or by action (eg return of a completed questionnaire), whichever is most appropriate for the particular type of research.
- Contact hours
'Contact hours' is also referred to as 'Scheduled learning activities'.
'Scheduled Learning Activities' and 'Typical study commitment' are detailed in the Handbook and every unit's 'Unit Guide'.
'Scheduled learning activities' provide information for campus and online units. These include the number of hours, classes, seminars and online learning experiences, usually held weekly. For Online units, it also indicates if activities are recorded.
'Typical study commitment' gives an indication of the overall number of hours a student could be expected to spend when studying the unit.
Unit Guides can be found on CloudDeakin through DeakinSync.
- Contact with Children
- Working on an activity or in a position that involves that involves or may involve contact with children, either under the position description or due to the nature of the work environment. This includes indirect contact with children in the community. Examples include any in-country work, in particular working in remote/rural locations, oral and written communications (including electronic communication) relating to a child, visiting premises such as schools, health or residential facilities that provide services to children, and community consultations such as data collection, surveying or training.
- Content Management
- Content Management (CM) is the set of processes and technologies that support the collecting managing and publishing of content in any form or medium.
- Content owners
- Producers, distributors, broadcasters, copyright and intellectual property owners in video, music, images and written material holders of copyright in content presented in media.
- Continuing professional development seminar
- a seminar that is related to the staff member's professional development and education and goes for at least four hours
- Continuous quality improvement
- Ongoing review cycle designed to progressively improve processes, services or outcomes. Improvements are referenced to available standards, good practice and the University's own requirements to achieve its strategic goals.
- Contract
- An agreement between the University and a third party or parties, a contract includes purchase orders, heads of agreement, memoranda of understanding, letters of intent, tenders, strategic partnerships, variations and extensions to existing contracts.
- Contract manager
- A University staff member appointed by a contract sponsor to monitor and manage a contract.
- Contract sponsor
- A member of the Executive, an Executive Director, a Director of an Institute, a Head of School, a Faculty General Manager or Deputy Faculty General Manager, the University Librarian, a Head or Director of a Unit, a Deputy Vice-President (reporting to an Executive member Vice-President), the University Solicitor and any other Financial Delegate listed in Table A to the Financial Delegations Policy with an expenditure limit of at least $100,000.
- Contract value
- The value of a contract over its life (excluding GST), or where the contract relates to the conduct of a research project and the University is not the administrator of the funding for the project, the value of the University's cash and in-kind contributions and allocations of funding to the University from the administrator over the life of the contract (excluding GST).
- Contracting Officer
- Any University staff member responsible for negotiating a contract
- Contractor
- A company or an individual (other than a University employee) engaged to provide services to the University. Contractors include consultants.
- Contractor officer
- The staff member who is responsible for the administration of the engagement of contractors for an organisational area. Contractor officers may be the senior financial or administrative officer within a School, Division or other organisational area.
- Controlled entity
- An entity over which the University has the capacity to control decision-making, directly or indirectly, in relation to the financial and operating policies.
- Chief Operating Officer
- Core teaching hours
- Monday to Friday from 8 am to 10 pm but in the case of undergraduate courses, these will normally be scheduled from 8 am to 8 pm and in the case of postgraduate courses, these will normally be scheduled using a mix of day and evening classes up to 10 pm.
- Core unit
- These are units which you must complete in order to meet the requirements of your course. Not all courses have core units (eg. Bachelor of Arts), and some courses will be made up almost entirely of core units (eg. Bachelor of Nursing). Your course rules and core units (if any) will be provided in the University Handbook.
- Corequisite unit
- If a unit description has a co-requisite unit, it means you must complete that unit at the same time (same study period), or before the unit you want to enrol in. If a unit has a corequisite, it will be detailed in the University Handbook.
- Corporate (support) Information
- This information refers to all administrative and business information assets such as financial information1 human resources information facilities management and customer service etc. This information is common to all business enterprises and is required to support the University?s core business of education and research.
- Corporate Centre
- Deakin's corporate centres provide high-quality, technology-rich, sophisticated meeting and event spaces. From small meeting rooms to a contemporary 60-room lodge on rural parklands, Deakin's corporate centres enable the University to facilitate partnerships with industry, corporate, alumni, governments and professional associations. Find out more about Deakin corporate centres.
- Corrupt conduct
Corrupt conduct means conduct:
- of any person that adversely affects the honest performance by a Public Officer or Public Body of his or her or its functions as a Public Officer or Public Body; or
- of a Public Officer or Public Body that constitutes or involves the dishonest performance of his or her or its functions as a Public Officer or Public Body; or
- of a Public Officer or Public Body that constitutes or involves knowingly or recklessly breaching public trust; or
- of a Public Officer or a Public Body that involves the misuse of information or material acquired in the course of the performance of his or her or its functions as a Public Officer or Public Body, whether or not for the benefit of the Public Officer or Public Body or any other person; or
- that could constitute a conspiracy or an attempt to engage in any conduct referred to in points (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv), being conduct that would, if the facts were found proved beyond reasonable doubt at a trial, constitute a relevant offence.
- Corruption
- Dishonest activity in which a member of staff, student, controlled entity or an associate of the University acts contrary to the interests of the University, knowingly or recklessly abuses their position of trust, and adversely affects the University's effective and honest performance or intended to do so in order to achieve personal gain or advantage for him or herself or for another person or entity. Corruption can also involve corrupt conduct by the entity, or person purporting to act on behalf of and in the interests of the entity, in order to secure some form of improper advantage for the entity either directly or indirectly. Corruption does not occur unintentionally, or through mistaken actions.
- Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Counsellors provide professional, confidential and free counselling for students. All staff are qualified psychologists and social workers. Counselling can help you to adjust to life changes, manage your stress and personal crises, and help you to manage your mental health. The counselling team is focused on helping you maximise your academic success through the provision of resources, web-based services and one-on-one personal counselling. Personal counselling is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. If you are unable to come on campus for an appointment, telephone counselling is available. Call to make an appointment:
Melbourne Burwood Campus 03 9244 5577
Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus 03 5227 1221
Geelong Waterfront Campus 03 5227 8400
Warrnambool Campus 03 5563 3256If counselling support is needed outside these hours please contact Lifeline (13 11 14), Suicide Helpline (1300 651 251) or in emergencies contact 000.
Find out more on the Health, wellbeing and safety website.
- Course
- A set of Units or a higher degree by research program approved by the Academic Board, and which when satisfactorily completed normally qualifies a student for an award of the University.
- Course advice
A Student Adviser can help students with course advice including unit selection. Students should contact a Student Adviser before varying enrolment to make sure the course and unit rules are being followed.
Find out more at the Student Central or Ask Student Central websites.
- Course and Scholarship Applicant Portal
- You can apply for most undergraduate, postgraduate, honours and single-unit study as well as scholarships through the applicant portal, please note that if you are currently studying or just finished year 12 then you will need to apply for your course through VTAC. Find out more on the Applicant portal assistance webpage or apply directly through the Course and Scholarship Applicant Portal.
- Course code
Course code structure eg M300:
The first alpha character is one of the following
A, E = Faculty of Arts and Education
H = Faculty of Health
M = Faculty of Business and Law
S = Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
D = Combined Degree regardless of Faculty
X = DUELI, Non-AwardM300: The first numeric character indicates the level of the course as per the Course Coding.
M300: The second and third numeric characters can be sequential or specified (suitable for when the course is a different level of a similar or nested course)
M300A: a final alpha can be used when required to denote administrative separation of award for student cohort reasons i.e. T for TAFE
- Course completion
- The satisfactory completion of the specified number and sequence of units (including prescribed or elective units) which usually entitle a student to an award of the University.
- Course Director
- The leading member of a course team responsible to the Faculty Executive Dean for the academic leadership of a course or group of courses.
- Course grouped units
- Units approved by a Faculty Board as being central to the course leading to the award of a degree diploma or certificate.
- Course guides
- Course rules can be accessed online through the Deakin handbook.
- Course rules
- Each course has rules and a structure that must be followed. Course rules will tell which units you can choose from, in what order and from what level, to successfully meet the requirements of your course. Your course rules can be found in the University Handbook. If you require specific information contact a Student Adviser.
- Course Selection Committee
- A committee appointed by a Faculty to select applicants to be offered a place in a course, each comprising a minimum of three continuing staff members, two of whom must be academic staff members, and members of the relevant course team, and must be conversant with the University's admission and selection requirements.
- Course Team
- A group of at least four continuing or fixed-term (term of three years or greater) academic staff members, including representatives from each campus on which the course is offered and at least one active researcher, appointed by the Faculty Board to coordinate the design, ongoing development and review of a course.
- Course transfer
- The process by which students who have commenced studies in an award course at Deakin University apply for transfer to another course within Deakin.
- Coursework Course
- An academic program approved by the Academic Board consisting of a set of Units approved by a faculty board;
- Credit for prior learning also known as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
- Continuous quality improvement
- Credit
- Credit (including credit transfer and credit for prior learning) granted towards a Course at the University for relevant approved study, experience or work satisfactorily completed at the University or elsewhere.
- Credit (Specified)
- Credit granted towards particular or specific components of a qualification or program of learning.
- Credit (Unspecified)
- Credit granted towards elective components of a qualification or program of learning.
- Credit for Concurrent Learning
- Credit granted for relevant concurrent learning (approved in advance by a Faculty) which, on successful completion, will be credited towards an award of the University.
- Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)
- Credit granted for relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning). Also known as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
- Credit point
- Credit point refers to a 'value' or 'study value' given to each unit/subject by the University. Most units at Deakin have a value of one credit point, but units can be more than one credit each. Collectively and in the right combination, successfully achieved credit points make up a degree. For example a Bachelor of Arts degree is made up of 24 credit points, Bachelor of Laws 32 and Graduate Certificate is made up of four credit points. Combined degree are different again. To find the credit point value of a course or unit visit the search function in the University Handbook.
- Credit transfer
- A process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes for components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications (Australian Qualifications Framework definition).
- CRICOS Number
- Deakin University is a registered provider on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). As a registered provider the University must clearly identify the University's name and CRICOS number in written marketing and other material for prospective international students including material in electronic form. This applies to all materials used by the University and its partners and agents whether operating overseas or in Australia. For this reason all advertising publications brochures course flyers letters emails web pages etc which may be received by prospective international students whether in hard copy or electronic form must display the following: Deakin University CRICOS Provider Number: 00113B
- Crisis Management
- The overall coordination of the University's response to a crisis in an effective and timely manner, with the goal of avoiding or minimising damage to the University's profitability, reputation and ability to operate.
- Critical activity
- Activities which have been assessed as time-critical to the delivery of key products and services, enabling the continued delivery of University objectives.
- Critical incident
- A traumatic event, or threat of such, that causes or may cause extreme stress, fear, significant disruption to student's learning, injury or death.
- Critical incident (Travel)
- Is a traumatic event or the threat of such and may include any natural disaster outbreak of war (including civil war) invasion insurrection revolution use of military power usurpation of government or military power terrorist activity transport accident damage to property bodily injury death theft disease or illness or other emergency that causes extreme stress fear or injury such as to affect the travel plans of the University traveller.
- Customer relationship management system
- Cross-institutional enrolment
- An enrolment in units at another institution (approved in advance by a Faculty) which, on successful completion, will be credited towards an award of Deakin University, or an enrolment at the University in units that, on successful completion, will be credited towards an award of another institution.
- Cross-institutional Student
- A student of another higher education institution to whom Deakin grants rights of access to University Premises and facilities.
- Centre for Sustainable and Responsible Organisations
- Centre for Supply Chain and Logistics
- Commonwealth supported place
- Centre for Sport Research (CSR) aims to use and promote sport and exercise as a vehicle to create healthy communities, and build governance and management capacity to support participation and involvement in sport. Learn more about CSR
- Centre for Sport Research
- Centre for Cyber Security Research and Innovation
- Cultural Gift
- An item of cultural significance donated from a private collection to a public collection and accepted under the Federal Government's Cultural Gifts Program.
- Cultural Gifts Program
- A program which provides tax incentives to encourage gifts of culturally significant items from private collections to public art galleries, museums, libraries and archives.
- Current Student
- A person (including a candidate for a Higher Degree by Research) who is enrolled in a Course or unit in the University pursuant to Statute 5.1 ? Admission Selection and Enrolment and continues to meet the requirements of Enrolment; unless the person:\n \n(1) has completed the requirements of the Course (therefore they would be either a Past Student a Candidate for Graduation or a Graduand);\n(2) has had conferred on them or been granted the academic award for which the person has enrolled (therefore they would be a Graduate);\n(3) has failed to re-enrol as required (therefore they would be a Past Student);\n(4) has intermitted his or her studies (therefore they would be a Deferred Student);\n(5) has had his/her Enrolment terminated pursuant to the statutes and regulations (therefore they would be a Past Student); or\n(6) has withdrawn from the Course (therefore they would be a Past Student).\n\nA Current Student includes Cross-Institutional Students and non-award students.
- Cycling
Deakin is keen to support cycling to work and offers various facilities to accommodate cyclists and their equipment.
To find out more, visit your campus location page webpage.
- D2L
- Desire2Learn
- Data
- Individual facts or items of content, including symbolic representations that may form the basis of information (e.g. a date, a name, a number).
- Data and safety monitoring board
- A panel of experts appointed to oversee the progress and outcomes of research including analysis of adverse events. Almost exclusively used in large clinical (drug and device) trials.
- Deakin Business School
- Disability Discrimination Act
- Deakin Data Warehouse
- DE&T
- Department of Employment and Training (Victoria)
- Deaccession
- The process of removing artworks from the University's Art Collection.
- Deakin 2030: Ideas to Impact
- Deakin's strategic plan, demonstrating a commitment to lifelong learning and employability, discovery and creativity, digital capability, social justice, inclusivity and the strength of diversity. Read more about Deakin 2030.
- Deakin Abroad
- Study overseas as part of your Deakin degree and discover a world full of opportunities. Opportunities include Global Citizenship Program, Trimester Abroad, Short Term Partner Programs, Volunteering, Work-Integrated Learning and Faculty-led Study Programs. Find out more at our Deakin Abroad page.
- Deakin Accelerate
- Deakin Accelerate is a distinctive VCE higher education program. It allows high-achieving VCE students to study two first-year university subjects during Year 12. Find out more at Deakin Accelerate.
- Deakin Card
- Identification card for Deakin University staff and students which must be shown when requested by a security officer on campus in examinations when borrowing books or equipment and accessing facilities. If loaded with funds Deakin Card can be used as a stored-value card to pay for a variety of services around campus including printing photocopying and goods from food outlets bookshops and vending machines
- Deakin College
- Deakin College is a pathway program for prospective Deakin University students. Classes are held on three Deakin campuses: Melbourne Burwood, Geelong Waterfront and Geelong Waurn Ponds.
- Deakin disruptr
disruptr is a Deakin University research-centred platform. (formerly Deakin Invenio)
Inspired by our wide breadth of expertise, disruptr content encourages conversation by highlighting the impact our research has had, the many questions it may raise and the potential it holds for the future.
At Deakin, our people are diverse.
Our breakthroughs are innovative.
Our stories are compelling.This is research, only made to matter.
Visit disruptr
- Deakin Domain
- - which is owned by the University and managed by the University Web Manager.
- Deakin Downtown
- One of Deakin's corporate centres, Deakin Downtown offers the next level of sophisticated, technology-rich, flexible spaces for external engagement, meetings, conferences, functions and professional immersion in the heart of Melbourne city. Find our more about Deakin Downtown.
- Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes
- Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes describe the knowledge and capabilities graduates have acquired and are able to apply and demonstrate at the completion of their course. They consist of outcomes specific to a particular discipline or profession as well as transferable generic outcomes that all graduates should have acquired irrespective of their discipline area.
- Deakin Hallmarks
- Deakin Hallmarks are prestigious University awards that recognise students' outstanding achievement, at course level, of capabilities that are key to employment success. Learn more about Deakin Hallmarks.
- Deakin International
- Administrative division of Deakin University. Through our extensive international networks and partnerships, Deakin International (DI) enable students from around the world to study at Deakin. Deakin International local support team ensures a smooth transition for our international students and focuses on nurturing their success.
- Deakin Inventors
- Under the Patents Act 1990 (Cth), Deakin staff or students entitled to be named on the Patent as inventors, are considered Deakin Inventors in the case of patentable inventions.
- Deakin learning centres
- Deakin learning centres act as an extension to our campuses - including Online - with locations in metropolitan Melbourne and Victorian regional centres.
- Deakin Learning Futures
- Administrative division of Deakin University. Deakin Learning Futures (DLF) focus on course enhancement and teaching support to deliver premium educational experiences and the best possible environment for learning.
- Deakin legal service
Deakin Student Legal Service provides free and confidential legal advice, information, referral and education to currently enrolled Deakin students. Qualified Lawyers and Migration Agents can advise you on a range of legal matters, including:
Fines / Infringements
Motor Vehicle accidents (not TAC)
Debt / Bills / Consumer problems including Scams
Tenancy / Housing
Employment Law (including Sexual Harassment and Bullying)
Stalking & Family Violence
Family Law
Minor Criminal Matters
Migration Law / Student Visa
Victims of Crime Assistance
Reporting Sexual Assault
- Deakin Motion.Lab - Centre for Creative Arts Research
- Deakin Motion.Lab - Centre for Creative Arts Research (DML-CCAR) aims to address the continually changing environments of digital art, movement technology and studio-based creative arts research. Through practice-based and critical artistic research, DML-CCAR's goal is to effect arts innovation, analysis, economic growth and policy development. Learn more about DML-CCAR
- Deakin Research
- The central administrative body responsible for the management of Higher Degree by Research candidature.
