Supervisors that are there for you

You’ll be fully supported by a qualified team of at least two supervisors who will guide you through every stage of your degree. Our dedicated specialists are committed to growing your critical skills so you can turn your ideas into cutting-edge research. Find out the steps to connecting with an ideal, dedicated research supervisor who will guide you through every stage of your degree.

Find a research supervisor

It's an extremely supportive and engaging learning environment at Deakin. You feel like you’re not just a student, but more like you’re doing an internship and you’re learning from your colleagues.

Pamela Barhoun

Neuroscience research student

Integrity, ethics and compliance support

Deakin is committed to creating an environment in which research is always conducted in accordance with the highest ethical standards. We provide support and training in ethics so you can execute your research with confidence.

Fees, funding and scholarship support

Fees, funding and scholarship support

Did you know that if you’re an Australian citizen, New Zealand citizen, or permanent visa holder, you won’t need to pay tuition fees for your research degree? We have stipends above the university average, travel allowances and you might also be eligible for a tax-free scholarship to support you during your candidature.

Funding and grants for your research

Deakin researchers have access to national and international grants and schemes, including funding from industry, government, commercial collaborations and the University. We also provide candidates with academic, professional and practical support, including $5000 to disseminate research findings at an international conference.

Find out more about our project funding

Personalised funding search

When you join Deakin, you’ll have access to the Research Professional database, which contains a comprehensive list of funding opportunities for researchers from sponsors in Australia and overseas. We’ll help you set up a personalised funding search so you can receive weekly alerts.

Are you a current graduate researcher at Deakin?

Information, support and resources for current Deakin graduate research candidates can be found on our student site. You’ll find information on candidature, contacts, prizes, awards and support.

Find out how we support your research

Information hub for Deakin researchers

DeakinHub can be accessed by all Deakin researchers to find information on funding, managing projects, commercialising your research, reporting and data management, ethics and integrity, research contracts, defining outputs and more.

Current students login to DeakinHub

Supporting you at all stages of your research career

Our Researcher Development Academy provides a range of research training and professional development for graduate researchers, post-doctoral research fellows, early and mid-career researchers and supervisors, as well as senior academics.

Find out about our Researcher Development Academy

Your support team

Our team is dedicated to working with researchers, faculties, institutes and strategic research centres to increase the number of successful research grants and fellowships and facilitate the preparation and execution of research contracts and agreements.

We provide support for all competitive grant applications to, and awards from, the Australian Research Council (ARC), the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Philanthropic bodies and other sources.

Meet our team


*2022 Student Experience Survey, Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT)

Contact us

Join a community of more than 2000 world-leading research experts dedicated to making a difference. Email Deakin research or call our Admissions and Scholarships team with any questions.

Phone: +61 3 9244 5413

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