Teachers restraining autistic kids 'puts them in danger'
Research news
By Mary Gearin, ABC 7.30 Report.
A parent advocacy group wants an independent inquiry into allegations schools across Australia are using unnecessary force to restrain autistic children.
The ABC's 7.30 last night reported allegations that because of a lack of up-to-date training, some teachers and aides in special and mainstream schools are unnecessarily restraining disruptive children against guidelines from psychologists.
The program aired video showing an autistic schoolboy being restrained face down and prone on the ground four years ago, a manoeuvre that fails to meet the guidelines of the Australian Psychological Society.
Deakin University Associate Professor Keith McVilly says force is being used on disabled children in schools, even when they do not pose a threat to staff or themselves.
"These practices are placing our children in danger day-in and day-out. And also disturbingly the safety of our teachers and our teachers aides are also in danger," he said.
"These practices must change, they must stop now."