- Deakin University Student Association Inc.
The Deakin University Student Association (DUSA) is the organisation run by students for students at Deakin. DUSA is here to make sure your time at University is as fun as it should be. DUSA looks after you if you need help, with free academic advocacy and welfare support services. DUSA also gives you the opportunity to develop your leadership and professional skills and get active with Uni sport, volunteer programs and clubs. Make the most of your time at University, get involved with DUSA.
DUSA also offers a vast array of student support services ranging through advocacy, legal advice, representation and assistance with review of results and special consideration.
Building H2-3T: 1300 555 528
Find out more at the DUSA website.
- Deakin Video
- Powered by Mediasite, Deakin Video enables students to view and download audio and video of recorded classes and web recordings through CloudDeakin. Learn more about Deakin Video in our CloudDeakin guides.
- DeakinACTIVE
- DeakinACTIVE is the new home of Deakin University's sport, health and wellbeing. Whether it's working out in the fitness centre, going for a run, joining a group fitness class, playing your favourite sport or eating healthy, DeakinACTIVE is the number one destination to help you achieve your goals. Find out more about DeakinACTIVE.
- DeakinCo.
- DeakinDigital and DeakinPrime have merged to create DeakinCo. This new business will deliver purpose-built learning, development and measurement solutions to help organisations prepare their workforce for the future. Learn more about DeakinCo. or go directly to DeakinCo. website
- DeakinPeople
- DeakinPeople is the University's Human Resources Management System (HRMS) where staff details and position information is stored. You use it to enrol in training, book leave, see your payslips, change personal details including emergency contacts, and so on.
- Deakins Elite Athlete Friendly University
Deakin is a member of the Elite Athlete Friendly University (EAFU) network. The network consists of the Australian Institute of Sport and State Based Institute of Sport and five professional sports.
Deakin has signed an agreement with the Australian Sports Commission to support the integration of Australian elite athletes sporting and academic aspirations. Deakin, as one of Australia foremost sport universities, is dedicated to supporting elite athletes in their quest to integrate academic success with the demands of training and competition.
The agreement can allow some flexibility for athletes whilst studying at Deakin. The EAFU agreement provides a specific definition of an elite athlete. Financial support may also be available through the Elite Athlete Support Grants.
Find out more on the Deakin Elite Athlete Program website.
- DeakinSync
- A personal online workspace for staff and students. General information as well as an intuitive interface to keep everything together. Tools to manage staff and students' inbox, calendar, and life. Collaborate with others, anywhere, anytime. DeakinSync has various tabs that link you to login for most of the Deakin online systems. Find out more at the Digital Deakin information page or login at
- DeakinTALENT
- DeakinTALENT programs and services are designed to help students explore job roles that they will enjoy and help them identify and connect with employers who are interested in graduates like them.
- Dean
- A Dean is an administrator in charge of a division of a university or college who are responsible for the active leadership and integration of the activities of the Faculty's schools and centres and for encouraging and promoting a sense of unity cooperation and common purpose amongst the Faculty's staff. Deans are directly involved in the strategic planning activities of the University and are responsible for determining the allocation of resources within the faculty in consultation with the Heads of each School Assistant Deans and other senior members of the Faculty.
- Deakin Engagement and Access Program
- Deception
Active deception is most common in behavioural research where knowing what is being studied might lead the participants to act differently and thus invalidate the research. The National Statement defines 'active deception' as 'where relevant material is withheld from research participants, and/or they are intentionally misled about procedures and/or purposes of research.'
Projects involving deception must be reviewed by a fully constituted HREC to confirm that there is no other way to collect the data without bias, and that the benefits of the research outweigh the risks and are sufficient to justify the deception.
- Deferral
- The approved postponement of study for a specified period prior to the first enrolment in a course.
- Deferred student
- A person who has deferred their offer.
- Degree with distinction
- Undergraduate students commencing post 1 Jan 2002 may be eligible for a degree with distinction if they achieve or exceed an average grade of 70 per cent across their degree and complete a minimum of eight credit points or one third of the credit points required for award of the degree whichever is greater at Deakin; and are not part of an honours program.
- Degrees
- Academic awards of the University conferred for associate degrees, bachelor degrees and bachelor degrees with honours.
- Delegate
- To authorise or entrust an officer of the University with decision-making power or authority to decide to take action (or provide advice to this effect) in a specified area.
- Deakin Lab for the Meta-Analysis of Research
- Department of Human Services
- Visit the Department of Human Services website for information on payments and services to support students while studying. A free iPhone app Express Plus is also available to download to view payment history, update study details and much more.
- Designated
- The donor or sponsor has given specific directions regarding the purpose for which the donation or sponsorship should be used.
- Designated Complaints Contacts
- Members of staff in Faculties and other areas who are designated to provide advice and receive complaints as stipulated in the Student Complaints Resolution Policy.
- Detrimental Action
Protected Disclosures Act 2012 makes it an offence for a person to take detrimental action against a person who has made a protected disclosure. The Act defines detrimental action as including:
- action causing injury, loss or damage, and
- intimidation or harassment, and
- discrimination, disadvantage or adverse treatment in relation to a person's employment, career, profession, trade or business, including the taking of disciplinary action.
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
- The Deakin Financial Management System (DFMS) encompasses financial accounting, research grant accounting, and financial and management reporting.
- DI
- Deakin International
- Digital accessibility
- The ability of a website, mobile application, software or electronic document to be easily navigated, understood and interacted with by a wide range of users, including those who have visual, auditory, motor and cognitive impairment.
- Diplomas
- Academic awards of the University granted to students who complete the requirements for diplomas and advanced diplomas;
- Direct application
- Application made to a higher education provider rather than through a tertiary admission centre.
- Directory of staff
- Search for contact details of both academic and general staff online.
- Deakin India Research Initiative
- Disability
- As defined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) and includes physical, intellectual, psychiatric, sensory, neurological and learning disabilities, physical disfigurement and the presence in the body of disease-causing organisms. It also includes conditions which are permanent or temporary, conditions that people have now, had in the past, may have in the future or which they are believed to have. It also includes people who care for people with disability or health conditions.
- Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA)
- The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 promotes equal rights and access to information and services for people with disability and protects people with disability from discrimination and unfair treatment. Deakin University is required to adhere to the terms and guidelines of the DDA.
- Disability Resource Centre
The Disability Resource Centre (DRC) provides individual support to students with a disability or health condition to successfully participate in their studies and university life. The centre promotes inclusive practices across the University and can arrange adjustments to suit your needs. These can include:
- alternative assessments/exam arrangements, such as extra writing time or rest breaks
- academic support workers, such as note-takers and sign interpreters.
T: 03 9244 6255
Find out more at the Disability Support website.
- Discipline
Students may be disciplined because of academic misconduct (including plagiarism and cheating) and general misconduct, whereby it is deemed they have acted in a manner that is detrimental to the University. More information about student discipline can be found in The Guide.
Find out more at the Academic Integrity website.
- Discipline (research)
- A group of similar fields of research. Technically this is the same as research identified by a two digit FOR code.
- Discomfort
- One of three categories of risk in relation to human research. (The others are Inconvenience and Harm). Discomfort is the absence or reduction of any physical, mental or social comfort. It is more than inconvenience but less than harm. Examples include temporary pain and mild to moderate embarrassment.
- Discontinuation of course
- If you are considering discontinuing your course, first seek advice or counselling from a Student Adviser or a Deakin careers coach. If you decide to discontinue, please complete the online discontinuation process via StudentConnect.
- Discrimination
- Generally described as the unfair or unfavourable treatment of a person because of a personal characteristic or attribute, real or imputed, including the setting of a requirement, condition or practice that is unreasonable and that people with a particular characteristic cannot meet.
- Distress
- psychological suffering, extreme physical pain or a state of adversity
- Diversity
- Differences between individuals or groups of people in age, cultural background, disability, ethnicity, family responsibilities, gender identity and expression, language, marital or relationship status, parental or carer status, religious belief or activities, sex (including intersex status) and sexual orientation; diversity may also include other ways in which people are different, such as learning, life experience, work experience and socio-economic background. Acknowledging diversity enables differences to be recognised and valued in the learning environment and workplace.
- Deakin Learning Futures
- Deakin Law School
- Deakin Motion.Lab - Centre for Creative Arts Research
- Document
- A document is recorded information or object which can be treated as a unit
- Domestic Academic Partnership
- An academic partnership with an Australian institution or organisation which is principally focused on domestic students or domestic activities.
- Domestic Fee Paying Student
- Domestic students that are full fee-paying (non-Commonwealth supported) and receive no other direct government contribution to the cost of their education.
- Domestic Higher Degree by Research
Three types of higher degree by research:
- Masters by Research
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- Professional Doctorates
A masters by research degree is awarded for an original contribution to knowledge achieved in up to two years of full-time candidature.
Doctoral degrees are awarded for a substantial original contribution to knowledge achieved in two to four years of full-time.
A professional doctorate combines a research project, coursework and structured research tasks which are specifically related to professional practice and are often carried out in the workplace. At least two-thirds of the program is based on research.
- Domestic student
- A student who is an Australian citizen, a New Zealand citizen or the holder of an Australian permanent resident visa.
- Domestic travel
- Travel within Australia and its territories.
- Donations
- Funds provided to the University by a non-government organisation a trust or foundation or an individual.
- The Deakin Portfolio Office (DPO) is responsible for the oversight and governance of projects at Deakin. Projects are assessed delivered monitored and controlled within a framework and structure that is scalable.
- Deakin Project Portal - using the Microsoft Enterprise Project Management - toolset. Also known as 'Project Web Access' (PWA)
- Disability Resource Centre
- Deakin Research Management System
- Deakin Research Online (DRO) is Deakin's research repository, which describes and preserves the research output produced by Deakin University researchers, staff and higher degree research students. Visit DRO via the Library website.
- Disaster Recovery Plan
- Disability resources survey
- DU
- Deakin University
- Deakin University English Language Institute
- The Deakin University Human Research Ethics Committee (DUHREC) is comprised of two panels one based at Geelong, and the other in Melbourne. The composition of each panel complies with the requirements of the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, 2007 (updated 2018). Learn more about DUHREC
- Deakin University International Research Scholarships
- Deakin University International Scholarship Program
- Deakin University Information Technology Expert
- Deakin University Student Association
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research
- EA
- Enterprise Agreement
- English for Academic Purposes or Employee Assistance Program
- Early offer
- Where an offer of enrolment is made to a recent secondary school student prior to release of ATARs or equivalent (e.g. OP in Queensland, IB). Such offers are generally conditional on other requirements being met, such as successful completion of a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education or achievement of a specified minimum ATAR.
- Easy Touch
- Deakin's standard system for control of Audio Visual equipment in automated lecture theatres.
- eCAF
- Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form to request for Commonwealth support and HECS-HELP. Also for full-fee students to request FEE-HELP.
- eCAN
- Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Notice shows HECS-HELP FEE-HELP and OS-HELP contributions and amounts reported to the Australian Taxation Office
- Education Abroad
- Area within Deakin International with overall responsibility for the coordination of international study experiences. Education Abroad has prime responsibility for Exchange and Study Abroad programs and liaises with faculties providing other international study experience for Deakin students.
- Educational music licence
- A tertiary education music licensing scheme negotiated with the four copyright collecting societies in Australia that represent music and sound recording industries and artists: AMCOS, APRA, ARIA and PPCA. The licence provides participating educational institutions with the right to reproduce and/or communicate online a broad range of music and sound recordings, for educational and non-commercial purposes.
- Eduroam
- A wireless service that allows staff and students of any participating university to use wireless networks at other cooperating universities in Australia.
- English as a Foreign Language
- Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale.
- Equivalent Full-Time Student Load.
- Election
- The process by which persons are elected to a University Body.
- Elective unit
- An elective can be any unit that does not have a restriction on it and one that your course allows you to do. In an undergraduate course you can only choose undergraduate units as electives. Speak with a Student Adviser about any units you are interested to find out if you can fit it into your course.
- English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students
- Eligible nominee
- A person who is eligible to be elected to a University Body in a specific Election in accordance with the terms of reference applicable to the University Body and as stated in the Notice.
- Eligible voter
- A person who is entitled to vote in a specific election in accordance with the terms of reference applicable to the University body and as stated in the Notice.
- Elite Athlete Program
- The University provides academic and financial support to eligible students who are participating in sport at an elite level.
- Eluminate Live (eLive)
- Eluminate Live (eLive) is a world-class, real-time training, demonstration and collaboration environment that is powerful, flexible and easy to use. It enables the delivery of live, online learning, training, coaching, mentoring and meetings.
- Emergency Management Committee
- Emergencies
Deakin Security can be contacted on 1800 062 579 or call triple 000 to contact emergency services directly.
To find out more, visit emergency information website.
- Emergency management
- The arrangements put into place when an event occurs which may cause injury, loss of life, destruction of property, or which may cause the interference, loss, or disruption of the University's normal business operations to such an extent that it poses a threat to business continuity.
- Employee Wellbeing Support (EWS) program
The Employee Wellbeing Support (EWS) program is a counselling service available to all Deakin staff. The Program is designed specifically to address and resolve both work related and personal problems adversely affecting work performance.
Find out more at Employee Wellbeing Support (EWS) program website.
- Enabling course
- A course designed to provide students with skills needed for success in further study, to assist in the transition to tertiary education - for example study techniques or English language skills. Successful completion helps prepare a person to be admitted to a course that leads to a higher education award.
- Encumbrance
- A restriction placed on a student's enrolment for breaching specified due dates or conditions relating to matters such as enrolment fees library loans residential fees or student loans. Encumbrances limit students' access to services provided by the University. Such encumbrances may block provision of a range of important services such as library access result release re-enrolment variation to enrolment and graduation.
- EndNote
- A bibliographic program that enables you to manage references citations images and manuscripts.
- Endowment
- A gift made with the intention that the funds are invested to support the Beneficiary from investment income.
- English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
- Students can meet the English language requirements of Deakin undergraduate and postgraduate courses by successfully completing an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) direct entry pathway at DUELI. Find our more at English for Academic Purposes website.
- English language development
- Deakin is dedicated to providing support for students to continue to improve and build academic English language and communication skills. Visit our self-access resources or get support from Language and Learning Advisers and Writing Mentors. Visit Study Support for details.
- Enquirer
- A person who has enquired about a course or unit at the University
- Enrolment
- The process of completing all required procedures including the payment of all prescribed fees and charges for the course and/or units to be undertaken by the student and/or the status which results from the completion of the process.
- Enrolment mode
- Enrolment mode identifies how a student undertakes more than 50% of the compulsory contact hours for the Unit. The remainder of the any compulsory contact hours can take any form of Campus or Online. All students are expected to use the University's online system to access their learning resources and engage with teaching staff and peers.
- Enrolment officer
- A person appointed by a Dean to provide advice on a student's proposed course of study and to approve that course of study when it complies with the requirements of the relevant course.
- School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences
- Enterprise Application
- Any centrally-managed software application used throughout the University required to undertake the functions and activities of University business.
- Enterprise Classification Scheme
It records and standardises common language terms to be used for the description of business functions and activities performed by the university in order to provide a controlled vocabulary for records titling.
It describes the functions, activities and transactions and shows the relationships between these elements. The structure of the scheme is hierarchical, moving from the general to the specific:
- the top level representing the business function
- the second level representing the activities that make up the function
- the third level the transactions that take place within each activity.
- Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)
- A combination of side stream smoke (smoke from the burning end of a tobacco product) and exhaled mainstream smoke (the smoke breathed out by a smoker). ETS is classified as a human carcinogen (cancer causing agent).
- Evidence of Enrolment
- Enterprise Project Management
- Equal opportunity
- Equal access to, and participation in, aspects of public life, including learning and employment.
- Equity
- The fair treatment of people on the basis of respect and merit, the recognition of disadvantage and the absence of discrimination.
- Equity groups
- Identifiable groups of people within the community that, due to one or several personal characteristics, have been affected by systemic disadvantage with regard to access to educational or employment opportunities and have experienced less favourable outcomes in education or employment.
- Excellence in Research for Australia
- English as a Second Language
- ESOS Act
- Education Services for Overseas Students Act. Education Services for Overseas Students - part of the legislative framework that determines standards and compliance issues in delivering on campus education programs to international students.
- English for Specific Purposes
- Established Student
- A student who is at least in their second trimester of study (ie not a commencing student) but is not in their expected last trimester of study (ie not a completing student).
- eText
- A typing tutor application.
- Ethics review body
- A body (including but not limited to an HREC) which conducts ethical review of research projects on behalf of an institution.
- Examination
- A centrally organised, formal, supervised, time-limited, summative assessment task conducted during the official examination period. Examinations are not a compulsory assessment task in every unit, but where conducted, routine feedback will not normally be provided to students.
- Excellence in Research for Australia
- Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) is Australia's national research evaluation framework. It is administered by the ARC and identifies and promotes excellence across the full spectrum of research activity in Australia's higher education institutions.
