Research that solves global challenges

Guided by five interconnected research strengths, Deakin researchers work to find solutions to the world’s biggest challenges. Our research excellence spans our faculties and schools, institutes, centres and strategic partnerships. We work with some of the brightest people to translate high-quality research into tangible outcomes for society, culture and the economy.

Enabling a sustainable world

Enabling a sustainable world

Sustainability is at the heart of our university research – we’ve invested more than $30 million in sustainability-related research in 2023 alone. Our researchers are focused on innovative local and global sustainability solutions.

Advancing society and culture

Advancing society and culture

We take a contemporary approach to education, the arts and business to create a brighter and more inclusive future for everyone. We integrate First Nations knowledges to drive positive change in society and culture.

Designing smarter technologies

Designing smarter technologies

We are dedicated to developing human-centered technologies that address real-world challenges. We collaborate with partners to ensure our research helps address the needs of our local and global communities.

Improving health and wellbeing 

Improving health and wellbeing 

Good health underpins the success of any society. We're driving meaningful research to solve significant health challenges, improve healthcare systems and identify novel technological solutions.

Building safe and secure communities

Building safe and secure communities

No matter where people reside or work in the world, every citizen deserves to feel safe. Our researchers collaborate with industry and government to take preventative approaches to complex global security threats.

Work with world-leading experts

Whether you want to find a research supervisor, learn more about our academics, search Deakin staff, or partner with us – tap into the unrivalled expertise and established networks of Deakin’s world-class researchers.


#9 young uni for research quality worldwide


Researchers among top 1% globally


World-leading carbon fibre facility


Australia's largest applied AI Institute


Victoria's most advanced marine lab


Top 200 universities worldwide


Our research highlights

See how our researchers are across the University are leading innovative research to generate ideas and drive positive change. We lead bold initiatives that seek solutions beyond traditional research and organisational boundaries.

Pathway to carbon neutrality by 2025

Deakin’s renewable energy microgrid is providing substantial returns through research, teaching and learning opportunities. It’s also a core element in Deakin’s pathway to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025.

A guide for a diverse Australian workforce

Deakin researchers have launched a first-of-its-kind guide to help Australian employers hire refugees and asylum seekers. The guide forms the flagship project of the Centre for Refugee Employment, Advocacy, Training and Education.

Moving and learning for long-term health

Developed by experts from Deakin’s Institute of Physical Activity and Nutrition, Transform-Us! is a whole-of-school approach to physical activity, promoting movement throughout the day.

Our research institutes and centres

We bring together our collective expertise, technologies and resources to help drive positive change. Our world-renowned research institutes and centres solve some of modern civilisation’s most complex issues.

Learn more about our research institutes and centres

Partner with us

Whatever the size of your organisation, we can help you grow your ideas from concept to reality. Tap into the best and brightest minds when you partner with Deakin. With more than 500+ partnerships in 65 countries, working with Deakin means you’ll have access to our world-class facilities and a global network of experts and collaborators.

Learn more about partnerships

Contact us

We are committed to building resilient, vibrant and inclusive communities through innovative research. Find out how you can get involved for a brighter future.

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