- Exchange programs
Deakin has a number of exchange programs for students to study overseas, whether coming from overseas to study at Deakin or a Deakin student heading overseas to study.
If you want to study at Deakin as an exchange or study abroad student in Australia, find out more at our study abroad and exchange website.
If you are a Deakin student wanting to study overseas, find out more at our Study abroad website.
- Exclusion
- The termination by the University of a student's enrolment in a Course for a specified period with no right to apply for re-admission for a minimum period of one Academic Year.
- Executive
- Provides the leadership for the activities of the University and is led by the Vice-Chancellor. It includes Deputy Vice-Chancellors, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Digital Officer and Pro Vice-Chancellors and Vice Presidents who report directly to the Vice-Chancellor.
- Executive member
- A member of the University Executive.
- Executive supervisor
- A team member who is a suitably-qualified member of the University's academic staff will act as executive supervisor, taking the responsibility of ensuring that the candidate receives appropriate guidance in their project and support toward successful completion of their thesis and its examination. HDR supervision teams will not necessarily include a principal supervisor, for example when supervision is shared between two co-supervisors.
- Exempt commercial activity
- Council has delegated authority to exempt some commercial activities from this policy. Commercial activities that can be approved as exempt by the Vice-Chancellor are those where the annual expenditure budget for the activity does not exceed $1.5 million or, in the opinion of the Vice-Chancellor, the activity does not expose the University to any undue financial or other risk.
- Exempt training seminar
- A seminar that is organised to discuss issues relevant to the University's business and is held on external premises.
- Exempt unit
- A unit that a student is excused from taking on the basis of prior knowledge and skills and for which replacement studies are not required. Advanced standing is granted for the unit.
- Exemption Approved
- The sum of any unit level approved advanced standing credit points. Approved advanced standing credits points have not yet been applied against the students Academic Record.
- Exemption Granted
- The sum of any unit level advanced standing credit points granted to the student for this course. Granted advanced standing credit points are applied against the students academic record.
- Exemption Institution
- Name of the institution where the qualification forming the basis for the exemption was obtained.
- Exemption Institution Code
- Institution code where the qualification forming the basis for the exemption was obtained.
- Exemption Percentage Granted
- Percentage of the total credit points required to complete a course for which exemption was granted. Granted advanced standing credit points have been applied against a students academic record.
- Exercise (noun)
- Process to train for assess practice and improve performance in an organisation.
- Exit Point
- An early point of exit for students who choose not to complete the whole course in which they enrolled, and which provides an opportunity for students to exit with an award of a lower level if the student has met the requirements for that alternative award.
- Expenditure limit
- Excludes GST and applies to a cost per item, except where several connected items comprise a total acquisition or purchase.
- Expense
- For the purposes of this procedure, expense refers to costs incurred for private benefit by employees or on behalf of employees that are not related to travel, entertainment, housing or cars (which are covered by separate FBT procedures).
- Experience based entry scheme
- A selection method used by higher education providers to assess and select students who may not have educational qualifications sufficient for an offer of admission to a course but who have other relevant work and life skills and experience that make them a suitable candidate.
- Expert commentators
- University researchers commenting on topics in their field of expertise
- Explore
- The Explore tool manages the items others have shared with you. You can search for items by the user's First Name or Last Name, item's Name, Description, Tags, Type, Last Edited date or Last Accessed date. Learn more about using Explore in our CloudDeakin guides.
- Extended consent
- Consent to future use of one's data or tissue in work that is 1) an extension of or closely related to the original project; or 2) in the same general area of research (eg genealogical, ethnographical, epidemiological or chronic illness research).
- External supervisor
- (previously designated as research supervisor) A person who plays a comparable role to an associate supervisor, but is not a member of the University staff.
- Externally funded research
- Research that is funded by an external agency either through a competitive grants process (such as Australian Research Council (ARC), National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and Commonwealth Government grants) or through a commercial process
- F
- Campus code for Geelong Waterfront Campus
- Faculty
Our University is made up of faculties, each faculty covers specific areas of teaching and learning.
At Deakin, we have four faculties.
- Arts and Education
- Business and Law
- Health
- Science, Engineering and Built Environment
- Faculty Approver
- The individual academic or administrative staff member within a Faculty who has the responsibility for approving student international placements.
- Faculty Committee
- The relevant committee appointed by each Faculty Board to deal with assessment and Academic Progress matters as specified in Regulation 05.3(1) (sometimes named 'Faculty Academic Progress and Discipline Committee', or 'Faculty Academic Progress Committee', or 'Academic Progress Subcommittee').
- Faculty contacts
Each faculty has contacts available for enquiries.
Faculty of Arts and Education - enquiries phone +61 3 9246 8100 or email the Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty of Business and Law - enquiries phone+61 3 9244 6555 or email the Faculty of Business and Law
Faculty of Health - enquiries phone+61 3 9251 7777 or email the Faculty of Health
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment - enquiries phone +61 3 9244 6699 or email the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
- Faculty Office
- Staff within a Faculty designated to manage, coordinate, provide administrative support to staff and students associated with Academic Led International Programs or International Placements, and who may be located within an academic or administrative area.
- Functional Area Plan
- Faculty Academic Progress and Discipline Committee
- FB
- Faculty Board
- Faculty Educational Developer
- Australian Government loan program to help eligible domestic fee paying students pay their tuition fees. Fee-Higher Education Loan Program.
- Fees and finances
You are subject to the University Admission Process, Enrolment, Fees and Charges Policy and must pay your fees by the specified deadlines or you may have your enrolment encumbered or terminated. Details of fees and charges are published annually in the Student Fees and Charges Guide available on the tuition fees website.
It is a student's responsibility to access their invoices online at the beginning of each study period via StudentConnect. Details should be checked carefully, especially after any changes to enrolment.
Find out more at the fees website
- Faculty Executive Group
- Faculty Executive Officer
- Field of study
- An area of knowledge capable of sustaining a major sequence.
- Finance
- Administrative division of Deakin University. Finance's primary responsibility is to provide financial and business leadership to the university. This includes corporate finance, financial resource management, commercial investments and insurance programs for our students and staff.
- Financial assistance
Deakin offers a range of services for students experiencing financial difficulties. Interest-free loans, emergency essentials and myki cards and help planning a budget is available.
Find out more at the Financial assistance.
- Financial Commitment
- A transaction that results in a cash outflow or in-kind outflow of University resources. It does not extend to an authorisation to enter into contracts on behalf of the University.
- Financial delegate
- Officer of the University authorised by Council or the Chief Financial Officer to enter into a financial commitment.
- Faculty institute or other area.
- Fire
- See Safety on campus
- First Aid
- Find information on our first aid and medical emergencies website.
- First-year students
Information about how to get ready for and get started at University is available online.
Find out more at the Orientation website.
- Fixed Assets
Long-term assets that are held solely for use and not for conversion into cash, including:
- assets acquired under a finance lease or hire purchase arrangement
- plant, office furniture and equipment with a single-item value of $5,000 or more (exclusive of GST), motor vehicles, land, buildings, leasehold improvements, the University Art Collection and the University Library Collection
- assets that are designed, built and constructed within the University.
- Faculties and other areas
- FoR
- Field of Research code as described by the ABS with their ANZSRC codes (1297.0 - Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) 2008)
- Formal learning
- Learning that takes place through a structured program of learning that leads to the full or partial achievement of an officially accredited qualification.
- Formative Assessment
- Assessment primarily used to provide feedback on student learning and the effectiveness of teaching, which does not contribute to a student's final grade and/or mark for a unit of study.
- Fee-paying place
- Fraud
- Dishonest activity by any person or entity causing actual or potential financial loss to any person or the University including theft of moneys or other property, or the deliberate falsification, concealment, destruction or use of falsified documentation used or intended for use for a normal University purpose or the improper use of information or position.
- Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
- A tax levied on the University where an employee is provided a private benefit. Private benefits may be in the form of entertainment, travel, vehicle use, housing or other types of expenses.
- Forward Schedule of Change
- Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee
- Full time student
- Usually a full-time student enrols in units amounting to four credit points in each of two trimesters in an academic year however enrolment in three or more credit points in a trimester is deemed to be full-time study and meets the requirements of Youth Allowance or Austudy.
- Fundraising
Seeking and receiving gifts or sponsorship for the University in a range of ways, including, but not limited to:
- donations or grants from non-government organisations, trusts, foundations or individuals
- bequests
- special events and sponsorships.
- Future student
- A future or prospective student is someone who is interested in or likely to become a student at Deakin University at a future date.
- FutureLearn
- FutureLearn is an innovative global platform for online course delivery. The Deakin units offered on FutureLearn are broken down into convenient two-week blocks and intakes happen year-round, allowing you the flexibility to study what you love, at a time that's right for you.
- G
- Campus code for Geelong Campus at Waurn Ponds
- Graduand Record Entry - is a history of a students record listing the course in which they are enrolled and the units and their results. This report is used by faculties to confirm the status of students eligibility for their award.
- graduate attributes survey
- Global Alliance for Transnational Education
- graduate destination survey
- Geelong Corporate Centre (GCC)
- The Geelong Corporate Centre (GCC) is perfectly located at Deakin's Geelong Waterfront Campus in the Geelong CBD overlooking the bay. With technology-rich meeting and event spaces, stylish modern furnishings, the GCC is ideal for your next corporate meeting, seminar, workshop, function or special event. Find our more about Geelong Corporate Centre.
- General Misconduct
- General misconduct: means conduct by a Student which is detrimental to the University or its members, whether taking place on University Premises, or while the Student is engaged in University activities, or during activities approved by the University, or otherwise, whether or not on University Premises.
- General staff
- Staff of the University employed to provide administrative, technical or other academic support services.
- Get involved
There are many ways to get involved in the Deakin Community.
Find out more at the Get involved website.
- Gift
A gift or benefit under this policy is something that has a monetary value or worth, or other advantage or privilege derived as a result of a business-related relationship connected with the University. Examples could include a dinner at a restaurant, tickets to attend a sporting or cultural event, gifts for a cultural holiday, a gift presented on reaching agreement with a supplier, etc. For the purpose of this policy, the University defines the value of a gift or benefit as follows:
A nominal gift or benefit is under $200 in value
A reportable gift or benefit is $200 or greater in value.
- Gift Agreement
- A written agreement between the donor and the University describing the gifts designation pledge schedule acknowledgement or anonymity of the donor and the University?s commitment to reporting the impact of the gift to the donor or the donor?s representative.
- Global Mobility Office
- The Office with central University responsibility for the management of outbound and inbound student mobility.
- Goods and Services
- The supply of equipment consumables and like items (goods) or the provision of services or the execution of works (services).
- Governance
- Administrative division of Deakin University. Governance support corporate and academic governance by providing advice and services for the Academic Board, Council and its committees, and University Appeals.
- Government partnership
- Partnerships with governments or government bodies at local, Commonwealth or state level.
- Grades
- The Grades tool allows students to view their released grades and comments for assessments and assignments. Learn more about using Grades in our CloudDeakin guides.
- GradSearch
- GradSearch is an online qualification verification tool that provides Deakin graduates and potential employers of Deakin graduates with the ability to verify their Deakin qualifications online and instantaneously.
- Graduand
- A person whose entitlement to graduate is recommended to the Council by the Academic Board.
- Graduate (Noun)
- A person who has had conferred on them or been granted the academic award for which the person was enrolled.
- Graduate (Verb)
- To be admitted to a degree or to be granted a diploma or certificate
- Graduate Careers Australia
- Graduate Careers Australia (previously known as Graduate Careers Council of Australia - GCCA)
- Graduate Certificates
- Academic awards of the University granted to students who complete the requirements of graduate certificates;
- Graduate Diplomas
- Academic awards of the University granted to students who complete the requirements of graduate diplomas;
- Graduate employment
- Administrative division of Deakin University. The Graduate Employment Division harnesses digital technologies to offer personalised career education anytime, anywhere, at scale.
- Graduation
If you are identified as a prospective graduate at the end of each study period, you will be sent a graduation invitation. You are then required to apply to graduate via StudentConnect.
Find out more at the Graduation website or go directly to StudentConnect.
- Guaranteed Entry ATAR (or Selection Rank)
- For use where achievement of a specified ATAR or Selection Rank (as appropriate) will guarantee acceptance into a course or institution, subject to any nonATAR criteria being met, such as prerequisite study or English language proficiency.
- Guaranteed Transfer
- If an Australian fee-paying student has completed a minimum of 8 credit points (equivalent of one year full-time study) and achieved a weighted average mark of 65 in the last 8 credit points they will be guaranteed a transfer from a FPP to a CSP.
- Handbook
- A reference providing specific information or instruction about a course.
- Harassment and Discrimination Contact Officer
- A person who provides information and support to an individual who believes they may have been subjected to or accused of unlawful conduct.
- Harm
- One of three categories of risk in relation to human research.(The others are Inconvenience and Discomfort). Discomfort becomes harm when distress or damage occurs. Anything that adversely affects the interests or welfare of an individual or a group. Harm may include physical harm anxiety pain psychological disturbance devaluation of personal worth and social disadvantage. This definition is intentionally broad - seek advice if unsure.
- Higher degrees by research; masters or doctoral course in which at least two-thirds of the program is research-based
- Head of Academic Unit
- Heads of Academic Units listed in Schedule A: Academic Units of the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Supervision Policy.
- Head of Academic Unit nominee
- A senior member of academic staff who is qualified as a principal supervisor.
- Head of organisational Area
- The Vice-Chancellor, a member of the Executive, a Pro Vice-Chancellor, an Executive Director, a Director (including a Director of an Institute), University Librarian and University Solicitor.
- Head of organisational unit
- Divisional Directors, Directors of Institutes, Heads of School.
- Head of School nominee
- a senior member of academic staff who is qualified as a principal supervisor
- Human Ethics Advisory Groups
- Health
- A state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (World Health Organization).
- Health information
as defined in the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) is:
a) information or an opinion about:
i) the physical, mental or psychological health (at any time) of an individual; or
ii) a disability (at any time) of an individual; or
iii) an individual's expressed wishes about the future provision of health services to him or her; or
iv) a health service provided, or to be provided, to an individual ...? that is also personal information; orb) other personal information collected to provide, or in providing, a health service; or
c) other personal information about an individual collected in connection with the donation, or intended donation, by the individual of his or her body parts, organs or body substances; or
d) other personal information that is genetic information about an individual in a form which is or could be predictive of the health (at any time) of the individual or of any of his or her descendants.
- Health, wellbeing and safety
Deakin offers a range of services to help students and staff stay healthy, safe and promote personal wellbeing, physically, mentally and spiritually. Services include medical centres, multi-faith chaplains, counselling, disability support, safer community, physiotherapy, sport and recreation and student advocacy.
Find out more at the health and wellbeing, safety and security or occupational health and safety websites.
- Higher Education Contribution Scheme
- Australian Government loan program to help eligible Commonwealth supported students to pay their student contribution amounts. Higher Education Contribution Scheme, Higher Education Loan Program.
- Higher Education Equity Program
- Higher Education Loan Programs
- Higher Education Research Data Collection
- Higher Education Support Act
- Higher Education Workplace Relations Requirements
- High-level Visitors
High-profile guests to whom the Major Event and Visitor Protocol applies, including:
- regal and vice-regal visitors
- senior politicians and government officials at federal and state levels
- former Vice-Chancellors of Deakin University and current or former Vice-Chancellors, or their equivalents, from other universities
- high-profile international and Australian academics, such as Nobel Prize winners, and other high-profile visiting experts
- senior representatives from local government, community, commercial, cultural or educational organisations.
- Higher Degrees
- Academic awards of the University conferred for masters degrees masters degrees with honours and doctoral degrees;
- Higher Degrees by Research (HDR)
- Academic awards of the University, as specified in clause 6, Regulation 05.2(1) - Academic Awards.
- Higher Doctorates
- Academic awards of the University conferred in accordance with Regulation 5.2(5) ...Higher Doctorates;
- Higher Education Award Course
- A course that leads to a higher education award of Deakin University.
- Higher Education non-award course
- A course, unit or module, offered by Deakin University that does not lead to an award of the University.
- Home Directory
- Centrally provided disk space for ICT users to store and protect study or incidental work-related electronic material
- Honorary Degrees
- These can be a degree, a doctorate or the honorary award of Doctor of the University. They are conferred by Council on the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor to persons who have made a distinguished contribution to a branch of learning or to the arts; or been distinguished by eminent public services; or rendered distinguished service to the University.
- Honorary staff
- includes Honorary Professors Honorary Associate Professors Adjunct Professors Adjunct Associate Professors Honorary Fellows Conjoint Clinical Professors and Conjoint Clinical Associate Professors.
- Honorific Naming
- Honorific naming of facilities or entities honours individuals who have achieved distinction in the services of the University.
- Honours (Research) Student
- A student who is enrolled in a Research-based Honours Award.
- Honours Bachelors Degrees
- academic awards conferred for honours bachelors degrees;
- Head of School
- Host
- Any computer on a network that is a repository for services available to other computers on the network.
- HS
- Health Services
- School of Health and Social Development
- Human Ethics Advisory Group (HEAG)
- Human Ethics Advisory Groups (HEAGs) are the faculty based review bodies which review low risk research at Deakin. These are not fully constituted HRECs and cannot therefore review projects involving more than low risk to participants.
- Human Resources
- Administrative division of Deakin University. Human Resources (HR)'s responsibilities include workplace relations, organisational development, payroll and recruitment and employment. Human Resources work collaboratively with staff to foster a positive and inclusive university culture.
- Hurdle
- A hurdle requirement is a condition that students must meet in order to pass a unit. This might include completing assessment and examination tasks or fulfilling a certain amount of contact time. Students should check their unit guide to make sure they are aware of unit expectations, and should contact their tutor or Unit Chair if they have any questions. Students who fail a hurdle requirement are advised to contact a Student Adviser as soon as possible to discuss their options.
- Identity and Access Management
- Introductory Academic Program
- IB
- International Baccalaureate. The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma is an internationally recognised comprehensive two year program of study designed for university entrance. Deakin University accepts IB Diploma graduates as having satisfied the requirements for university entrance.
- IBAC Guidelines
a) the 'Guidelines for making and handling protected disclosures' issued by IBAC in June 2013 under section 57 of the Act [Protected Disclosure Act 2012 (Vic)]; and
b) the 'Guidelines for protected disclosure welfare management' issued by IBAC in June 2013 under section 57 of the Act [Protected Disclosure Act 2012 (Vic)].
- Industry-based learning - a component of many Deakin courses
- IBM Cognos Analytics
- A web-based business intelligence toolset used for reporting and analysis. It includes dashboard visualisations, report authoring and ad-hoc analysis tools.
- International Computing Driving Licence
- Information Communication Technology
- ID Card
- Your ID card at Deakin is called a Deakin Card. Your Deakin Card is not only your ID but library and access cards, plus you can load money onto your card for printing and paying for campus purchases. More information can be found on our Deakin Card website.
- Identifiable
- Information or data which includes identifying information (name address position held) of the person to whom the information relates. Information which though not including a name includes sufficient information to deduce the identity of that person (eg a combination of age gender and home postcode for workers in a particular organization). Also called 'personal information'.
- Identified
- Information or data which includes identifying information (name address position held) of the person to whom the information relates. Information which though not including a name includes sufficient information to deduce the identity of that person (eg a combination of age gender and home postcode for workers in a particular organization). Also called 'personal information'.
- International Education Association of Australia (Deakin University is a bronze level member)
- Institutional Ethics Committee
- International English Language Testing System
- Institute of Frontier Materials
- Institute for Health Transformation
- Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation
- iLecture
- Deakin University's lecture streaming service provides students with online access to recorded lectures made available via Deakin Studies Online (DSO).
- Immediate family
- A partner (regardless of sex or gender), child, parent or sibling (including step relatives) of the staff member or of the partner of the staff member, grandparent, grandchild, aunt or uncle of the staff member or the partner of the staff member, a person for whom the person has caring responsibilities arising from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kinship relationship of equivalent status to those listed above.
- Immunisations
Course-related immunisations, as well as seasonal flu and travel immunisations, are available at Deakin Medical Centres on each campus.
Find out more at the Vaccinations website.
- Centre for Innovation in Mental and Physical Health and Clinical Treatment
- Important dates
- Check the important dates each teaching period for fee payments, dates to withdraw from units, census dates, exam dates, result release and more.
- In-Kind
- A donation or sponsorship other than cash.
- Incident
- Situation that might be, or could lead to, a disruption, loss, emergency or crisis.
- Inclusive practices
- Practices that anticipate and accommodate the needs of a diversity of people, minimising the need for adjustments to respond to individual needs, while maintaining quality and other standards.
- Inconvenience
- One of three categories of risk in relation to human research.(The others are Discomfort and Harm). A minor negative accompaniment to or effect of research less serious than discomfort. Examples include the loss of time completing a questionnaire
- Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission
- The Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission established in accordance with the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 Vic).
- Individual
- For the purposes of the Contractors and Consultants Procedure an Individual is considered to be a natural person or multiple persons who conduct their affairs through a partnership arrangement.
- Individually identified data
- Where the identity of a specific individual can reasonably be ascertained. Examples of identifiers include the individual's name image date of birth or address.
- Industry partners
- Commercial organisations that contract with the University to undertake research or consultancy work. Excludes competitive funding agencies such as ARC, NHMRC and Commonwealth Government grants
- Influencers
- Influencers are career advisors, teachers and parents who can impact the decision making process of prospective students
- Informal learning
- Learning gained through work or life experiences.
- Information
- A collection of data in any form, which may be transmitted, manipulated, and stored, and to which meaning has been attributed. Information may include, but is not limited to: a written document, an electronic document, a webpage, an email, a spreadsheet, a photograph, a database, a drawing, a plan, a video, an audio recording, a label or anything whatsoever on which is marked any words, figures, letters or symbols which are capable of carrying a definite meaning to anyone.
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Facilities
- All physical spaces (e.g. server rooms, network or communication closets, computer laboratories), hardware and infrastructure (e.g. servers, workstations, voice and data network, audio visual equipment, and portable storage devices) associated with the delivery of ICT services and materials.
- Information and Communication Technology Dependency
- Reliance for delivery on ICT facilities services and materials.
- Information and Communication Technology Services and Materials
- All software and applications services (including but not limited to telephony and internet access) and data contained or stored in any ICT facility.
- Information and Communication Technology User
- Any authorised person with access to the University's ICT facilities services and materials including but not limited to students staff honorary staff members visiting academics contractors and alumni.
- Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
- Technology that supports activities involving the gathering, processing, storing, presentation and communication of data.
- Information and Records Services
- Administrative division of Deakin University. Information and Records Services primary mission is to support the governance and preservation of records, objects and related information relative to the University's origin, development, achievements and activities.
- Information Management
- Information Management (IM) is the collection and management of information from one or more sources and the distribution of that information to one or more audiences.
- Information Owner
- The person who is responsible and accountable for information and records management for an organisational area of the University and who will ensure appropriate storage, access, use, distribution and disposal of the information and records.
- Informed consent
- Participants must give informed consent: voluntary agreement to participate in research by a person or group, based on adequate knowledge and understanding of relevant information about the proposed research and what will be expected of participants. These terms may also be used in relation to medical treatment of a patient. Consent may be verbal (spoken consent), written (e.g. by signature of a consent form) or by action (e.g. return of a completed questionnaire) whichever is most appropriate for the particular type of research.
- Institute for Health Transformation
The Institute for Health Transformation (IHT) is a network of multi-disciplinary researchers working together to improve value, equity and impact in health and care. Our team works to address some of the most compelling and complex health challenges of the 21st century through translational research excellence in: health systems and services; prevention and population health; data and digital health.
The institute creates value from knowledge and ideas that inform policy, support enterprise and practice, deliver innovation and generate real outcomes for people. Learn more about IHT
- Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation
- Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation (ISRI), formerly the Centre for Intelligent Systems Research (CISR), contributes to the design of smarter technologies through the investigation and development of state-of-the-art algorithms and methodologies. Learn more about IISRI
- Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition
- Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN) aims to improve health and quality of life using innovative, quality research, which seeks to significantly enhance health in Australia and reduce the rates of chronic disease. Learn more about IPAN
- Institute of Frontier Materials
- The Institute of Frontier Materials (IFM) makes use of the University's strong research capability in materials science to tackle complex problems in the areas of energy, health, environment and manufacturing. Learn more about IFM
- Institutional Ethics Committee
- An Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) is a committee constituted according to the guidelines set out in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 and operating under those guidelines. Also known as an HREC.
- Integrity
- Integrity in research includes a commitment to the search for knowledge and understanding to the recognised principles of research conduct to the honest and ethical conduct of research and to the honest and open dissemination of results. Integrity is one of four guiding principles in the National Statement (See NS 1.1-1.3)
- Intellectual Property Officer
- A member of the University who is appointed by the Vice-Chancellor as Intellectual Property Officer.
- Intermission
- The approved suspension of study by a student after enrolling in a course, usually for a total period of not more than one Academic Year.
- Intermitted Student
- A person who has sought a leave of absence from their studies
- Internal Audit function
- Encompasses in-house audit staff employed by the University, staff from the contracted internal audit co-source provider and/or staff from an external organisation engaged by the Internal Audit Unit to provide specific internal audit services.
- Internal Audit Unit
- Administrative division of Deakin University. The Internal Audit Unit are an independent function established to improve and add value to the university's operations. The Internal Audit Unit provide assurance to the University Council and management in relation to Deakin's LIVE the Future strategic plan.
- Internal course transfer
- A transfer by a currently enrolled Deakin student from one award course to another.
- International Academic Partnership
- An academic partnership with an overseas or Australian institution or organisation which is principally focused on international students or international activities.
- International Baccalaureate
The IB is an international educational foundation founded in 1968 and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The IB Diploma program is a senior secondary education curriculum and assessment framework offered by some schools as an alternative to the Australian National Curriculum and overseen by state and territory curriculum and assessment authorities.
Australian tertiary admission centres convert IB scores to a notional ATAR or QTAC Selection Rank (not an OP), enabling IB students to be ranked for tertiary entrance alongside their peers.
- International Offshore Student
- An international student enrolled in a course of study delivered at a location outside Australia and not through distance learning.
- International Onshore Student
- An international student holding an appropriate visa enrolled in a course of study delivered at an Australian location
- International student
- International off-campus student enrolled in a course of study delivered at a location outside Australia through distance learning.
- International offshore student enrolled in a course of study delivered at a location outside Australia
- International onshore student holding an appropriate visa enrolled in a course of study delivered at an Australian location.
- International students (information for)
International students at Deakin have access to a range of programs including:
- advice and information on student visas, Overseas Student Health Cover, work restrictions
- support programs
- referrals to relevant Deakin divisions, services and facilities
- links to community groups
- Deakin University Student Association services such as clubs and societies and volunteering
\n Visit International Students for more.\n
- International travel
- Travel outside of Australia including Trans-Tasman travel.
- Invalid unit
- If you fail a prerequisite or corequisite unit or fail to meet special requirements for a unit, the unit in question will become 'Invalid'. For more information about invalid units and rule breaches, visit the Rule breaches and invalid units website.
- Invoices
Invoices are generated through StudentConnect and should be generated then checked by students at the start of each study period. You should also check your invoice again if you change your enrolment and after making a payment.
The enrolment and payment options are listed on the invoice.
Find out more at the Your invoice website or go directly to StudentConnect.
- International Orientation Survey
- Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition
- Information privacy principles; the practical core of the Information Privacy Act 2000(Vic.) With limited exemptions all Victorian Government agencies statutory bodies and local councils must comply with the IPPs.
- International Postgraduate Research Scholarship
- International Student Advisor
- IT
- Information Technology
- IT offers
- Microsoft Student Advantage gives all Deakin students online access to Office365 - a full suite of cloud-based productivity tools that can be accessed and use on any computer, tablet or smartphone. The full-version software of Office 2013 can be downloaded to five personal computers, absolutely free. Deakin students are also eligible for a discount on certain products purchased from the Apple Online Store and any Computers Now store.
- IT service desk
- A call centre available to assist with IT faults queries and service requests
- Joint Course
- A course offered jointly by Deakin with one, or more Higher Education provider(s) in Australia or overseas as approved by the Academic Board, leading to the conferral of a single award.
- Justice
- Justice in research involves mainly considerations of fairness and balance. As far as is consistent with the research method people should have equal opportunity to participate in research or to benefit from it. The benefits of research should be spread as evenly as possible and in particular those who participated in research should have access to them. One of the four guiding principles of the National Statement. (NS 1.4-1.5)
- Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory
- Knowledge
- The combination of data and information to which is added expert opinion skills and experience to result in a valuable asset which can be used to aid decision making.
- Key Performance Indicator
- Laboratory consumables
- Dangerous, hazardous, biological or biochemical consumables or chemicals, excluding gases.
- Laboratory safety
- Students contemplating any lab-based research involving hazardous chemicals, radiation or biohazards, will need to consult Deakin OHS manual and the Office of Research Integrity for safety information.
- Lapsed Student
- A former student who has not fulfilled the requirements of their study, but has not deferred no intermitted their studies, and has failed to re-enrol.
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) provides a standard for the storage of and access to authentication data and credentials
- Lead-site
- In multi-site research the original or sponsor site specifically the which has already granted ethics approval to the project.
- Lease holder
- A company or a person who holds a current lease of University premises.
- Lecture
- Now known as a class. A session where an academic presents to students enrolled in a unit of study generally in a lecture theatre.
- School of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Level
- In an undergraduate degree course of three years duration studies may generally be taken at three levels; level 1 representing the initial stage up to level 3 the most advanced level. Level 4 indicates either the fourth level of study within an undergraduate program of four or more years duration or study undertaken in an honours program or other undergraduate courses requiring a first degree for admission or masters preliminary program. Level 5 is the fifth level of study in an undergraduate program and level 6 and above indicates study at postgraduate level.
- Level E or equivalent
- Honorary Professor or Adjunct Professor.
- Liaison Librarians
- These library information specialists are available to help students and staff discover the latest and most appropriate scholarly information, resources and tools. They'll also help you develop your digital literacy skills, enhancing your learning and research.
- Library
- The library is a vibrant and technology-rich service that provides access to resources and learning spaces for Deakin students and the community. Read more about resources, services, and campus locations and hours on the library website.
- Library facilities
- The accommodation, furniture, equipment, computers and network infrastructure provided by the Library.
- Library material
- Material in any format provided for use or loan by the library.
- Library user
- Any person who accesses the library facilities or uses library materials.
- Limited disclosure
- Research involving limited disclosure covers a spectrum from simply not fully disclosing or describing the aims or methods of observational research in public contexts all the way to actively concealing information and planning deception of participants. In any degree of limited disclosure the ethics review body must be satisfied that there is no other way to collect the data without bias and that the benefits of the research outweigh the risks and are sufficient to justify the incomplete disclosure.
- Learning Management System
- Lockers
Deakin offers all students access to free lockers for you to store your belongings in while on campus. Find out where student lockers are located on each campus.
Use the Locker tool to upload and store files in the online learning environment. Locker enables you to upload files from your PC, or to create new HTML files. Learn more about using Lockers in our CloudDeakin guides.
- Login
- Refers to both the account name used to gain access to a computer system and the act of entering a computer system.
- Logo
- The registered design or trademark of the University including text and graphic elements.
- Logotype
- Any text and/or graphic elements derived from the University's Name or Logo.
- Lost property
- Visit Student Central for lost property during business hours and Security after hours.
- Languages Other Than English
- Low-risk
Research where the only foreseeable risk is one of discomfort. Low risk projects at Deakin as assessed by Faculty based Human Ethics Advisory Groups. This expedited review uses the Low Risk Research Form rather than the NEAF.
This excludes research defined under the National Statement 5.1.6 - broadly medical research and/or with vulnerable participants - regardless of the risk involved.
- Lowest ATAR to which an offer was made
The lowest 'raw' ATAR or unadjusted ATAR of an applicant to which an offer of a place was made in the relevant year or year-to-date.
Note: this figure must consider all offers made regardless of whether the Selection Rank was increased through equity or other adjustments or where the ATAR threshold may have been lowered due to equity considerations. It is not just the figure for those who had no adjustments applied.
- Lowest Selection Rank to which an offer was made
- The lowest Selection Rank of an applicant to which an offer of a place was made in the relevant year or yeartodate (including the consideration of any adjustments the applicant may have been eligible for).
- Long Service Leave
- Leave without pay
- Mail service
- You can send assignments free to any Deakin campus via Student Central. Stamped mail can also be sent via DUSA, which is collected daily.
- Major Event
An event that has some of the following features:
- it has been initiated by the Vice-Chancellor, a member of the Executive or a Pro Vice-Chancellor
- it involves the attendance of High-level Visitors
- it is intended to attract significant attention from the media and/or key stakeholders
- it is intended to attract more than 50 invited participants.
- Major Sequence
- A group of related units approved by the Faculty Board and listed in the University Handbook amounting to a minimum of 6 credit points, with at least 2 credit points in each of levels 2 and 3 of the course.
- Major workplace change
- Means changes in organisation structure or technology that are likely to have significant effects on staff members.
- Major world disasters and emergencies
- Include floods, extreme weather events, tsunami, earthquake, terrorist attack, or other incident whether natural or otherwise that results in significant loss of life or destruction of natural or man-made assets and/or disruption to normal functioning of that society/community.
- Maleficence
- Doing harm (intentional or unintentional) to an individual or group.
- Mandate
- Information that explains the reason for the project and the expected outcomes and benefits.
- Maps
- Find maps of our campuses and their location maps on our locations website.
- Mark
- A numerical indicator of a student's achievement in an assessment task or a unit, awarded by the academic staff member as part of a marking process. Grades and corresponding marks are set out in the Grading Schema, Schedule A of the Assessment (Higher Education Courses) Procedure.
- Marking Rubric
- A description of expected levels of performance in the essential criteria associated with an assessment task.
- Massive Open On-line Course (MOOC)
- Generally free or open Course unit or group of units delivered to unlimited numbers of students online completion of which may lead to credit or certification.
- Master Data
- Represents the common business objects of an organisation and the relationships between them, which are agreed on and shared across the enterprise.
- Materials
- Includes but is not limited to physical samples, photographs, written or audio-visual recordings, artwork, questionnaires or other instruments, fieldwork notes, and other items which are the sources of data or themselves constitute data in a research project.
- Mature-age/non-school leaver
You are a mature-age/non-school leaver if you are:
- an Australian or New Zealand citizen an Australian permanent resident or hold an Australian permanent humanitarian visa
- not currently studying an Australian or overseas Year 12 qualification
- studying an overseas Year 12 qualification
- enrolled at a tertiary institution and want to transfer to a course at Deakin
- Maximum Period of Study
The maximum period of time that may be taken by a student to complete a course of study. The maximum period of study is determined according to the following formula; however, Faculty Boards may increase the maximum period of study for a course. Faculty Boards may also vary this period for an individual student. Students will be notified in writing as soon as possible, and any variations require approval by the Academic Board:
Maximum Period of Study = 2n + 1u (not including period of intermission) where
'n' is the number of years or trimesters taken to complete the course when undertaking a full-time load (a full-time load is normally 8 credit points per year) and
'u' is the length of time taken to complete one unit of study (usually a trimester or a year).
- Media
- Traditional and new media including print, television, radio and online forums (including but not limited to news sites, comment boards, social networking sites, blogs, podcasts).
- Medical centres
Deakin Medical Centres offer access to on-campus medical and health-related services, provided by qualified doctors and nurses. Consultations for students are free with a valid Medicare or Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) card. Confidentiality and a non-judgemental approach to your health care are assured.
Services include health care management and advice relating to a wide range of issues including sexual health, mental health management and referral, stress management, men and women health, pregnancy advice and referral, STI testing, travel health and vaccinations, seasonal flu vaccinations, dietary advice, smoking cessation support, pathology services, physiotherapy and massage services on site, referral to external healthcare providers including specialists, x-ray services and allied health providers.
After hours services
For emergency treatment for serious medical issues, dial 000 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department. Please be aware of costs associated with ambulance transport and know where the public and private hospitals are located in your area.If you require a doctor or emergency medical treatment in your local area after hours, please refer to the Yellow Pages directory and search under medical practitioners or hospitals.
Private hospitals may charge a fee for consultation in the emergency department. Please be aware that after hours medical services have fees. Enquire at the time of calling.
Sick bay
Find out more at the medical centres website.
A sick bay/rest room is available at the Deakin Medical Centre on each campus. If you are registered with the Disability Resource Centre (DRC) you are welcome to use the facility unless the room is required for a medical emergency.
- Meeting
- Any meeting of a University Body conducted for the consideration and dispatch of University business;
- Member (elections)
- A person who is elected or appointed to a University Body or who is a member of that University Body by reason of the office held;
- Member of academic staff
- a paid academic staff member, may include conjoint clinical academic staff, subject to Schedule A ...? Levels of Appointment of Conjoint Clinical Academic Staff ...? of the Appointment of Conjoint Clinical Academic Staff procedure
- Member of the University
- Any person within section 4(3) of the Deakin University Act 2009 and includes the Council; staff, graduates; students; emeritus professors of the University and, for the purposes of the Equity and Diversity Policy, prospective students and staff.
- Memorandum of understanding
- An agreement between Deakin University and an external HREC.
- Mental health
- Mental health can be defined as state of psychological, social and physical well-being. Find out information on mental health and where to get help if you are struggling from our mental health website.
- Mentor
- Deakin's Mentoring Partnership Program (MPP) facilitates partnerships between mentors and mentees for a fixed period of time for the purpose of providing guidance and direction primarily to support the Mentee's career development performance and personal growth.
- Merchandise
Any manufactured products that carry the University brand and are to be:
- sold by or on behalf of, the University
- distributed as part of University marketing or promotional activities; or
- given as gifts.
- Merchant
- Any person or entity (such as a school/unit) that accepts payment cards as payment for goods and/or services.
- Merit
- Research has merit when it will potentially benefit society or contribute to knowledge; is well-designed to achieve the outcome; and is undertaken by appropriately qualified and resourced researchers.
- Minimum ATAR or Selection Rank required for consideration to enter in next intake
- For use where a threshold minimum ATAR or Selection Rank must be achieved to be considered for admission to a course or institution.
- Minor
- A group of related units approved by a faculty board and listed in the handbook taken over two levels and amounting to a minimum of four credit points. Submajors are not included on academic transcripts or testamurs.
- Minutes
- The written record of the Meeting of the University Body kept by the Secretary which shall include the date time and place of the meeting those in attendance the items of business addressed and any resolutions made by the University Body;
- Misconduct
- In relation to research is defined variously within the Protected Disclosure Act 2012 (Vic), the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (Australian Code) and the Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2013 (EA).
- Modification
- (Deakin specific term) a change to a project after the project has been approved by Deakin HREC or HEAG. [Changes made prior to approval are amendments.]
- Module
- A discrete part of certain units i.e. a unit may comprise a number of modules.
- Monitor (Job Captain)
- A Deakin University staff member assigned to supervise the access of authorised personnel entering physical ICT facilities, and who is appropriately authorised and has completed any induction requirements for that ICT facility.
- Monitoring
- The process of verifying that the conduct of research conforms to the approved proposal.
- Moral right
- The rights given to authors by Part IX of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), being the rights (a) to attribution of authorship, (b) not to have authorship falsely attributed and (c) of integrity of authorship.
- More-than-low-risk
Any project which has the potential for harm to participants. Such projects must be reviewed by Deakin's HREC.
Categories of research defined under paragraph 5.1.6 in the National Statement - broadly medical research and/or research with vulnerable participants - must be reviewed by a full HREC, whether or not there is a risk of harm.
- Memorandum Of Understanding
- Moves Management
- A process of managing donor relationships with involves planning activities over a given period of time to cultivate and ultimately solicit prospective donors.
- Multicentre
- Multicentre research occurs in more than one institution, by the same or different researchers. Examples include joint research by staff at different universities, research at a hospital by a Deakin researcher or a research project which transfers from one institution to another when the project leader changes institution.
- myki
myki tickets are required to travel on Melbourne's trains, trams and buses.
myki cards can be bought or topped up at the DUSA Bookshop at Burwood or Geelong campuses.Find out more about myki from Public Transport Victoria.
- Naming Rights
- The right to name a facility or entity in honour of an individual or an organisation or in recognition of financial contribution and support.
- National Code
- National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and training to Overseas Students- part of the legislative framework that determines standards and compliance issues in delivering on campus education programs to international students.
- National Ethics Application Form
- A dynamic online form that expands or contracts depending on the answers you provide. NEAF was developed by the Australian government to help standardize the ethics process across the nation and is required for all new applications to the Deakin HREC.
- National Statement
- The 2007 national statement on ethical conduct of human research sets out the responsibilities of organisations and researchers who conduct research on humans. Published by the federal government.
- National Transition Strategy (NTS)
- The National Transition Strategy is a plan endorsed by the Australian Federal Government to improve the overall accessibility of web content and services.
- National VET Register
- The official database on Vocational Education and Training in Australia containing information on Training Packages Qualifications Courses Units of Competency and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).
- National VET Regulator
- As defined in the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
- Natural justice
- procedural fairness in decision making, including the right to a fair hearing
- Natural Person
- A human being as opposed to an artificial person created by law (such as a corporation)
- National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy
- National Ethics Application Form
- National ELICOS Accreditation Scheme
- Negligible-risk
Any project where the potential risk is no more than inconvenience.
Under the National Statement, research may be exempt from ethical review on the grounds of negligible risk ONLY where the research involves the use of existing non-identifiable data. Although exempt from ethical review, you must notify the Ethics Office and keep auditable records of the research, as Deakin remains liable for the project's compliance with the National Statement.
- Non-English speaking background
- National Health and Medical Research Council
- National Indigenous Knowledges Education Research Innovation (NIKERI) Institute
- NIKERI Institute
- The National Indigenous Knowledges Education Research Innovation (NIKERI) Institute enables Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians the flexibility to access higher education while maintaining their family, work and community commitments.
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Non-award enrolment
- Enrolment in a unit or course delivered through the University but which does not lead to an award of the University.
- Non-award student
- A student undertaking non-award study or enrolled in a higher education non-award course.
- Non-award study
- A unit or course delivered through the University that does not lead to an award of the University.
- Non-formal Learning
- Learning that takes place through a structured program of learning but does not lead to an officially accredited qualification.
- Non-identifiable
Data which have never been labelled with individual identifiers or from which identifiers have been permanently removed so that no specific individual can be identified.
A subset of non-identifiable data are those that can be linked with other data so it can be known that they are about the same data subject although the person's identity remains unknown.
Human tissue is invariably identifiable.
- Notarised
- All copies of documentation supplied in support of an application to the University must be certified (or notarised) as a true copy of the original by an appropriate signatory (for example by a Justice of the Peace dentist doctor or pharmacist solicitor or barrister registered chartered accountant bank manager Member of Parliament Local Councillor full-time school or tertiary teacher of a least five years service or if you are overseas by a person authorised to certify/notarise documents in your own country or by one of Deakin's approved international recruitment agents).
- Notice
- The notice of the election published by the Returning Officer.
- National Tertiary Education Union
- O-Week
- Orientation Week
- Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
- Occupational health and safety for Deakin is more than just a policy, it's about our commitment to provide a safe, healthy and happy work environment. Find out more information on our Occupational Health and Safety website.
- Off-campus mode
- Study in the off-campus mode usually does not require attendance at the University. Unit materials are made available through Deakin Studies Online or mailed out and where necessary arrangements are made for students to sit for examinations at specified centres accessible from where they live.
- Offer rounds
- Refers to the series of dates on which offers of higher education places are issued to applicants throughout the year, whether through a tertiary admission centre or directly by a higher education provider.
- Officials and Executives
- Designated University spokespersons and members of the University Executive.
- Offshore
- an offshore student is one who has enrolled in a Deakin course delivered in collaboration with a partner institution located in a country other than Australia.
- Occupational Health and Safety
- On-course Honours Award
- An award that recognises outstanding achievement in a bachelor degree program of four or more years. The on-course Honours Award is one of the two types of honours program offered by the University.
- Onboarding expenses
- The packing and removal of household items, loading, freight charge, insurance of goods in transit, storage of household items for a period not exceeding two months, temporary accommodation for a period not normally exceeding two weeks, other settling assistance services and removal broker charges. Sale tax or duties on imported goods remain the responsibility of the appointee.
- Online
This is where the dominant mode of delivery is through the University's online environment. There may or may not be compulsory contact hours online. In some units, students may be required to attend an event such as an exam or an assessment at a designated physical site.
This was formally referred to as 'off-campus', 'cloud (online)' study or Cloud Campus.
- Online mode (course level)
- The dominant mode of course delivery is online. There may be some scheduled learning experiences and students may be required to attend a designated physical site for some assessment and learning tasks.
- OnTrack
- OnTrack is a web assessment tool that provides students with a task oriented approach to portfolio assessment to stay aligned by completing tasks as part of their learning. Students will work through a series of tasks in order to achieve a target grade to complete their unit learning outcomes. Learn more about using OnTrack in our CloudDeakin guides.
- Open Day
- Open Day programs are held at all campuses and provide an opportunity for future students to meet with lecturers, course advisers, academics and other students, attend free lecturers and ask questions.
- Organisational area
- Faculty Institute involved in teaching and/or research School Division Unit University Library Deakin International and DeakinPrime.
- Orientation
- Student orientation program at the commencement of each trimester.
- Overseas Higher Education Loan Program
- Overseas Student Health Cover
- Outside employment
- Work undertaken by a staff member for a person or organisation other than the University, for which the staff member receives some form of payment, recompense or other consideration from the person or other organisation. Outside work includes being a director of an external organisation.
- Overseas study
Deakin has a number of exchange programs for students to study overseas, whether coming from overseas to study at Deakin or a Deakin student heading overseas to study.
If you want to study at Deakin as an exchange or study abroad student in Australia, find out more at our study abroad and exchange website.
If you are a Deakin student wanting to study overseas, find out more at our Deakin Abroad website.
- Parent
- Includes a step-parent, adoptive parent, foster parent or guardian.
- Parent rooms
Parent rooms, furnished with comfortable chairs, are available on all campuses. Fridge, microwave and hot/cold water are available in the room or nearby in the DUSA area.
Building BC - near the lifts
Building JB, Room 1.216 - downstairs near DUSAGEELONG WATERFRONT CAMPUS
Building D, Level 1.203.02 - near DUSA officeWARRNAMBOOL CAMPUS
Find out more at the Parent rooms website.
Building G, Women's Room - G1.02
Building A, Room 2.20
- Parking
Deakin provides various parking options as well as alternative ideas and information related to travelling to campus.
To find out more, visit get to Deakin website.
- Part-time study
- Enrolment in units that would result in fewer than three credit points in one trimester is deemed to be part-time study.
- Participant
- A person enrolled with DeakinPrime in a VET Course or a unit of competency;
- Partner organisation
- An organisation, institution (including other educational providers), government, industry and/or community organisation engaged in a formal relationship with the University for the achievement of specified objectives.
- Partnership
- A relationship between the University and other parties to achieve specified objectives. A partnership may include individual persons, industry, government, institutions (including other educational providers) and/or community organisations.
- Partnership sponsor
- A member of the Executive who proposes the establishment of a partnership.
- Past Non-Award Student
- A student who has previously undertaken non-award study or was enrolled in a higher education non-award course.
- Past Staff
- A person who was a member of staff of the University
- Past Student
- A person who was previously a student at the University but is not currently enrolled in any course or unit of study and has not deferred or intermissioned their studies but has not yet graduated.
- Paternalism
- Paternalism is any interference in a person
- Payment card
- Any credit or debit card accepted by the University.
- Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards, developed by the PCI Security Standards Council.
- Peer mentor
- Experienced Deakin students are trained to help other students, whether students want academic, practical or social support. Mentoring programs and information can be found in the Students Helping Students Hub.
- Postgraduate Education Loan Scheme
- Personal information
- As defined in the Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic), is information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database), that is recorded in any form and whether true or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion, but does not include health information.
- Philanthropic Naming
- Philanthropic naming of facilities or entities recognises the generous support of individuals, corporations, organisations and foundations who have supported the University over time, as well as those who are prepared to offer significant support at a point in time. P
- Phishing
- Fraudulent emails that ask for your personal or financial information.
- Pipelining Period
- The period of time during which a discontinued course is phased out.
- Plagiarism
- Using other people's words, ideas, research findings or information without acknowledgment, that is, without indicating the source - The Deakin Guide to Referencing website provides information on how to acknowledge other people's works.
- Plain language statement
- The Plain Language Statement and Consent Form (PLSC) is the standard way of establishing informed consent for someone to be involved in a research project. Usually written it includes information on the nature of the research project what participants are being asked to do and the potential consequences of involvement in the project. The National Statement sets out standard requirements for PLSCs in chapter 2.2.
- Pledge
- A commitment by a donor to give a gift in the future. Pledges may be a one-off payment or instalments according to a fixed schedule.
- Plain Language Statement and Consent Form
- Police Record Check
- A check of an individual's criminal history leading to a certificate issued by a government authority displaying all releasable court outcomes.
- Postgraduate (Coursework) Student
- A postgraduate student doing a coursework course.
- Postgraduate (HDR) Student
- A postgraduate student doing a Higher degree by research course
- Postgraduate Student
- A student who continues studies after graduating from an initial tertiary course. Courses of study where the completion of a prior university qualification (an approved undergraduate degree) is required for example at bachelor level. Postgraduate courses include graduate certificates graduate diplomas and higher degrees.
- Postponed Student
- A person who is on leave of absence (ie an intermission) from or who has deferred enrolment in a unit or course of the University.
- Potentially identifiable
- Information from which identifiers have been removed and replaced with a code which is kept separately from it. This is usually used where there may be a reason to collate different intakes of information relating to a particular person or where the participant could potentially need to be informed of an outcome. It should be noted that all human tissue is considered potentially identifiable whether or not the identifiers have been removed since it contains the donors DNA.
- PR
- Peer Review
- Practical
- Practical work or practical sessions are a component of some units (and programs) that require laboratory in the field or hands-on techniques.
- Prayer room
- Deakin's on-campus spiritual centres offer Muslim prayer rooms and multifaith rooms for places of worship. They're available to all students and staff, regardless of religious belief. Find out more on places of worship website.
- Planning and Resources Committee
- Precluded unit
- A unit that a student is prevented from undertaking on the basis of prior knowledge and skills and for which replacement studies (see alternative unit) are required. No advanced standing is granted for the unit.
- Postgraduate Research Experience Questionnaire (survey)
- Prerequisite unit
- If a unit has a 'prerequisite unit', you must have successfully completed that prerequisite unit/s before you study in the unit with the prerequisite. If a unit has a prerequisite, it will be detailed in the University Handbook.
- Principal supervisor
- A member of Deakin academic staff who is the leader of an HDR supervision team, and has the responsibility of ensuring that the candidate receives appropriate guidance in their project and support toward successful completion of their thesis and its examination.
- Printing, Scanning and photocopying
- The Print@Deakin service gives you access to printers on campus at Deakin. Student laboratory computers will have the Print@Deakin facility installed and ready for use. Your Deakin Card can be used for photocopying and printing with costs automatically deducted from your balance. Scanning is available at no cost to Deakin students.
- Privacy Complaint
- A complaint by an individual about an act or practice of the University in relation to the individual's personal or health information which the individual believes is contrary to or inconsistent with the Information Privacy Principles set out in the Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic) or the Health Privacy Principles set out in the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) 2001.
- Prize
- An award made in recognition of a student's achievement - prizes are for past achievements and cannot be made conditional on further study or continued high achievement.
- Procedural irregularity
- Where the administrative requirements of this procedure were not met.
- Procedure
- A statement that provides information or step-by-step instructions to implement a Policy.
- Procurement
- The acquisition of goods or services by way of purchase, hire-purchase agreement, lease or other contractual arrangement.
- Progress Management Panel
- A panel established by a Faculty or Institute to support candidates who have been identified as not making satisfactory progress in their research studies and who are at risk of not completing their degree within the prescribed time limit.
- Project
- A generic term for work, data collection, investigation etc. that might qualify as human research under the terms of the National Statement.
- Project(s)
- A management environment or set of environments that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to a specified business case.
- Projects
- The means by which changes to business processes are introduced particularly where IT is an key enabler. This includes the planning design implementation and evaluation of business and any related IT changes.
- Prospect
- A member of the general public who may be interested in pursuing higher education study
- Prospect/prospective donor
- A potential donor with the financial capacity and the likely inclinations to support the University with a significant donation.
- Prospective Staff
- A person who may be interested in becoming a staff member of the University.
- Prospective student
- Prospective student or future student is someone who is interested in or likely to become a student at Deakin University at a future date.
- Protected disclosure
- A disclosure or complaint made under the Protected Disclosures Act 2012 (Vic) that shows or tends to show (i) a person, public officer or public body has engaged, is engaging or proposes to engage in improper conduct; or (ii) a public officer or public body has taken, is taking or proposes to take detrimental action against a person. Under this legislation a person is protected from any repercussions from the disclosure.
- Protected Disclosure Coordinator
- Is the person referred to in paragraph 7.2 [Protection of Persons from Detrimental Action Procedure] who has the responsibilities set out in schedule A of the policy
- Protocol (research)
- A document that provides the background rationale and objectives of your research and describes its design methodology, organisation and the conditions under which it will be performed and managed.
- Provisional candidature
- A period of enrolment in a program of advanced study and research subject to set requirements, prior to admission to full candidature.
- Public Body
- Has the meaning given in section 6 of the Act [Protected Disclosure Act 2012 (Vic)] and includes the University.
- Public domain
- Any information freely available in a library an archive on the web or in another location which can be accessed by anyone.
- Public Officer
- Has the meaning given in section 6 of the Act [Protected Disclosure Act 2012 (Vic)] and includes University employees and contractors.
- Public transport
There are numerous public transport options that service our four campuses. Please visit the Public Transport Victoria website and check out their helpful Journey Planner and University Travel guides.
To find out more, visit get to Deakin website.
- Publication
- Includes all formal public presentations of research outcomes, including exhibition or performance of artworks.
- Purchase order
- An order for the purchase of goods and services for the University.
- Purchase requisition
- A request for the purchase of goods and services for the University.
- Purchaser
- A staff member of the University or any other person or organisation authorised to undertake procurement activities on behalf of the University.
- QA
- Quality Assurance
- Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching
- QoS
- Quality of Service
- Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)
- Prestigious university ranking organisation. The QS World University Rankings by Subject identifies the world's strongest universities in 46 individual subject areas.
- Quality assurance
- Application of processes to ensure that minimum expectations and standards of processes and outcomes are met (accountability) and to enhance their quality (improvement).
- Query Studio
- Supports ad-hoc analysis and simple report development.
- Quizzes
- Use the Quizzes tool to take a quiz, review your quiz results, and see class statistics for a quiz. Learn more about using Quizzes in our CloudDeakin guides.
- Quorum
- The minimum number of Members required to be present at the time any decisions are taken for that decision to be effective and binding. A Quorum will be constituted by one third of the Members or three Members of that University Body, whichever is greater, unless otherwise specified.
- Quotation
- Any procurement process valued at less than $300 000 conducted by the University via a select or open method and taking the form of an expression of interest (EOI), request for quotation (RFQ), request for proposal (RFP), request for information (RFI) or similar type process.
- RA
- Research Assistant
- Ranking
- A broad term that describes how well a site performs. Most commonly used to refer to search engine ranking which is the position of the site in the SERP of a particular search engine for a particular search phrase. One web page can have more than one ranking for example it can rank #1 for the search term 'widget' and #3 for 'gadget'.
- Re-enrolment
- Each year you will be sent information about how and when to re-enrol for the next year.
- Re-identifiable
- Information or data where identifiers have been removed and replaced by a code but it remains possible to re-identify a specific individual by for example using the code or linking different data sets. ALL human tissue is considered potentially identifiable whether or not the identifiers have been removed since it contains the donors DNA.
- Reasonable adjustment
- An adjustment that balances the interests of all parties affected and does not cause the University unjustifiable hardship as defined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth).
- Reassure (travel)
- The TMC risk management and travel database.
- Recent secondary education
Applicants whose admission is based mostly on secondary education undertaken at school, TAFE or other VET or higher education provider (Australian or overseas equivalent) that was (or will be) completed either in the current year or within the previous three years.
- For example, data for 'recent secondary education' cohorts that commenced higher education in 2017 would include those students who completed secondary education in 2016, 2015 and 2014.
- This group includes students who may have undertaken or completed some VET or higher education study while still at school.
- Includes applicants whose secondary education was undertaken interstate or overseas.
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
- A process used to assess an individual's relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and nonformal learning) to determine the credit that may be granted. Find out more information at our Recognition of prior learning website.
- Record
- Recorded information created, received, used or maintained by the University in the transaction of business which provides evidence of University activities. Records contain information which reflects what was communicated or decided or what action was taken and therefore constitutes the evidence of activities.
- Recording
- In ethics both 'recordings' and 'audio visual materials' include any method or system that records the appearance movement voices or other sounds made by participants. Common audio visual materials include photographs interviews filmed interactions (with or without sound) and filmed dramatic or instrumental performances.
- Records Management
- Records Management (RM) is the field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records including the processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records.
- Recycling
As part of the broader sustainability commitment Deakin provides recycling bins in public places. Recycling bins have yellow signs and you can recycle most items including plastics, cardboard, paper, tin and aluminium cans.
Do your bit, look for the recycle triangle on your rubbish and if you find one place it in the recycle bin. Do the right thing and put it in the right bin.
Find out more on the Sustainability website.
- Research for Educational Impact
- Referencing
One of the key features of writing at University is referencing - using the work of others to support your own arguments and correctly acknowledging those works. Find out about your required referencing style in your unit guide, then consult the online Deakin guide to referencing. For further help with understanding what and how to reference, consult a Student Mentor or ask a Language and Learning Adviser.
Find out more at the Referencing website.
- Refunds and remission of debt
In special circumstances, if you withdraw from your studies or reduce your enrolment load after the relevant census dates, you can apply to have certain fees and payments re-credited or refunded. There are strict guidelines for remission of debt, so it is important you seek advice from your Faculty.
Find out more on the fees website.
- Regalia (academic)
- Gown worn by graduands and academics at graduation ceremonies and other formal occasions. Also known as Academic Dress.
- Registered Training Organisation
- Registered with the National VET Regulator as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
- Regulations
- Rules pertaining to a specific parent statute that provide for the organisation, management and good governance of the University. Regulations are made in accordance with Part 5 of the Deakin University Act 2009 (Vic).
- Relationship Manager
- A person usually from Donor Relations team appointed by the Vice President () to be responsible for the University?s relationship with a particular donor or sponsor.
- Religion (multifaith)
Deakin University chaplains and religious facilities are available on all campuses. You do not need to belong to any religious faith in order to use the chaplaincy services. Deakin multifaith chaplains can offer you a range of services including the chance to discuss and explore religion and faith, opportunities for prayer, reflection and worship, support during times of personal need, information about religious events and promotion of multifaith harmony and acceptance.
Find out more at Multifaith Chaplains.
- Remuneration Review Committee
- A committee convened to consider and make decisions on salary matters.
- Repeated behaviour
- Persistent nature of the behaviour and can involve a range of behaviours over time.
- Report Studio
- Professional report authoring tool for standard reporting and dashboard development.
- Reportable gift
- Where a gift or benefit is $200 or greater in value requiring that it be recorded on the University's Gift Register.
- Representation
Student representation is at the heart of Deakin University Student Association (DUSA). Student representatives are there to give you a voice so that any problems you may encounter can be addressed through fair and equal representation. Representatives are also involved in policy and decision making, organisation of events and help to promote clubs and societies.
DUSA student representatives are elected by DUSA members and any DUSA full student member can be a student representative. In the past, student representatives have been involved in everything from the price of parking to the implementation of the trimester system. Once elected, representatives want to know what you think, so make sure you know who your representatives are so that you can have your say.
Find out more at the DUSA Student representation website.
- Residence customer satisfaction survey
- Research
There are a variety of definitions of research. The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research defines it as 'An original investigation undertaken to gain knowledge, understanding and insight. It is a broad concept and there is no simple, single way to define research for all disciplines.' (Code p. 1)
Research usually excludes materials developed for teaching or quality assurance activities.
- Research (student work)
Work undertaken by a Student for the purposes of producing their own or someone else's:
- thesis for a graduate or postgraduate degree;
- research paper or report intended for publication or communication to a person or body outside the University.
- Research Active Staff
To be an 'Active Research Staff' staff should be
- Under Academic Headcount, excluding Research Assistants
- Has to fulfil certain conditions as below:
Science Research, Active:
If the total grant income is> $50 000 or the number of journals in the top 50% of ranked journals is 1 or more then considered research active- Major external award or prize for research in the past three years
Non Science Research, Active:
If the total grant income is> $30 000 or the number of journals in the top 50% of ranked journals is 1or more or the number of books over the last 3 years is 1 or more or the number of book chapters is 1or more or the number of creative work types is 1 or more then considered research active.- Major external award or prize for research in the past three years
Note: This is currently under review and may change in the near future.
- Research adviser (previously designated as team leader)
- A supervisor who is an eminent member of the University professoriate who wishes to have a high-profile link to the supervision of a candidate's project but is not expected to carry out all the day-to-day responsibilities of a principal or executive supervisor.
- Research breach
- Which means matters that are considered less serious and can appropriately be dealt with at the school institute or faculty level
- Research ethics and gene technology
- Student contemplating research projects involving humans, live animals or genetic manipulation will need to get in touch with the Office of Research Integrity
- Research for Educational Impact
- Research for Educational Impact (REDI) will seek to be a leading national and international centre in educational research. Underpinned by strong equity principles, REDI has been formed around four distinctive programs that will address the key contemporary education issues. Learn more about REDI
- Research misconduct
- Includes both misconduct and serious misconduct as defined in the A-Z in relation to research) Research misconduct as defined by the Australian Code and corrupt conduct or improper conduct as defined in the WPA if they are engaged in by a staff member in relation to research. Research misconduct does not include honest errors or honest differences in interpretation or judgement.
- Research Only Staff
- 'Research Only Staff' in relation to the University means person enrolled as staff of the University under 'Academic Staff' category conducting Research Only function. Number of 'Research Only Staff' means number of full time equivalent 'Research only' staff allocated to the FIOA based on the budget. In HRMS 'Research Only Staff' are classified under work function code '2'.
- Research Priority Area
- The majority of Deakin's research has been concentrated into ten research priority areas. These areas were selected on the basis of being nationally or internationally competitive with regard to research income, research output, research training and collaborations with outside organisations. The benefits of a critical mass of researchers in each area include better research from the stimulation of working in a large group of cognate researchers, an excellent environment for research training and the better utilisation of infrastructure.
- Research-based Honours Award
- An undergraduate bachelor degree (generally but not exclusively of three years duration) followed by an additional year of full-time study, or its equivalent, that involves research and research training. The Research-based Honours Award is one of the two types of honours program offered by the University.
- Researcher
- A person who conducts research on behalf of the University either as a student or as a member of academic staff
- Resources
- All assets, people, skills, information, technology, premises, supplies and information that an organisation has to have available to use, when needed, in order to operate and meet its objectives.
- respect
- A recognition of the worth of the human person including respect for their welfare beliefs, perceptions, customs and cultural heritage. Respect is one of the four guiding principles of the National Statement(see NS 1.10).
- Respondent(s)
- The person who is the subject of a complaint
- Respondus
- Quiz development package that integrates with Vista in Deakin Studies Online (DSO). It allows you to create quizzes or convert quizzes created in Word that can be published directly to your units in Vista.
- Restricted areas
- Parts of the University premises to which access is restricted to designated people or subject to designated conditions in accordance with section 12 of Regulation 6.1(2) University Property. These include but are not limited to laboratories within the School of Medicine.
- Result
- The final grade/mark in a Unit awarded to a student based on the assessment for that Unit.
- Results release
Results are available online on the official day of results release for each study period. You can also register to receive your results by SMS in StudentConnect.
Find out more at result release
- Retired professor
- A professor's cessation of employment with the University in circumstances where the Council is satisfied that the professor is unlikely to re-enter the academic workforce by accepting a substantive academic position with another University within Australia.
- Returning Officer
- The person appointed to conduct a particular election by the Vice-Chancellor or his or her delegate but cannot be a candidate in the election.
- Returning Student
- According to the government definition returning students include - Students who have a returned to enrol in a unit of study after previously been enrolled in a unit of study for the same course. Students who have moved from between courses within a Course of Study. Students who are transferred to a Bachelor's Honours Course of Study. Student who have changed their enrolment to one of the components of a combined course of study
- Research Fields Courses and Disciplines Classification
- Risk
- The 'effect of uncertainty on objectives', as defined by Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand (AS/NZS ISO 31000: 2009 Australian/New Zealand Standard: Risk management - Principles and guidelines). Risk is typically characterised by reference to potential events, and measured in terms of a combination of the likelihood of the event occurring and the consequence if it were to occur.
- Risk (research)
- An assessment of the likelihood of negative effects occurring to research participants as a result of the research. In ethical terms there are three levels of risk: inconvenience, discomfort and harm.
- Risk and Compliance
- Administrative division of Deakin University. The Risk and Compliance Unit provides specialist risk and compliance support and advice to the University's organisational areas. It assists in identifying, analysing and managing risks and compliance obligations in order for the University to make well informed decisions to meet its strategic objectives.
- Risk and Compliance Profile
- A graphical document developed to illustrate inherent, current and optimal risk as it relates to each risk and compliance issue.
- Risk and Compliance Program
- The University's strategic approach to the identification, registration and management of risk issues (both current and emerging) and the risk associated with breaches of compliance obligations.
- Risk and Compliance Register
- Documentation developed by the University operational areas that is used to define risk and compliance issues with consideration toward appropriate controls and defined actions.
- Risk Appetite
- The levels of risk an organisation, in pursuit of its strategic objectives, is prepared to accept and the actions deemed necessary and appropriate to reduce them.
- Risk Assessment Criteria Tool
- A matrix that facilitates the consistent assessment and measurement of risk across the University. It allows for the prioritisation of assessed risks and the determination of appropriate risk control measures and their importance in managing the risks.
- Risk Management
- The process of identifying, analysing, mitigating, monitoring and communicating risks associated with an activity or function in a way that will enable the University to minimise losses and maximise opportunities.
- Part of Deakin's Research Management System and will allow you to view individual research project details, HDR students under supervision, and run research reports.
- Research Quality Framework
- Research and Research Training Committee
- Data Source Record Set 2553870:999
- Internet and mobile-based channels and tools that allow users to interact, share opinions and content - via written comments, video or audio files - and encourage participation and engagement in building communities or networks (for example Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube).
- The Student Amenities Higher Education Loan Program is a loan scheme that allows eligible students to defer all or part of the cost of the Student Services and Amenities Fee.
- Safer Community
Safer Community is a Deakin wide service which aims to keep all campuses safe. We respond to all reports of behaviour which are concerning, inappropriate or threatening and offer support to all parties involved. If you are worried about someone or something just doesn't feel quite right, please contact us for support, advice or information.
Find out more at our Safer Community website.
- Safety on campus
Deakin aims to provide safe and secure campus experience.
To find out more, visit safety and security website.
- Safezone
SafeZone is a free app for all Deakin University students that connects you directly to the Security team when you need help on campus. The app makes it easier for you to contact Security and helps them to respond if you need assistance, by sending your name and location directly to the response team.
By installing the SafeZone app (available on Apple and Android devices) and registering as a user, you will also receive any critical notifications from the University. Deakin University encourages students to register for SafeZone on their mobile device.
- Scanners
- Scanners are available on most Deakin printers where you can scan to email or to a USB storage device. Find out more about using Deakin printers on our printing, copying and scanning website.
- School of Communication and Creative Arts
- Schedule of Penalties (Academic Misconduct)
- The schedule of penalties applicable to acts of Academic Misconduct that is located in the University's policies procedures or rules made pursuant to this Regulation
- Schedule of Penalties (General Misconduct)
- The schedule of penalties applicable to acts of General Misconduct that is located in the University's policies, procedures or rules made pursuant to this Regulation.
- Scheduled learning activities
'Scheduled learning activities' is also known as 'Contact hours'.
'Scheduled Learning Activities' and 'Typical study commitment' are detailed in the Handbook and every unit's 'Unit Guide'.
'Scheduled learning activities' provide information for campus and online units. These include the number of hours, classes, seminars and online learning experiences, usually held weekly. For online units, it also indicates if activities are recorded.
'Typical study commitment' gives an indication of the overall number of hours a student could be expected to spend when studying the unit.
Unit Guides can be found on CloudDeakin through DeakinSync.
- Scholarship
- Financial aid, either in cash or kind, awarded to a student to help pay for their education. In-kind payments may include all or part of tuition expenses or accommodation costs.
- School
Most of our faculties are made up of schools or departments, which focus on a specific teaching and learning discipline.
For example: the Faculty of Health is made up of the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, School of Health and Social Development, School of Medicine, School of Nursing and Midwifery and the School of Psychology.
- School recommendation
- A recommendation from a school or other secondary education provider on the abilities of a student. Previously referred to by some as a principal's recommendation.
- SE
- Student Equity
- Second-hand books
- DUSA Bookshop have second-hand book sales on from time to time where you can sell and purchase second-hand textbooks. Find out more on the DUSA second-hand books website.
- Secretary
- Person who is responsible for recording the Minutes
- Secure content
- Content that is restricted to authenticated audiences (ie. end-users required to login). The audience may be internal or external to Deakin University e.g. staff or students or external collaborators.
- Security
Deakin Security Services are committed to making our campuses safe and welcoming environments for students, staff and visitors 24-hours a day, 365 days a year.
Deakin Security Services are here to help - call them on 1800 062 579 or call triple 000 to contact emergency services directly.
To find out more, visit our safety and security website.
- Centre for Social and Early Emotional Development
- Selection Rank
- The ranking that tertiary admission centres and most universities use to assess admission to a course. A person's course Selection Rank can include their ATAR, any adjustments they are eligible for, such as equity or subject adjustments, other contributions calculated on the basis of work experience or previous nonsecondary study, portfolio assessments, results of the Special Tertiary Admissions Test, other supplementary tests, etc
- Semester
- A few courses such as the Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery and the Bachelor of Medical Imaging operate over two semesters each year. The first runs from February to June, the second from July to November.
- Seminar
- Formerly referred to as a 'tutorial' or 'workshop'. Is an interactive meeting for smaller groups of students. All other contact hours descriptors remain unchanged (eg. practicums, studio work).
- Senior Management Group
- A critical channel of consultation on and communication of executive decision-making.
- Senior Managers
- Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Pro Vice-Chancellors, any member of the University's Executive as well as Heads of Schools, Divisional Directors and Heads of Institutes/Units.
- Senior Research Fellow
- Senior Research Fellow
- School Executive Officer
- Serious matter
- A matter that (a) involves an offence under law (e.g. assault); (b) incurs on the University an obligation to act (e.g. discrimination, sexual harassment, harassment, vilification, bullying, victimisation); or (c) is otherwise considered to present a significant risk to the University or its members.
- Service catalogue
- A list of services provided to ICT users, which includes the purpose and key features of each service.
- Service provider
- An individual, partnership, trust or corporation which enters into a contract to provide services to the University.
- Services
- Work which involves the personal labour of one or more individuals including mental, artistic or physical work. The supply of services is distinct from the supply of goods.
- Student evaluation of teaching and units (survey)
- Sexual harassment
As defined in the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth), a person sexually harasses another person (the person harassed) if:
- the person makes an unwelcome sexual advance, or an unwelcome request for sexual favours, to the person harassed; or
- b. engages in other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature in relation to the person harassed;
- in circumstances in which a reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would have anticipated the possibility that the person harassed would be offended, humiliated or intimidated.
- Short courses
- DUSA offers a range of professional development and recreational short courses. Courses are run each trimester and may include first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), responsible service of alcohol (RSA), coffee making, self-defence and much more. If there is a short course that is not currently on offer, contact Deakin University Student Association and they can look into organising it for you.
- Showers/Change Rooms
Building HB, Level 1
Building B, Level 1 (access from Phoenix Courtyard between Buildings B, J and P)GEELONG WAURN PONDS CAMPUS
Building DA (KD Stewart Centre)
Building JB, Level 1 and 3
Building KA, Level 2
Building D, Level 1
- Sick bay
- A sick bay is available at the Deakin Medical Centre on all campuses.
- Service Level Agreement
- Student Learning Entitlement
- Service Level Management - the process of negotiating and agreeing on service levels with clients.
- Student loans survey
- Senior leadership team
- Subject matter expert
- Smoking
Deakin is Smoke Free. Smoking is not allowed anywhere on Deakin University property. Once outside the boundaries of University controlled properties, smoking and use of tobacco products is subject to local laws.
Smokers on the University boundaries are required to dispose of their butt litter according to local laws.
As a student at Deakin University you are supported in this move to smoke-free campuses with free cessation services at your campus medical centre. Find out more information on the policy and support for quitting on The Deakin community says no to smoking website.
May refer to:
- Student Management System;
- Short Message Service - The text communication service component of phone, web, or mobile communication systems.
- Social media account
- A user profile established on a social media platform for the purpose of official social media use.
- Statement of Work
- Spam
- An inappropriate attempt to use a mailing list or other networked communications facility as a broadcast medium by sending the same unsolicited message to a large number of people.
- Spark Deakin
- Deakin University's official startup accelerator program. We empower people to turn their ideas into reality. A community of ambitious entrepreneurs determined to solve real problems.
- Special assessment
- An assessment task undertaken by a student where special consideration has been granted to the student.
- Special Collections
- Specialised research collections, including items that need special care, which are housed in the Library under controlled conditions.
- Special Consideration
- The process available to students whose capacity to perform is temporarily and adversely affected by circumstances outside of their control, by which they may apply for approval to take additional time to complete an assessment task or to complete the assessment task at a later time, or the outcome of that process.
- Specific consent
- Consent to future use of one's data or tissue limited to the specific project under consideration.
- Specified Conduct
Specified Conduct is conduct:
- of any person that adversely affects the honest performance by a Public Officer or Public Body of his or her or its functions as a Public Officer or Public Body; or
- of a Public Officer or Public Body that constitutes or involves the dishonest performance of his or her or its functions as a Public Officer or Public Body; or
- of a Public Officer or Public Body that constitutes or involves knowingly or recklessly breaching public trust; or
- of a Public Officer or Public Body that involves the misuse of information or material acquired in the course of the performance of his or her or its functions as a Public Officer or Public Body whether or not for the benefit of the Public Officer or Public Body or any other person; or
- that could constitute a conspiracy or an attempt to engage in any conduct referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d); or
- of a Public Officer or Public Body in his or her capacity as a Public Officer or its capacity as a Public Body that:
- involves substantial mismanagement of public resources; or
- involves substantial risk to public health or safety; or
- involves substantial risk to the environment.
- Specified credit transfer
- Credit may be granted for a specific Deakin unit where previous studies involve a substantial overlap of content at a similar standard. When specified credit is awarded for studies deemed to be the equivalent of Deakin units this equivalence may be determined only by the Board of the faculty that offers the Deakin unit.
- Sponsor
- An individual, company, institution or organisation who takes responsibility for the initiation, management and/or financing of research.
- Sponsor area
- That area of the University responsible for the purchase, receipt or ongoing use or management of the goods and services where the procurement process requires the conduct of a quotation or tender process.
- Sponsoring Executive Portfolio
- The Executive Portfolio (or its specific constituent area) responsible for developing, managing and monitoring a community or industry partnership.
- Sponsoring Faculty
- The Faculty responsible for developing and delivering a course through an Academic Partnership or developing, managing and monitoring a community or industry partnership.
- Sponsorship
- The exchange of funds or in kind support for material benefits including promotional opportunities.
- Sport and recreation
Deakin has a range of sport and recreation opportunities available that promote healthy and active lifestyles.
Fitness clubs
Deakin Fitness Clubs have highly experienced fitness professionals who can design a personal program for you and assist you with any fitness questions you may have. Fitness Club memberships are competitively priced and allow you to use the Deakin Fitness Club on your campus. Deakin Fitness delivers a range of classes, programs and sporting competitions that encourage active participation.
Deakin's Elite Athlete Friendly University (EAFU) membership
Deakin is a member of the Elite Athlete Friendly University (EAFU) network. The network consists of the Australian Institute of Sport and State Based Institute of Sport and five professional sports. Deakin has signed an agreement with the Australian Sports Commission to support the integration of Australian elite athletes sporting and academic aspirations. Deakin, as one of Australia's foremost sport universities, is dedicated to supporting elite athletes in their quest to integrate academic success with the demands of training and competition. The agreement can allow some flexibility for athletes whilst studying at Deakin. The EAFU agreement provides a specific definition of an elite athlete. Financial support may also be available through DUSA via the Elite Athlete Grant program. Further information is available on the Deakin Spirit website.
Deakin University Student Association
Deakin has a number of sporting competitions at our sports halls or you can join a club through Deakin University Student Association (DUSA). Deakin also participates in the Southern and Australian University Games (run through DUSA).
DUSA also offers a range of opportunities for members to take part in sport at different levels. In 2015 DUSA will be involved in a variety of sporting pursuits including Campus Sport, Community Sport and Australian and World University Championships.
T: 1300 555 528
E: out more at Sport and fitness
- A software package for statistical analysis.
May refer to:
- Staff Student Interactive Database - An Oracle 9i interactive database for students and staff to help them with applications using SQL;
- Service Set IDentifier, also called the 'network name' is a name that identifies a wireless network.
- Single Sign On
- ST
- A prefix which may need to be entered as a prefix (to the front of) to your Student Number when completing Deakin University forms.
- Staff
- As defined in section 3 Deakin University Act 2009 (Vic), 'any person employed by the University'.
- Staff Alumni
- Former staff members employed by Deakin or one of its antecedent institutions on a continuing or fixed-term contract for a minimum total of two years.
- Staff and students
- Enrolled students staff members emeritus professors and supernumerary staff and members of the Council and University committees.
- Standard
- A criterion or reference point against which quality can be judged.
- Standing consent
- (standing parental consent) a provision of the National Statement used primarily in schools under which parents agree to their children participating in all research approved by the school.
- Standing order
- An order for goods and services to be supplied on an on-going basis, usually up to an agreed value.
- Student Timetable Allocation and Registration
- Start Anytime
- With Start Anytime, you no longer have to wait until the usual trimester intake to start your course. You can commence a unit at the beginning of any month during the year without needing to wait. Start Anytime also allows you to fast-track and complete a unit in as little as four weeks, or you can take your time over a longer period. Find out more about Start Anytime.
- Statute
- The primary legislative instrument of the University made, only by Council, in accordance with Part 5 of the Deakin University Act 2009 (Vic).
- Statutes
- Statutes and regulations of the University provide for the organisation management and good governance of the University. University legislation establishes the structure of the University and its staff. It sets out the courses which are offered and related matters such as admission and selection fees academic progress academic awards and student discipline. Statutes and regulations are available in The Guide.
- Statutory Declarations (Stat Dec)
- A Statutory Declaration is a legal document which the maker must sign in the presence of an authorised witness, declaring that the information it contains is true and correct. The University Solicitor's Office provides a Statutory Declaration and document certification service to students if the documents are required in relation to studies. Visit statutory declarations and document certification for more information.
- Security Test and Evaluation - The examination or analysis of the protective measures placed on an information system when it is fully integrated and operational.
- Stewardship
- The process whereby the University cares for and protects its philanthropic support ? its gifts and those who give them - in a way that responds to the donor?s expectations and respects the act of giving.
- Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA)
- The targeted level of investment in an asset class.
- Strategic Intelligence and Planning Unit
- Administrative division of Deakin University. Using institutional research and surveys, business intelligence, and data and analytics the Strategic Intelligence and Planning Unit (SIPU) provide timely and accurate information to the university for planning and strategic activity.
- Student
Regulation 4.1.2 defines student as-
- a person enrolled in a course or unit in the University pursuant to Statute 5.1 Admission Selection and Enrolment;
- a student of another higher education institution to whom Deakin grants rights of access to University Premises and facilities;
- a candidate for an award of the University whose work has been examined or assessed but on whom the award has not been conferred;
- a person who was a student at the time the alleged conduct occurred;
- a person who is on leave of absence from or who has deferred enrolment in a unit or course of the University;
- a person designated as a student by Council.
- Student (academic misconduct)
- a person enrolled in a course or unit in the University pursuant to Statute 5.1 - Admission Selection and Enrolment.
- a student of another higher education institution to whom Deakin grants rights of access to University Premises and facilities;
- a candidate for an award of the University whose work has been examined or assessed but on whom the award has not been conferred;
- a person who was a student at the time the alleged conduct occurred;
- a person who is on leave of absence from or who has deferred enrolment in a unit or course of the University;
- a person designated as a student by Council.
- Student (equity and diversity policy)
- Means a person enrolled in or seeking to be enrolled in one or more units of study.
- Student Adviser
A Student Adviser can help students with course advice and unit selection. Students should contact a Student Adviser before varying enrolment to make sure the course and unit rules are being followed.
Visit the Student Central webpage or Ask Student Central.
- Student Alumni
- Any former student who has fulfilled the course requirements of any course at Deakin or an antecedent institution irrespective of whether they have attended a graduation ceremony.
- Student Central
- Student Central is the starting point for student enquiries on all campuses including online. Student Central can assist in person, over the phone, web chat or via Ask Student Central for queries about admissions, course advice, unit selection, enrolments, fees, exams, results, course information, graduations, lost property, financial assistance, scholarships, parking and travel concession. You can also get your Student ID card, request academic transcripts and official letters relating to course completion and enrolment.
- student contribution
- Amount Commonwealth supported students contribute for each unit of study.
- Student ID
- See Deakin Card
- Student International Placements
- International Work Integrated Learning programs ('International Placements'), including field placements, internships, volunteering placements or industry based learning placements for currently enrolled undergraduate and postgraduate university students.
- Student International Programs (Academic-led)
- Academic-led short-term international programs for currently enrolled undergraduate and postgraduate university students.
- Student International Programs (Exchange and Study Abroad)
- Short-term trimester or year-long exchange (tuition waiver) or study abroad (fee paying) at an international host institution for currently enrolled undergraduate and postgraduate university students.
- Student Misconduct Committee
- A committee appointed by the Faculty to hear and determine allegations of General Misconduct under this regulation.
- Student Services and Amenities Fee
- A fee that higher education providers can charge their students for student services and amenities of a non-academic nature such as sporting and recreational activities employment and career advice child care financial advice and food services.
- StudentConnect
- StudentConnect is where you select and manage your enrolment, update personal details like your address, check and pay fees, find your exam timetables, view your results and more. Find out more about StudentConnect or go directly to StudentConnect.
- Students Helping Students
University can be challenging, and no one understands students better than students. Experienced Deakin students are trained to help, whether you want academic, practical or social support.
Find out more at Students Helping Students Hub.
- StudioAbroad
- An online management system for international mobility programs encompassing the promotion, online application, risk management and reporting capabilities.
- Study abroad
At Deakin students can take part in overseas exchange, study abroad, international internship or volunteering opportunities. Study overseas can be for a few weeks, a trimester or a year as part of a degree.
T: 03 9244 6963
03 9244 6664
03 9244 5231E:
Find out more at Deakin Abroad.
- Study Assist
- Study Assist provides information for students about government assistance for financing tertiary study.
- Study group
- A group of students who are studying the same course / unit who come together to share ideas and help each other.
- Study period
- A defined teaching and study period specified by a faculty for the completion of Units for a particular Course.
- Study Support
Language and Learning Advisers support students to develop the study skills they need to succeed at University. They offer workshops on topics such as organising your studies, research, writing and referencing. Language and Learning Advisers are also available for individual and small group consultations at your campus or online.
Writing Mentors are also available at each campus and online to assist with aspects of studying.
Weekly Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) are also available in a select number of units. PASS sessions allow students to work together facilitated by a student leader who has previously done well in the unit to improve their understanding of the unit requirements. To find out if there is a PASS session available for your unit check the Students Helping Students website.
Details on how to access Study Support services can be found at the Study support website.
- Studymate
- A study assistance activity development package that integrates with Vista in Deakin Studies Online (DSO). It allows you to create Flash-based activities and games.
- Sub-major
- A group of related units approved by a faculty board and listed in the University Handbook, taken over two levels and amounting to a minimum of four credit points. Sub-majors are not included on academic transcripts or testamurs. Also referred to as a minor.
- Superior University Guidelines for Analysis and Review - A business analysis methodology.
- Summative Assessment
- Assessment primarily used to measure the level of a student's success in achieving learning outcomes which contributes to a student's final grade and/or mark for a unit of study.
- Supernumerary staff
- Academic appointments at the levels of honorary professor honorary associate professor adjunct professor and honorary fellow. Supernumerary appointments carry no specific remuneration.
- supervision
- the provision of advice and guidance during the course of a Higher Degree by Research
- Supplementary Assessment
- Additional assessment tasks undertaken by a student in order to make a determination of result and required of students where there is genuine doubt about their academic performance in a specific unit.
- Supplier
- An external individual partnership or company engaged to provide goods and services to the University.
- Support person
- A person chosen by the complainant or respondent(s) who will assist them by providing support during any stage of a complaint
- Sustainability
Deakin is committed to sustainable initiatives and practices, and focus on our environmental, social and economic sustainability performance.
Find out more at the Sustainability website.
- Sustainable procurement
- The purchase of goods and services where equivalent consideration is given to the social environmental and economic elements of the purchase.
- SWOT Vac
- Study Without Teaching Vacation (SWOT Vac) is the week of private study given before exams begin. During this time there are no classes.
- Syllabus Plus
- The scheduling system for all University teaching spaces and some other shared spaces. It is used to coordinate all classes and other teaching activities as well as major events, conferences, building works and maintenance.
- T&L
- Teaching and Learning
- TAC application
- Application made through a tertiary admission centre, namely QTAC, UAC, VTAC, SATAC, TISC and University of Tasmania, in relation to applications to study in that state.
- Technical and Further Education
- Take-down notice
- Take-down notice: A method of notifying individuals or organisations of an alleged copyright infringement, allowing time for any breach of copyright to be rectified.
- Take-down Officer
- The officer responsible for dealing with any breach of copyright charged in a take-down notice. The Take-down Officer will usually be the Deputy Chief Information Officer/IT Executive Director, eSolutions.
- Abbreviation of 'to be advised'
- Team
A group of people with a full set of complementary skills required to complete a task, job or project. For example:
Not whole of organisation (e.g. not all of Deakin).
Community of practice (shared professional interest, often constructed around a single subject matter eg. knowledge management; low carb high-fat nutrition science; etc)
- Telework
- Is working from an approved location other than your usual workplace utilising information and communications technology (ICT) to stay connected to your colleagues and your work.
- Teleworking Agreement
- An agreement made between a staff member and management to undertake an agreed schedule of teleworking. Where the teleworking is ad hoc no formal Teleworking Agreement is required.
- Teleworkplace
- Any site where telework is undertaken....
- Tender
- A process that involves the procurement of goods and services valued at greater than $300 000 (GST exclusive) conducted by the University via a select or open method and taking the form of an expression of interest (EOI) request for tender (RFT) request for proposal (RFP) request for information (RFI) or similar type process.
- Termination
- There are a range of circumstances (for example, non-payment of a fee, academic performance, breach of the Student Code of Conduct etc), in which your enrolment will be terminated. You will lose access to all Deakin services including CloudDeakin, email, StudentConnect and the Library. Further information about can be found in the Fees and charges guide on the Fees website.
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Testamur
- A certificate of merit or proficiency presented at graduation.
- Tax File Number
- The University
- Deakin University
- Thesis
- Such materials and activities as are presented for examination by a candidate to demonstrate their contribution to knowledge. The thesis normally includes an extended piece of argumentative writing.
- Third-party copyright
- Copyright not owned by the University.
- Times Higher Education World University Rankings
- The Times Higher Education World University Rankings, founded in 2004, provide the definitive list of the world's best universities, evaluated across teaching, research, international outlook, reputation and more.
- Times Higher Education�World University Rankings
- The�Times Higher Education�World University Rankings, founded in 2004, provide the definitive list of the world's best universities, evaluated across teaching, research, international outlook, reputation and more.
- Timetable
- Deakin uses STAR (Student Timetable Allocation and Registration) for timetables, which is a personalised timetabling system that allows students in campus based units to register online for classes and seminars etc.
- Teaching and Learning Committee
- Teaching Languages Other Than English
- TM1
- Planning, budgeting and forecasting tool, data in TM1 is stored and represented as multidimensional OLAP (online analytical processing) cubes.
- Tobacco product
- Means any substance containing tobacco leaf including but not limited to cigarettes cigars pipe tobacco hookah tobacco snuff chewing tobacco dipping tobacco bidis clove cigarettes or any other preparation of tobacco.
- Test of English as a Foreign Language
- Time off in lieu
- Trans-Tasman Travel
- Travel between Australia and New Zealand in either direction.
- Transcripts
- An academic transcript is a chronological record of a student's enrolment and official assessment results in units and courses.
- transparency
- A quality of being clear, open, honest and direct. Transparency is critical when communicating the risk/benefit of any human research.
- Travel Management Consultant
- The travel agent/s appointed by the University to facilitate University travel and afforded approved status.
- Total Records and Information Management
- trimester
- The method of organisation of the teaching year. At Deakin there are three trimesters; trimester 1 runs from February to July; trimester 2 runs from July to November; trimester 3 runs from November to February.
- Trips and tours
- Each year, Deakin University Student Association puts together a wide range of affordable trips and tours which cater for a variety of interests. Discounts for DUSA members and priority bookings apply. For more information about upcoming trips and tours, check the DUSA events webpage.
- Time Recording System
- Turnitin
- Deakin University uses Turnitin as the program that allows you and/or your teacher to check whether there is any unoriginal material in your work by comparing it to a database of print and online materials. Any matching text is detailed in an originality report. Learn more about using Turnitin in our CloudDeakin guides.
- Tutorial
- Now known as a seminar. A session with a small group of students who meet with an academic to discuss topics within a unit of study.
- User Acceptance Testing
- User Management System
- User Management System Production Database
- undergraduate student
- An undergraduate is a student who has not yet received a bachelor or similar degree.
- Undesignated
- The donor or sponsor has given no specific directions regarding the purpose for which the donation or sponsorship should be used or they direct that the donation or sponsorship is for the general support of the University.
- Unit
- A component of a Course having a discrete designated code and title in which students enrol and complete specific work requirements. A Unit is commonly:
- a quarter of a trimester workload;
- carries a specific value towards an award
- Unit Chair
- The person appointed by the Principal of the School to be responsible for coordinating the curriculum, teaching and assessment in a Unit.
- Unit guide
- A reference for students providing specific information or instruction about a unit.
- Unit of Accommodation
- House, unit, flat, mobile home, caravan, hotel or floating structure granted for use or occupation by an employee as their usual place of residence
- Unit Prerequisite
- One or more Units of the University or a subject at the Victorian Certificate of Education examination or equivalent which is specified by the faculty board and which must have been successfully completed before a Student's enrolment in a particular Unit or Course offered by the faculty will be regarded as effective
- Unit Resources
- The Resources section is the area in CloudDeakin is where you will find all the learning resources posted by your lecturer which typically includes, unit guides, lecture notes, study guides, readings etc. Learn more about using unit resources in our CloudDeakin guides.
- Unit Team
- the lecturers and tutors of the unit from each campus. The Unit Team determines the content assembles the study materials and sets the assessment tasks for the unit.
- Universities Australia
- Universities Australia is the industry peak body representing the university sector (formerly AVCC).
- University Appeals Committee
A standing committee of Academic Board to hear and determine student appeals:
- academic appeals as specified in Regulation 5.3(1) (
- in relation to findings of General Misconduct.
- University body
- Council, the Academic Board, Faculty Boards, Institute Boards and their committees, and such other boards and committees as the University may from time to time establish.
- University Certificates
- academic awards of the University granted to students who complete the requirements of a university certificate; and
- University committees
Decisions affecting students are formulated, discussed and finalised at Deakin University Council and other University boards and committees. Student members play an important role on these groups. Serving on these groups can extend your networks and enhance your employment credentials.
Find out how you can get involved by contacting Governance or the Executive Dean office in your Faculty.
- University Council
- Council is constituted as the governing authority of Deakin University by the legislation which established the University.
- University documents
- documents relating to the University's functions, operations and activities, which have appropriate approval controls and University-wide application.
- University Entities
- Academic and other entities such as Faculties Schools Centres and Institutes Professorial Chairs or other significant academic positions programs and projects or any other entity not listed which may be recommended for naming after consultation with the Office of the Vice-President
- University Facilities
- campuses buildings rooms or outdoor spaces.
- University Handbook
- the official University publication in print electronic or other form containing details of courses and related information.
- University legislation, policy and procedures
- Information on legislation, policy and procedures at Deakin can be found online in the Legislation and policy library
- University Name
- the name 'Deakin University' and any name or description used by any of the University... controlled or associated entities.
- University Premises
- University Premises means any campus of the University or any property owned or occupied by the University, and includes any property or precincts or institution occupied or used by one or more Students in the course of or in relation to academic or practical work forming part of a course of study at the University.
- University property
- all land buildings vehicles facilities and other property owned or leased by or under the control of the University; but excluding student residences provided by Deakin.
- University Solicitor's Office
- Administrative division of Deakin University. The University Solicitor's Office provide legal advice and services to executive, academic and administrative staff on work-related issues and broader legal matters affecting the university.
- University travel
- travel for official University business that may be associated with attending conferences symposia or workshops expatriate postings Academic Study Leave (ASL) commercial business on behalf of the University student international placements and programs research or accredited fieldwork visiting fellowships overseas teaching marking and business development approved secondments grant-funded travel any other travel supported by the Vice-Chancellor.
- University traveller
- anyone who travels on behalf of the University on pre-arranged University business that is booked arranged by or approved by the University including but not limited to staff a dependent child or non-dependent family member accompanying staff who are engaged in University business members of Council consultants and contractors engaged by the University students other persons whose travel is associated with and/or paid for by the University.
- University Vehicle
- a vehicle owned by and registered in the name of the University that will either be assigned to a staff member allocated at a departmental level or be part of a central pool.
- Unreasonable behaviour
- behaviour that a reasonable person, having regard for the circumstances, would see as unreasonable, including behaviour that is victimising, humiliating, intimidating or threatening.
- Unsatisfactory Academic Progress
Students are considered to be at risk of unsatisfactory Academic Progress when:
- they have failed one or more units in a trimester, or
- they are unlikely to complete their course within the maximum period of study.
Students are considered to have made unsatisfactory Academic Progress when:
- they have failed at least 50 per cent of credit points in each of the preceding two (2) trimesters, or
- they have failed a unit twice, or
- they have failed a compulsory practicum or placement, or
- they will not complete their course within the maximum period of study.
- Unspecified consent
- Consent given for the use of one's human research data or tissue in any future research. The terms and wide-ranging implications of unspecified consent must be clearly explained to potential participants.
- Unspecified credit transfer
- Advanced standing granted in a Deakin course for previous studies when no comparable Deakin unit or units exist
- Username
- See usernames and passwords
- Usual workplace
- the traditional workplace and setting usually provided by the University at its premises.
- Vaccinations
- Deakin Medical Centres on campus offer a range of course related vaccinations, a seasonal flu vaccination program and a comprehensive range of travel vaccinations. Find out more from our vaccinations website.
- VC
- Vice-Chancellor
- Victorian Certificate of Education
- Victorian Education and Research Network - an advanced fibre network designed to meet accelerating bandwidth needs of the Victorian research and education sectors.
- Vocational Education and Training;
- VET Course
- a set of VET units of competency modules or a VET accredited course and delivered by or on behalf of Deakin Prime in accordance with the requirements of the VET Qualification Framework;
- VET Qualification Framework
- all of the standards and conditions imposed by the National VET Regulator for RTO registration under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Cth).
- VET Result
- the final outcome in a VET Unit of Competency awarded to a Participant based on the summation of assessment for that Unit of Competency;
- VET Unit of Competency
- the VET Unit in which participants enrol usually as part of a VET Course or program;
- Vexatious complaint
- A complaint that lacks substance and has been intentionally fabricated.
- Vice-Chancellor
- Executive head of an Australian university is the vice-chancellor who serves as the university equivalent of a chief executive officer. The vice-chancellor is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the university and reports directly to the University Council which the chancellor heads.
- Victorian Tertiary Entrance Requirements
- Victimisation
- Any form of detriment directed at a person for alleging, making or participating in, supporting or resolving a complaint of discrimination, sexual harassment or victimisation; or a person associated with a person who alleges, makes or participates in, supports or resolves a complaint of discrimination, sexual harassment or victimisation.
- Video Note
- Video Note allows you to record up to 3 minutes of video using your webcam. Learn more about using Video Note in our CloudDeakin guides.
- Visitor
- anyone engaged in lawful activity while at University campuses.
- Vista (Blackboard)
- Blackboard Vista is the primary application of Deakin Studies Online (DSO). It delivers web-based course material and assessment tasks. It facilitates communication and collaboration between staff and students by providing online links between academic teaching staff and students.
- Virtual Meeting Point. Used for video-conferencing and screen-sharing.
- Vocational Education and Training Awards
- academic awards of the University granted to students who complete all the requirements of a Vocational Education and Training (VET) course.
- Volunteering
- Opportunities for volunteering
- vPermit
- Long-term parking permits are available to all current students and staff which can be purchased online through vPermit. Long-term student permits are not valid at the Waterfront campus. Find out more about vPermit at our Parking website.
- Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre
- Victorian University International Tertiary Admissions Groups
- vulnerable
- In human research ethics 'vulnerable' and 'vulnerability' indicate participant groups or persons in circumstances that make them more susceptible to either coercion to participate or harm while participating in research. It may denote diminished capacity for judgement and decision making in the context of the research without necessarily implying diminished capacity at other times. It indicates a need for special care in recruitment consent and amelioration of harm.
- W
- Campus code for Warrnambool Campus
- W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
- W3C's mission is to 'lead the Web to its full potential' by developing Web standards. W3C consists of a staff of technical experts members and invited experts from the public. The larger webmaster community also has a role to play in providing input on the standards developed by W3C.
- Waiver of consent
- Where Deakin HREC waives the requirement for consent to be obtained before collecting or using research data. Eligibility is determined by various relevant privacy laws.
- Weighted average mark
- Waurn Ponds Estate (WPE)
- One of Deakin's corporate centres, Waurn Ponds Estate @ Deakin in Geelong is a new, distinctive boutique lodge that combines classic design, contemporary facilities and a tailored experience. It boasts technology-rich and sophisticated conference and meeting rooms, event spaces, urbane dining and stylish guest rooms. Find our more about Waurn Ponds Estate.
- WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)
- Developed by the W3C, WCAG is the widely accepted framework for creating accessible web content. It is split into three levels of conformance A, AA and AAA. Each level has a number of conditions and success criteria that must be met to satisfy conformance. The website will be deemed inaccessible against the chosen conformance level if it fails any one of these conditions as outlined in the WCAG 2.0 framework.
- WebBridge
- WebBridge is a button located against citations in many of the library's external databases e.g. EBSCOhost Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. This button provides context-sensitive links to related online resources that may be of interest; e.g. full text other library catalogues search engines. Further information relating to WebBridge may be found on the library website.
- weighted equivalent full-time student load
- Work experience in industry
- Weighted Average Mark (WAM)
- The weighted average mark (WAM) is a calculation of all your relevant unit outcomes within a course. The WAM is weighted by taking into consideration the credit points of a unit and the result. For how to calculate a WAM and more information visit our Weighted Average Mark website.
- Welfare Manager
- a person appointed by the Protected Disclosure Coordinator to perform the role described in Schedule A.
- WI
- Work Instruction
- Work integrated learning (WIL) is an opportunity for students to gain work experience and credit towards their degree.
- Will
- A legal declaration of a person's wishes regarding disbursement of their assets after death.
- Wireless access on campus
The Deakin University wireless network is called Eduroam. To connect to Eduroam for the first time, check your device's wireless network list, choose set up Deakin Wi-Fi and enter your Deakin username and password. Once you are set up, you will be able to connect to Eduroam at thousands of institutions around the world, nominated Deakin University partner sites and on campus.
Find out more about Deakin's internet and network services.
- Work Instruction Subject Expert
- Withdrawal
- Formal termination by a student of enrolment in a unit, component or course other than by intermission.
- Withdrawing from study
If you are considering withdrawing from study, you may find it helpful to talk with staff before you make your final decision. A Student Adviser, a counsellor, language and learning adviser or your unit chair will all be able to provide confidential advice.
Find out more at Intermit or discontinue.
- Withdrawing units
If you want to change your enrolment you need to do so via StudentConnect, which you can access from the top menu bar within DeakinSync. Check the University Handbook as changes to enrolment must be in keeping with relevant course and unit rules, so it is best to discuss this with a Student Adviser before making changes. Enrolment variations may also result in a reassessment of fees.
Find out more at change your enrolment details
- Witnessing of documents
- See Statutory Declarations and Document Certification.
- Wireless Local Area Network
- WordPress
- A blog is a popular web-based tool allowing people to publish their own posts. They are an engaging communication tool, offered via a number of user-friendly programs e.g. WordPress. The WordPress tool can also be used for evidencing and demonstrating professional capabilities. Learn more about using WordPress in our CloudDeakin guides.
- Work Experience in Industry
- Work undertaken by a student that is done as part of, or in connection with, a course of study undertaken with a provider, in respect of which student learning and performance is not directed by the provider, and the purpose of which is to obtain work experience relevant to the course of study.
- Work-group
- A group of people who come together for a short term task or project....or example a group of students who have been assigned a work task as part of their Unit who have a need to share information and collaborate.
- Worker
- staff and associates.
- Workforce Planning
The most common definition of Workforce Planning is 'having the right people, in the right place, with the right capabilities at the right time'.
Workforce Planning is about predicting future workforce needs, and ensuring that the staffing profile matches what is needed to deliver the activities that support the area objectives.
- Workplace
- Any place where a person attends for the purpose of carrying out any functions in relation to his or her employment. In the University context, this includes all work-related activities at all campuses as well as off-campus if the activities are directly related to a staff member's employment.
- Workplace bullying
- repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker or a group of workers that creates a risk to health and safety.
- X
- Campus code for online students
- Year
- The period from the first day of the first trimester in a given year to the last day of the third trimester.
- Youth allowance
- Centrelink payments for full-time students under 25 who are undertaking an approved course of education at an approved institution
- Zero credit point unit
- A unit which is undertaken as a core requirement for a course but does not contribute any credit points toward the course.